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Friendly Stranger

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Posts posted by Friendly Stranger

  1. 12 hours ago, spectoral said:

    The problem I have with BoC is that they basically feed their fanbase statements like that in their rare interviews, declaring things like they have six albums worth of material, that they intend to release another album and it won't take as long as TH... bla bla bla... then they disappear for 7 more years and come off as men with no integrity, just riling up the fanbase with false hope for nothing. What's the point of that? I can understand not putting out an album in a decade, or ever again. But don't go out to the public and declare another one is coming and then not deliver. That's not fair and demonstrates an infuriating lack of integrity. What they do owe the fanbase is an update; even if it's via their label, even if it's bad news. "Look we know we said 8 years ago we were intending to put another album out, we also said we're rehearsing in our live space, but you know what, it's not going to happen, guys. We're literally not working on anything." or "We want you to know we're definitely still intending to release new material... we just can't put a timeframe on it except to say it will be this decade... oh and forget it, we're never doing a live show" or whatever. Saying you'll deliver something, then not delivering, makes them owe the fanbase an update. If they remained radio silent or said back then that "you know what, it might take us another 10-20 years if ever... we're more than happy to call our career a day with the most depressing, melancholic, nihilistic album we've ever created", then yes, I agree, they owe the fans nothing. That's the way to do it.

    I think it's as simple as they have real lives and families and just like anyone else, reprioritize based on what's happening in their lives. Shit happens and they don't really owe anyone an explanation. I'm just as thirsty for new music or even an update as anyone else, but I don't blame any musician or artist for putting other priorities first. My job sometimes isn't my #1 priority, and my hobbies are sometimes not my #1 priority. I took the whole '8 years' thing in stride and never felt like they had to be held to that statement. 

    They really don't do much riling up, so much as the BoC fanbase riles themselves up.

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  2. Without fail at least a couple times a year I lose my mind at how good Orbus Terrarum is, and how at the time the British press called it generic ambient music. Oxbow Lakes and White River Junction alone make it a transcendent album.

    its so, so good and has carried me through a lot of big moments in my life. Lots of late night meditative listens for sure. 

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  3. Happy Songs will always be my favorite Mogwai album because it came out during a really transformational year in my life.

    I revisited Young Team today for the first time in a while and I forgot how good it is!! Mogwai Fear Satan has gotta be their best album closer and arguments could be made for it being their best overall track. It fuckin rocks, man.

  4. 9 hours ago, beerwolf said:

    I did think to myself there’s no way on Earth they will take longer than last time. Hahah ? Wrong!!

    At least watmm is much less hostile and more chill than during Radio Silence. Things went South to the land of bonkers then. Was like an online bar fight that spilled out onto the street and joyrex was the sheriff ?


    They did suggest the album after THs wouldn’t take 8 years to come out, which gives us a couple months here. But of course life happens, so it’d be hard to blame anyone if they couldn’t uphold it. 

    id be over the moon just to see something in 2021. Hopefully about the planet healing. Or something more escapist and pastoral. Another apocalypse album would be too dour. Wonder what kind of mood the brother have been in these past couple years!

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  5. 7 hours ago, Joyrex said:

    Just thinking out loud - I can't recall any WARP artist saying they were done with the label (contractually or otherwise) - can you?

    I guess not so point taken, just denying the possibility that there won’t be anymore new boc material. I’m also just naively optimistic and enthusiastic about a new album but I forgot we don’t do that around here when it comes to boc, for some reason.

  6. 43 minutes ago, Joyrex said:

    WARP usually don't say either way, so it's hard to be sure.

    Oh my mistake, I thought they were on contract for at least one more. Must’ve been misinformed. Well anyways they are still listen under the artist roster. I refuse to believe they’re done until they say so. Which like, yea they are reclusive but they wouldn’t be keeping up with an online presence if they were done. 

  7. 4 hours ago, zero said:

    it'd be nice if they would pop up and say something, anything about wtf is going on with them. if they are no longer planning to release music then that's fine, just seems like a courtesy to all their fans to at least let us know that. I know they don't owe us shit, but c'mon...

    remember when TH was released in the Cali desert, and some warp rep said Mike/Marcus texted him to say they love us all? this is an odd way to show your love, by completely ignoring those who really dig them.

    I agree with you, and think about it more than is probably healthy and normal (obviously), but that’s never really been their M.O. 

    As long as they’re still officially with Warp it’s a safe bet they haven’t hung up their boots. I’m guessing life stuff happened and I’m sure the global pandemic didn’t help. 

    I hope they come back with an uplifting or more calming album next time around, given the anxiety and stress of recent years. Of course a weird cultish dark album would be acceptable too ?

    • Like 1
  8. I had a pretty vivid dream last night that a new BoC album came out, totally under the radar and was hyped only by late night public TV informercials. It wasn't space themed, the sound landed somewhere in between TCH and Geogaddi. Weird and ethereal. I listened to it the whole way through. Of course this morning I couldn't recall a single tune, but I know the dream happened. 

    What I'm saying is, I think something is coming. 

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  9. Would trade a few fingers and/or toes for Whitewater (in original form) on wax. Don’t think for a second I wouldn’t do it!

    I’m pretty lukewarm to these BoC “remasters”. I’m not saying the music needs to sound like shit, but I think the wornout cassette tape found under a stack of old phonebooks in the garage sound is a big part of their aesthetic and appeal. 

    Beggars can’t be choosers, though! I’d take official re-releases of their old catalog in any format.



  10. Man some really sinister sounding stuff in this clip, I’m really digging it. 

    Just gave Chewed Corners another spin tonight, it’s so great. As a grown man pretty fun to admit that “mountain island boner” is a top 15 Paradinas track for me. I’d forgotten this record came out like two weeks after Boards of Canada’s Tomorrow’s Harvest. And a few months prior we got Autechre - Exai.

    Here’s hoping 2021 is even close to as good of a music year as 2013....

  11. 14 minutes ago, Hugh Mughnus said:

    Ridiculously hyped for this tbh. Chewed corners and xtlp were fantastic and as much as I have loved the SoundCloud dump and the steady stream of archive albums I’ve been itching for new-new material. Very happy to know he’s still at it, as busy as he is running the label and being a family man!!

    This is awesome. Pls @Bambispill dem beans! ?

    I adore Chewed Corners. I’m digging this, whatever he’s playing. Lots of breaks. The second track in sounds familiar, is that from Xtlp? I knows it’s been on one of the previous releases.


    edit: nope! It’s from his Factmag mix a couple years ago. 51:30 mark


    So hyped!!

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