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Posts posted by olo

  1. Just watched episode 1 of Legion, thought it was pretty good. Don't usually like DC / Marvel TV series but it was well made, great soundtrack and the hour flew by. Hopefully the series holds up, only 8 parts which is good.


    I enjoyed Legion. Kinda confusing for a few episodes, but it all comes together. 


    Watched a few episodes of GLOW,  pretty much what Eugene said. Although, I didn't think it was all that funny...so actually, not quite what Eugene said. 

  2. Sad thing is, he still got widespread support in my area. The turd that is Macomb county, MI.

    My Wife constantly gets the "when you grow up, you'll change your mind" at her work from patients in regards to not being a Repub. All the geezers are still behind Drumpf.

    Dems better get back to their roots and back fast, or it's gonna be 8 years.

  3. even awesomer news


    Phil Lord and Chris Miller reportedly concerned studio bosses with their 'screwball comedy angle'
    The recently departed Star Wars Han Solo spin-off directors were reportedly sacked for turning the classic franchise character into one more akin to Jim Carrey’s Ace Ventura, according to new reports.
    Last week, directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller left the prequel project after reportedly experiencing “deep fundamental differences” with Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy and scriptwriter Lawrence Kasdan.
    However, a Star Wars fansite now claims that the directors’ “screwball comedy angle” was “starting to interfere with what the character of Han Solo is really about”.
    Alden Ehrenreich’s portrayal of a young Han Solo is described in the report as being “oddly comparable to Jim Carrey’s performance in Ace Ventura at times”.
    It is further claimed that lead star Ehrenreich “let his concerns be known to one of the producers, who then told Kennedy about it, which led to her decision to look over the existing footage.”
    This led to Kennedy and Kasdan becoming “deeply concerned” with the direction of the film, according to an anonymous source.
    It follows another recent report that acting coaches were hired to mentor Ehrenreich after studio bosses became unsatisfied with the performance that they had received.
  4. yeah I really enjoyed everything about the first season except the Preacher himself, absolute yawnfest whenever he's on screen


    is S2 on Amazon? Need to get back in to it


    Just started airing on AMC June 25th. Weekly airing.


    Pretty much like the comics now, just a violent road trip romp. Very darkly humorous. A suicide montage had me rolling at the end.

  5. duuuuh duh, duh duh duh duuuuh duh...


    The Star Wars Han Solo spin-off has reportedly descended into further chaos, after it was claimed that acting coaches were hired to mentor leading actor Alden Ehrenreich.
    Last week, directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller left the origins project after reportedly experiencing “deep fundamental differences” with Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy and scriptwriter Lawrence Kasdan.
    Now, it’s claimed that acting coaches were brought in during their time on the project after studio bosses became unsatisfied with the performance that they had received from leading man Alden Ehrenreich.
    A report in the Hollywood Reporter claims: “Not entirely satisfied with the performance that the directors were eliciting from Rules Don’t Apply star Alden Ehrenreich, Lucasfilm decided to bring in an acting coach. Hiring a coach is not unusual; hiring one that late in production is.”
    Hollywood veteran Ron Howard will now instead helm the film – which is scheduled for release in May next year.
    Despite their departure, however, a source claims that the material that they have already filmed is ‘very usable’.




    Preacher S2 ep1 -  An enjoyable road romp with sex and violence. I think I'm in love with Ruth Negga.


    Does Dominic Cooper have more than one facial expression yet



    Naw, still one. As a title character, I don't much care for him. However, I enjoy the rest of the cast who I feel makes up for his lack of persona.

    Watched ep.2 last night. Good fun.


    too much heroin/10

  7. Ridley let some info slip during the Covenant press tour.

    Alien: Covenant came and went like a flash in the pan. Heading into 2017, it was one of the most buzzed about sequels being released, but that buzz fizzled pretty quickly and it didn't translate to box office success. That hasn't stopped Ridley Scott from having some very big plans for the Alien franchise, which includes at least one prequel to the original Alien that will take place after the events of Alien: Covenant. Now, thanks to a newly surfaced interview clip, some story details for Alien: Awakening, the proposed Alien: Covenant sequel, have surfaced.
    The clip made its way online via the Ding Dan YouTube channel, and it appears to be an interview that Ridley Scott did prior to the release of Alien: Covenant. In the video, the director talks about where the story for the sequel, currently titled Alien: Awakening, will go. He doesn't reveal too much, but it's a lot more than we knew previously. Here's what he had to say about it.
    "We're being written now. There'll be three or four different players coming in to investigate. One of which will be the Engineers arriving back to find their planet decimated. I think those ships come and go on regular intervals. I see them as the gardeners of space. Where we go next is obvious. We're gonna actually go to the planet. In so doing...I'm not going to tell you the story!"



    Sadly Covenant performed dismally. May not get your chance old man.

  8. Fargo - Season/possible series finale.


    Completely satisfied with the conclusion. The last few weeks have been great and this episode delivered imo. Some lovely scenes and cinematography.


    - Mr. fucking Wrench. 

    - Warehouse sequence was money

    - Man Nikki is hawt. Sadly she had to take a shot at the cop, before she could finish her mission. 

    - Varga & Burgles scene played out fantastic. Love the ambiguous ending. But, her smiling and "her" music playing at the end left me thinking the universe was gonna give   her the win. Did the time on the clock mean anything?


    wonder what Chuck's will situation was, can't imagine if he had time to think about it before his final decision he'd have left it all to Jimmy, perhaps not without a condition that he stopped practicing law or something, he may have written him out long ago though as well. some of that HHM payoff would certainly help him and Kim get back on their feet, doesn't seem likely though.



    Interesting thought. A guy like Chuck would definitely have a will. If the writers do include that in the next season, I'd assume it would go to his ex-wife and probably institutions he valued. Doubtful Jimmy was included.

  10. 10 bucks says they left because she was trying to get them to put in a death star


    star wars movies have to have death stars right?


    lol. I've been banging on about this forever.


    should have started with a death moon, then death planet, then death star, then tandem death star. Guess George blew it by starting with episode 4 first. Idiot.

  11. A decent conclusion to the season. Not much action wise, but some quality scenes nonetheless.


     - Howard's "Thank's Chuck, but go fuck yourself" move was lovely. No more being Chuck's punching bag.

     - Irene/Eileen got her girls back. Yeah!

     - Chuck telling Jimmy "You just never mattered to me" was c-c-c-cold. Not necessarily true, because of the mementos in Chuck's den going back to the cold open.

     - For as smart as Chuck is, instead of bashing holes all throughout the house to find the power draw, all he had to do was pull the meter off the house. No power will be        going to the home. C'mon Chuck.

     - Gus, c'mon man. Wouldn't he be a little worried being seen with Hector? I mean the cops have to have an idea who Hector is...


    A nice Easter egg call back to BB. Jimmy & Kim looking at his painted wall, Jimmy - "We'll get a better wall" 

    I'm assuming alluding to his Lady liberty/constitution wall from his future office.


    How do things go bad between Kim & him is on deck for season 4 according to the showrunners.

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