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Posts posted by olo




    $36 mil. US gross.


    Uh-oh. Poor Ridley...

    But $81,881,862 overseas...
    Wasn't sure what overseas was.


    pretty much broke even then? thought the movie cost $100mil. Will there be a sequels???

    Yes. Four more to be exact.






    Well, when the studio's bottom line comes into play, they may be hiding their wallets from Ridley if Covenant doesn't perform well. Prometheus made $400 mil. I guess it will hit the $200 maybe 300 mark, so sadly...yes.

  2. Ugh...

    “Without the results of toxicology tests, we do not know what was going on with Chris—or if any substances contributed to his demise,” the Cornell family said.
    The 52 year-old Soundgarden frontman had a prescription for Ativan, the family said, and may have taken a higher dosage. Attorney Kirk Pasich noted that Ativan can cause paranoid or suicidal thoughts, slurred speech and impaired judgement.
    Ativan is a tranquilizer and anti-anxiety medication that is sometimes used as a sleeping aid.
    His death was ruled a suicide by hanging by the local medical examiner, but Cornell’s family called the mentions of suicide “disturbing.”
    “When we spoke after the show, I noticed he was slurring his words; he was different,” his wife added. “When he told me he may have taken an extra Ativan or two, I contacted security and asked that they check on him.”



  3. officially ruled suicide. no auto erotic


    DETROIT - The Wayne County Medical Examiner has complete the autopsy for Chris Cornell who was found dead  Wednesday night inside his Detroit hotel bathroom.
    Cornell's cause of death has been determined as hanging by suicide. Sources tell Local 4 he was found with a band around his neck.


    This season of Fargo seems much more suited for binge watching, I viewed both previous seasons that way and it was very engrossing. It's just a slow paced show that ramps up gradually, but that sex tape was some funny shit.


    The bus scene was pretty humorous. How does F/X get to use "fuck" without censoring. That was a lot of "fucks".

    Things are starting to set up nicely. Thewlis is doing some nice work. Though, the chick who got whooped up at the end seemed like a cop-out. Thought she would have been more fucked up.


    I remember in Mr Robot, they would censor every mention of the word fuck, but would leave cunt out there in the open.



    Funny you mention that, I thought I remember them not censoring "Fuck" on that show either. 

  5. This season of Fargo seems much more suited for binge watching, I viewed both previous seasons that way and it was very engrossing. It's just a slow paced show that ramps up gradually, but that sex tape was some funny shit.


    The bus scene was pretty humorous. How does F/X get to use "fuck" without censoring. That was a lot of "fucks".

    Things are starting to set up nicely. Thewlis is doing some nice work. Though, the chick who got whooped up at the end seemed like a cop-out. Thought she would have been more fucked up.

  6. I got a friend of a friend, who knows this guy that lived next to the studio where they were tracking at. He said, although take this with a grain of salt, that the new album sounded, and I'm quoting him here...





    "mmm, it sounded pretty cool I guess."



  7. Pretty good episode last night touching on all the show players. Chuck got his courage up after some Macallan?, Nacho is at a fork in the road, Mike gotta pour some concrete, Kim...is well, Kim, Gus is looking to buy a familiar factory & a Saul Goodman is born...with star wipes.

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