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Posts posted by olo

    Donald J. Trump‏Verified account 
    Just watched a very insecure Oprah Winfrey, who at one point I knew very well, interview a panel of people on 60 Minutes. The questions were biased and slanted, the facts incorrect. Hope Oprah runs so she can be exposed and defeated just like all of the others!








  2. (CNN)
    Russia-linked bots are promoting pro-gun messages on Twitter in an attempt to sow discord in the aftermath of the Florida school shooting, monitoring groups say.
    Hashtags, topics, and URLs related to the shooting overwhelmingly feature in the tweets pushed by these automated Twitter accounts in the past 48 hours, according to Hamilton 68, a tool launched by the Alliance for Securing Democracy to track what it describes as "Russian propaganda and disinformation efforts online."
    The Alliance is a group housed at The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) think tank to "defend against, deter, and raise the costs on Russian and other actors' efforts to undermine democracy and democratic institutions," according to their mission statement.
    The group does not disclose which accounts it tracks and CNN has not independently verified its findings.
    Among the hashtags and topics related to the shooting are #falseflag, #fbi, #gunreformnow, #fbigate, #parklandschoolshooting, the name of the shooter -- Nikolas Cruz -- and Florida.
    Another bot-tracking website, Botcheck.me, reports that all but one of the top two-word phrases used in the past 24 hours by 1,500 political propaganda bots were connected to the shooting: "gun control," "Nikolas Cruz," "school shooting," "school shooter" and "fake news." The exception was "President Trump."
    Related: Hundreds of new Twitter accounts push #ReleaseTheMemo
    Hashtags calling for gun reform and gun control are also topping the list. Unlike Hamilton 68, which targets bots related to the Russian government, Botcheck.me tracks accounts that generally spread political propaganda.
    Cybersecurity and media experts are not surprised that trolls and bots are leveraging the Florida school shooting to cause divisions.
    "This pattern of divisive propaganda is becoming a staple in information warfare fueled by social media, but it isn't exactly new," Marco T. Bastos, researcher at City, University of London and co-author of a paper on a network of pro-Brexit bots, told CNN. "Similar campaigns can be traced to at least 2014."
    In 2014-15, a large number of accounts controlled by Russian quasi-state units were mostly focusing on reinforcing domestic opinions, according to Christo Grozev, senior researcher at New Bulgarian University's Risk Management Lab and an author at investigations website Bellingcat.
    Grozev has been tracking approximately 400 Twitter "troll" accounts that were disclosed as part of a Russian leak in 2014.
    The "identities" of the accounts have changed over time. Currently they contain a mix of French and Spanish/Catalan identities, suggesting they had been repurposed as needed, Grozev said.
    The reason why these accounts seize on shootings like the Parkland school one is not ideological, but to amplify "extreme and divisive causes" in a bid to create "a distracted and weakened US government," Grozev said.
    "Gun control is simply one of those causes," he said. "It is not in any way an ideological preference for Russia to have less gun control in the US. It is, however, the perfect divisive cause."
    If the intent is not ideological but to sow discord in American society, that could help explain why Russian-related bots are spreading hashtags calling for gun control laws and reforms.
    "Such hashtags serve mostly as bait: they serve to attract 'opposing view' readers, which results in explosive and discordant online mutual shouting -- in place of any reasonable debate, which would not be in the interest of Russia," Grozev said.



    Russia...just release the goddamn piss tape already and stop the fucking around.

  3. Srry Joshua those are all fake people, crisis actors for the dems.




    I posted a vid in the orange potato thread that had a comment section full of beyond fucktard comments like that. I'm all for shutting down social media & comment sections at this point. I'm fascist like that.


    The orange potato will be speaking on this today. He will ramble on about it being a mental issue not a gun issue. Ok...thanks...bye.

    Great...then do something about mental health care mouth breather.

    I actually think the mental health angle is partly accurate. Problem being, it's stupid to give mentally unstable people easy access to assault style rifles. 



    ofcourse. good luck convincing the NRA of that. Mentally unstable are some of their biggest customers...

  5. Take with many grains of salt, but Pence sounds as crazy as I perceive him to be.


    Omarosa warns America of 'scary' Pence
    Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman cautioned Monday night that Americans pining for the impeachment of President Donald Trump should reconsider their wishes, because Vice President Mike Pence is "scary."
    "Can I just say this? As bad as y’all think Trump is, you would be worried about Pence,” Manigault told her housemates on Celebrity Big Brother in an episode that aired on Monday.
    She continued: “ We would be begging for days of Trump back if Pence became President, that’s all I’m saying. He’s extreme."
    Manigault, a former contestant on NBC's "The Apprentice," which Trump hosted for years, left the White House in December after a brief stint as director of communications for the Office of Public Liaison.
    This is not the first time that the former aide has made headlines on the show. Manigault previously said that she was "haunted" by the president's tweets and said the nation would "not be OK."
    Responding to her concerns, principal deputy press secretary Raj Shah said that the White House does not take her views very seriously.
    "Omarosa was fired three times on 'The Apprentice,' and this was the fourth time we let her go," Shah said last week. "She had limited contact with the president while here. She has no contact now."
    Manigault said that Pence believes Jesus Christ tells him to say certain things, a view that she mocked.
    "I’m Christian, I love Jesus, she said, "but he thinks Jesus tells him to say things — I’m like, ‘Jesus didn’t say that.’ Scary.”




    I've lived in Philadelphia most of my adult life & a drunk man in an Eagles jersey literally eating shit is the most Philly thing I can possibly think of.



    Dude, I've always believed Phili sports fans to be the worst in all of sportsdom. Well U.S sportsdom at least.

    What the hell is in the water there? Did it all start with the vid below & each generation ratchets up the awful to outdo the previous generation in assholedom?






    I just hope they don't drive Star Wars into the ground to the point people are so sick of it they have to come to a full stop and there's no Star Wars...



    Bahaha. I've been in this camp for a good while.



    I think everyone who is over 14 and doesn't have terminal autism is in this camp



    Took me longer, but I worked the 12 step program to success.


    I just hope they don't drive Star Wars into the ground to the point people are so sick of it they have to come to a full stop and there's no Star Wars...



    Bahaha. I've been in this camp for a good while. Was a big fan as a kid & into young adulthood. Then I got wise & realised it's utter shit. Haven't seen TFA or TLJ. Saw R1 and was like "Fuck this, I'm out".

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