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Posts posted by olo

  1. The hits keep coming from my state...


    Confederate flag protest moves to public park after school closes



    AUBURN, MI -- For the third straight day, some Bay City Western High School students and some adults gathered to publicly wave Confederate flags, as the controversy that has sparked racial tension in the small town of Auburn receives national attention.
    This time, the demonstration took place in Auburn City Park off US-10. Bay City Western High School, where the protests have taken place the past two days, was closed Thursday, April 19, due to rumors people were coming to the high school to confront other students. Bay City Western Middle School, which is connected to the high school, was also closed. 
    Several pickup trucks flying the Confederate flag were arranged in a semicircle at the public park on Thursday. Those in attendance were holding a cookout.
    The students and their parents expressed hostility to MLive reporters at the scene, saying they've been painted as racist. Student Cameron Myers, insisting he's not racist, reiterated he and his friends are flying the flag as "a country thing."
    He did not define what "a country thing" meant.
    Myers said he and his friends began flying the flags this week in response to a previous flag of his being removed from his truck while parked on school property by a black female classmate.
    "We're flying the flag because of injustice," Myers said. He declined to specify why he was motivated to have initially flown the flag from his truck the prior week.
    "It looks cool in the mirror," he said.
    His friends argued the flag is "part of American history."
    In a Snapchat video taken by a Western student acquired by MLive, footage depicts at least three males in a vehicle recording the flags' demonstration. At one point, one of the males can be heard swearing and using a racial slur as text appears on screen stating "Fly em high boys."
  2. getting hung up on the bear design is ridiculous.


    That cg was shit. And the creature design is wrong. The head was terrible.

    The show is fine, but they completely changed Lady Silence. I suppose they had to, due to being 10 episodes. Too many characters, not enough time...

    She's much more ominous/mystical in the book. It's Dan Simmons, I get it...this is one of those cases where the book is better. (so far)


    Spoiler about the bear


    it ain't a bear.


  3. Re: IQ , how would the participants in this thread rate tool in terms of complexity compared to something like Meshuggah , or Something completely different , Isis ? I have listened to a fair bit of technical /avant metal and never understood the praise Tool gets from this perspective . I love Aenima and lateralus but see this more as straight out alt rock


    By Prog standards, no where near the best. They use wonky time signatures, and are good musicians on the other hand. Carey being my favorite from the group.(Not really going on a limb with that one.) When Tool finds a groove in a track, that groove tends to be strong. There's a ton of bands more complex in theory, musicianship & song structure.

  4. Trump is holding a rally in a Washington Twp.. It's a rather affluent area near  where I live in the good old burbs of Detroit. I'm curious as to the turnout for this event. I would contend he still has broad support in Macomb County to this day. If the turnout is strong, I will be in fear for 2020. (minus all his legal troubles/hookers pissing on one another mind you)

  5. President Trump wanted then-FBI Director James Comey to investigate the infamous pee-tape allegations to reassure First Lady Melania Trump that he hadn’t actually paid Russian hookers to urinate on a hotel bed, the former top G-man claims in his new book.
    “He brought up what he called the ‘golden showers thing’ . . . adding that it bothered him if there was ‘even a 1 percent chance’ his wife, Melania, thought it was true,” Comey writes in “A Higher Loyalty.”
    “He just rolled on, unprompted, explaining why it couldn’t possibly be true, ending by saying he was thinking of asking me to investigate the allegation to prove it was a lie. I said it was up to him.”



    oh boi. oh boi.

  6. actually wish it was a bit longer to flesh out the characters more. great soundtrack as well. no desire to read the book.


    This is where the novel succeeds. There are several other characters that have more prominent roles, but have barely been touched. They're kinda hamstrung with a 10 part series. You just can't touch on many other characters. They're focusing on the main ones at this point.


    (i spoiler things)


    this thing exactly bothered me a lot, it felt way more succinct than it should have been, many scenes had a summary like quality of what was supposed to be fleshed out, and not just the characters. for example that long haul on the ground somehow didn't even feel arduous. i understand that it's very repetitive and dull, but they still should have spent some more time with it to get the feel right.some of the production wasn't that great though, the movement of the beast was quite phony in the climatic scene, and back on ice the open environments often looked very studio like, like something was off with the lighting, took me out of it quite a few times.


    In the novel, things take quite a bit more time & yes, are more arduous. I agree with the open ice environments, especially at night. Definitely has the production stage feel. I'll give props to the use of northern lights though. I also liked the look of the sun just skimming the horizon in one scene. Such foreboding. I'm hoping they give better treatment to "the bear",I was expecting more from it at this point... hopefully when it storms the ship.

    i couldn't follow it, stopped halfway, need to get back to it...


    I cannot argue this. But, even in it's wtf-ness, I'm fully in. I got faith in Mr. Hawley that he will tie it up in an understandable narrative. The production elements are ace, love the soundtrack & sound design. This show blends so many different genre elements, I can't help but be entertained by the confusion.



    About halfway through the episode I actually said it out loud, "this shit's getting cancelled".



    lol yes. I'd love for F/X to see it through. As I stated above, I hope Hawley ties things together and not just have us fall further into this rabbit hole of narrative madness.

  8.  i see it's based on a dan simmons book. not a good sign, but we'll see.


    Actually for Dan Simmons, I rather liked it. Overstuffed yes, but held my interest.

    As I stated, the show runners already changed things. Curious to see how that plays out.

    Things will start picking up come the third episode. They already burned through a ton of the book by the end of episode 2.

  9. studiofire1-225x300.jpg


    Danny’s drum altar burst into flames the other night after he finished tracking one of the tunes for the new TOOL ALBUM.  This occurred while he was listening to the playback and contemplating if this should be the KEEPER TRACK or if he should try one more take.  After smelling acrid fumes coming from the adjoining room, he rushed to check it out and realized that his drum altar was ablaze.   

    The small fire was quickly extinguished,  but not before the Egyptian  tutelary deity HORUS suffered minor damage.  The falcon-headed one was carefully transported to the ER where it was administered doses of super glue and later released.  Afterwards it was decided that the track in question would be a keeper.   I’m also happy to report that Horus (with the good ear!) is now back on the altar where he continues to provide “as only he can.” (to quote Danny.)


  10. cautiously intrigued by "the terror"'s first episode. just recently i was looking for something to scratch that itch that "master and commander" left, possibly the only good film about 19th century big time sailing, with all of the 19th centurisms, interesting crew dynamics and colorful characters, good production and a sense of adventure. and it looks like this one gets a lot of the feels and production right, though there probably won't be much sailing and a quite a bit of horror instead. but i'm cool with that, just hoping they won't blow their load with the early episodes as it often happens quite a lot recently.


    I'm hopeful, but I was disappointed with some of the changes they have made so far. Liked the novel better in that regard. The major change is the inuit woman cannot speak in the book, it gives her a far more ominous tone in the novel in how she is treated on the page. Seems like they're scraping that sadly. By the cold open, looks like their gonna scrap the ending of the novel as well. But, the production, score & acting are all solid so far. 

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