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Posts posted by olo

  1. Watched the new It. Was very strange, they didn't seem to know what the direction or tone or audience was going to be so they went at ALL possible. Stupid ~201X era horror movie scares and set pieces, dumb humor and moments and entire sections literally designed for young teenagers (can't imagine anyone over 17 not cringing at some of that), gore and themes designed for older teens/20somethings, about 2 dozen big scary action sequences of varying lengths (maybe wrapped into the 201X-era horror tropes), playing regularly to fans of the original film/miniseries, trying to hype up everything and trying to make the whole cast into superheroes almost, lots of let's show off our effects shots, just....too fucking much. This is maybe because of the source material, be it the book or the script, but I have a feeling it has a fuckton more to do with this being a written-by-committee sort of thing (speculation). Actors all did the best they could, I guess? I dunno though. Pennywise was sufficiently creepy and scary...at first. Then after seeing him piddle about on the screen for what felt like an hour I sorta just realized he was a comic book villain in this. I mean, I know most movie-goers are aware of the plot of the film going in, the book/movie having been as big as they are, so I was hoping they would twist some stuff up, throw in a few curveballs, lead with a little mystery or something...everything was fucking telegraphed and laid out in literal writing at times. Like I said, it seems like they did some of this to cater to 11 year olds, but this was definitely an R-rated content sort of film? Not even like, R-rated but only because of a moment or two and a couple cuss words, but definitely R-rated violence, themes, etc.


    I just don't think they knew who this was for, failed pretty badly imo. Have zero interest in watching the follow up that's on the way, though I'm sure I'll see it eventually on the small screen. 3 and a half blood-cleaning montages out of 10


    Haha. I can see where you're coming from with many of your points, but I quite liked it in spite of that. I thought the kids were well cast and did a good job. Sorry, I liked the New Kids jokes. I'm a sucker for "kids taking on a seemingly unbeatable villain" type flick.  Was it scary, naw. But, what is nowadays? ...though,I thought the phony Modigliani painting was a nice touch. There's always been something unsettling to me about his art.

  2. < sorry mate


    Google gave Tool fans the shock of their lives this morning (July 16) by informing everyone the band's new album had been released. With a Google Alert, countless fans were sent into a frenzy, only to realize it wasn’t the “Tool” they were hoping for.
    Imagine how many fans have a Google Alert for Tool set up, just so they could get the scoop on the elusive new album in real time. For a second, Tool followers believed that sacred day had finally arrived, as Google alerted them, “lllutionWorld by Tool was released today,” followed by a list of songs featured on the record:
    Turns out IllutionWorld does exist, but it’s by a Soundcloud rapper called TOOL$. Ouch. 


    edit: pb

  3. With Terry Gilliam finally getting Quixote out, this quote may be appropriate here. Suck it Ridley.


    "Alien is just a ghost train where something jumps out and you don’t know who’s going to die next. When I watched the first Alien, all I kept saying was, 'just kill them all and be done with it,' because you just know that they’re all going to die along the way. In the end, Sigourney Weaver, who we’ve established is a really tough military officer, is running around in her underwear trying to find a cat. Give me a f-king break. There are some great moments in it, but the shot that should’ve never been in the film is the one at the end showing the alien getting blown out of the airlock. You see the alien, and it’s just a guy in a rubber suit. Up until then, you only saw bits of the alien, and it seemed to be huge and vast and terrifying. That was so clever. It was like the shark in Jaws. I told Ridley, 'You don’t want that shot of the alien at the end. Cut it!'"


  4. It's not the first time I've heard "yeah, Donnie's going down!"


    Because he's still seemingly invincible right now. I just don't wanna get excited about the possibility of him getting ousted until we know for sure.


    I find the possibilty of all the things and people Donnie has skirted, slithered, deflected, etc...that it would be Tom Arnold to take him down. It's an episode of South Park.

  5. Don't worry guys. Tom Arnold's on it. Game over orangeman.



    Tom Arnold—the actor and comedian who’s on a mission to find incriminating video of President Trump—tweeted a photo of himself with Michael Cohen late Thursday, saying “this dude has all the tapes.” Trump’s longtime attorney, who retweeted the photo, apparently talked to Arnold for a Vice show which is to be called “The Hunt for the Trump Tapes.” Arnold told NBC News about the meeting: “We’ve been on the other side of the table and now we’re on the same side. It’s on! I hope [Trump] sees the picture of me and Michael Cohen and it haunts his dreams.” He didn’t say if Cohen handed over any salacious evidence, but said: “This dude has everything... I say to Michael, ‘Guess what? We’re taking Trump down together, and he’s so tired he’s like, ‘OK,’ and his wife is like, ‘OK, fuck Trump.’” Cohen is under investigation by federal prosecutors for his business dealings, including a hush-money payment to adult-film star Stormy Daniels who alleges that she had an affair with Trump.



    really enjoyed this, sci-fi,cult,time warping,head fuck of a movie,the two main leads direct,and use the low budget really well, 7.5/10


    It's been on my radar. They did an AMA on reddit recently. Seem like good dudes. They do basically everything in regards to making their films. Gotta give it to em'.

  7. Protesters who interrupted the president during his rally with supporters in Duluth, Minnesota, got the Donald Trump treatment.
    “Oh we have a single protestor, there we go. Goodbye, darling,” Trump said as his supporters in their red “Make America Great Again” hats cheered.
    “So we have a single protestor, he’s going home to his mom. Say hello to mommy. And tomorrow, the fake news will say tomorrow, massive protests at the Trump rally. One person. Massive protests.”
    A couple of minutes later, another protester appeared in the crowd holding up a photo of Trump with his former friend Jeffrey Epstein, the disgraced billionaire financier and convicted pedophile. On the picture of the two men was the caption: “Who is Jeffrey Epstein?”
    “Get ‘em outta here. Go home to your mom, darling. Go home,” Trump said as security made their way to the man, who was near to Trump at the front of the crowd.
    Trump supporters booed as the man was escorted through the rally, still holding up the photo of Trump and Epstein, and chanted “USA!”
    “Was that a man or a woman because he needs a haircut more than I do?” Trump said as his fans cheered. “Couldn’t tell, couldn’t tell. I couldn’t tell. Needs a haircut.”



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