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Friendly Stranger

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Posts posted by Friendly Stranger



    Ahh such a great track! I remember seeing the Scintilli announcement/release of this track while I was waiting for a flight, I streamed this about 10 times in a row right up until takeoff. Even got the public shaming from the stewardess for not turning off my electronic devices.


    I will never tire of this one.


    I just re-listened to TH in its entirety with some new speakers for the first time in ages, and I was blown away. I wasn't expecting to be blown away or even to make it all the way through the entire album - and I didn't have to 'try' to get into it. I was just sucked in, and the music seemed far more layered and detailed than I remembered it. Actually, it's interesting to me that I used to find the album too minimalistic in comparison to their previous works and somewhat sonically/musically tame, because during this listen many of the tracks came across as ridiculously detailed and full of clever nuances. The album's structure seemed pitched brilliantly and the atmosphere was wonderfully potent. I love it when albums 'click' like this!


    I'm still waiting for this to happen. Just like you, when I listen to Geogaddi & Campfire Headphase, I hear layer upon layer upon layer of sonic beauty, yet when I listen to Tomorrow's Harvest, I'm just not getting that depth. It seems muddled and shallow to my ears. I'm sure it will hit me at some point too.



    It will. Keep listening.

  3. I'm counting on an EP or old material this year. But then again I count on something every year because I like to dream.


    I listened to Tomorrow's Harvest in full last night after work, and am still finding myself amazed by it. I approach it like a concept album or a soundtrack, and start to imagine a civilization falling into collapse. Each song represents a chapter in the film/book/story I'm imagining in my head. It's hard to articulate what I'm imagining, but that's really no different from other BoC releases.

    This is a special album for me and hits me in a way that's totally unique, as do their other albums. Just love the hell out of it.


    I'm a shameless BoC fanboy and I'm ok with that.



    damn, well guess I was wrong about him not being finished uploading tracks. Maybe he'll have the favorites mastered? Beggars can't be choosers I guess.



    Know what I'm not wrong about? 'Japan' is a straight up bonkers ass track, and every fan should appreciate every last piece of it. I have so many favorites in here it changes several times throughout the day.

    Yeah, it's also been around since 1993 ya doofus


    Cool? Guess that means I get to enjoy it more since it's my first time hearing it

  5. damn, well guess I was wrong about him not being finished uploading tracks. Maybe he'll have the favorites mastered? Beggars can't be choosers I guess.



    Know what I'm not wrong about? 'Japan' is a straight up bonkers ass track, and every fan should appreciate every last piece of it. I have so many favorites in here it changes several times throughout the day.

  6. I'm confident he just got busy with other things and isn't done. It wouldn't make sense for him to get up yesterday morning to upload a handful of songs he could've just uploaded the night before.


    I also think he's dropping these sequentially from oldest to new, and I'm still anticipating Drukgs/Analord/Syro??? era tracks.


    Just wishful thinking on my part, also I wouldn't call this a 'normal' week for my brain.

  7. dudes


    i remain confident he just got tied up, and is not finished uploading.


    Until then, I will continue brain dancing to 70s tune, Rough Beat Tune, et al.



    any by et al. i mean every other tune he uploaded. Can we talk about Sam's Car and Plinkyplonk for a second? There have been too many good uploads since then I think people have almost forgotten these wonderful delights

  8. I don't have any more evens with which to can't



    This is so spot on, best comment of the thread so far


    Whenever I cross Rough Beat Tune I do this little arm shuffle like the gears/rods moving on a train and then i bounce in my work chair a bit, then i do this thing where i roll my eyes like im zoning out, then i have to pretend like im not doing all then when my coworkers walk by

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