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Posts posted by olo

  1. FYI


    "There’s a fluidity".
    Iconic Star Wars character Lando Calrissian identifies as pansexual, a Solo: A Star Wars Story writer has confirmed.
    Writer Jonathan Kasdan confirmed the character’s sexuality after speculation from fans that has endured in the years since Lando first appeared on the big screen.
    “I would say yes”, Kasdan replied when asked by The Huffington Post.
    Kasdan’s comments came ahead of the release of Solo, which sees Donald Glover playing a younger iteration of the character after he was initially portayed by Billy Dee Williams.
    “There’s a fluidity to Donald and Billy Dee’s [portrayal of Lando’s] sexuality. I mean, I would have loved to have gotten a more explicitly LGBT character into this movie”, Kasdan explained.





    on the other hand, last man on earth still delivers, laughs from start to finish... curious about what's gonna happen on the next season...

    Sorry dude, got canceled. Mighty big cliffhanger to get no closure with eh.


    really? wtf... i thought people were enjoying it as much as i was...



    Fox decided Last man standing was the way to go. 


    Forte said he planned on next season being the last, and wrapping everything up. Fox decided to give you Tim Allen.


    favorite part of trailer - kid gets predator arm sheathing mailed to him & contacts predators.

    pew pew



    looks like the trailer implies the kid is actually navigating the ship. awesome. kid kills predators off the bat, movie voided.

  4. Legion - It was Legion going full Legion. Multiple universes of David unfolded. Not sure why they were unfolding & there was no resolution. If there was resolution I missed it. One of the Davids stories coincides with the David we have seen since the series inception. But, are the other David multiverse selves just as valid?

    I love this show, but this shit gon' get canceled. Anybody that knows the track that comes in at the end of the cold open, please let me know. Got stuck in my head.


    mentally compacting a cop / 10

  5. ^ Dude, his supporters aren't going to tire of him. As Blain once said, "The SOB is dug in like an Alabama tick". Living in the ground zero that is Macomb County, his support is alive and well. His last rally brought a ton of trumpanzees. My wife works in the medical field, and is losing her mind with John Q public. Their support is unwavering. How she makes it through her days listening to the diatribe is commendable. And the most telling part to me is, listening to an African American radio station from time to time, support for the orangeman in the black community of Detroit, is inexplicably growing. (well, not quite inexplicable. when it comes down to it, people just care about money. His tax cut and the job market are working to his favor) 


    2020 is gonna be grim if the Dems don't get their head out of their ass.



    speaking of horror movies, anybody seen this? i'm afraid it's too much for my stomach...




    I watched it. It was basically a "meh" + shrug. A quick watch I guess. Not really that much stomach turning. Maybe one moment in the trailer is a little squirmy with that old knife in the eye. 

  7. Trump is holding a rally in a Washington Twp.. It's a rather affluent area near  where I live in the good old burbs of Detroit. I'm curious as to the turnout for this event. I would contend he still has broad support in Macomb County to this day. If the turnout is strong, I will be in fear for 2020. (minus all his legal troubles/hookers pissing on one another mind you)


    So this banner made it to the above mentioned orangeman rally. I'm shook. Support is still strong in Michigan. 2020 scares me bigly.






    so good



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