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Posts posted by olo



    Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
    Comey lost the confidence of almost everyone in Washington, Republican and Democrat alike. When things calm down, they will be thanking me!








    Trumps twitter is a great read.

  2. more negative reviews:


    Alien: Covenant is déjà vu all over again. The sequel to Prometheus and sixth film in the franchise is a straight rehash of the same damn story. We do get more regarding the savage creatures origins, but its two hours of banal predictability apart from that. I was sincerely hoping that Ridley Scott would offer something new. There isn't. Alien Covenant is textbook in every way. It has a great production value, definitely well made, but utterly lacks creativity.


    Covenant will disappoint fans, but may get a passing grade from neophytes. If you've never seen an Alien film, or just had a glancing familiarity, Covenant should entertain. There's no weight of expectation. Creatures bursting through chests is a new experience to enjoy. For the diehards that know the franchise back and forth, you've sailed these waters before. From Twentieth Century Fox and Scott Free Films, Alien Covenant is a huge letdown. Sigh.

    Alien: Covenant—the latest entry in the decreasingly entertaining series centered on doomed spacecrafts—sees original director Ridley Scott returning to insist the complicated mythology he established in 2012’s maligned Prometheus was actually building to something substantial.
    Doomed is right.


    It’s becoming harder and harder to see the appeal of additional Alien instalments. Scott has teased two further prequels that would theoretically tie in with the beginning of his 1979 classic. I can’t lie to you about their chances of being good, but viewers have my sympathies.

  3. Like Prometheus, I'll be skipping this one until it's on TV, due to this paragraph from a review I read. Yes, this is all it takes...



     There’s a lot of poor decision-making going on in Alien: Covenant; once again, scientists use exactly zero of their assumed scientific know-how while exploring uncharted alien worlds. They walk around in no protective gear, sniffing, stomping, plucking at flora, pissing in the wind and generally sticking their fingers and faces into all manner of untested exotic material. Then, of course, someone gets sick and everyone panics and acts like assholes.


  4. Great episode of Fargo, maybe one of the best yet, you can't go wrong with 70s sci fi.  I thought the diner in LA might be Johnie's (now Bernie's) on Wilshire Blvd, that was used in many movies including Big Lebowski, Resevoir Dogs, and Miracle Mile, but it's slightly different in layout and upholstery.  Did the motel look similar to the one from the shootout in Season 2?  Also loved the aliens / flying saucer, seemed like a callback again to Season 2.  It's good they've gone back to the "comedy of errors" formula for this season, as that served the original Fargo movie well, and several of the Cohen's past films.


    Man, still not feeling. Like I've said, it's well done and all, I like the way they interlaced the story between past & present & themes of fate...but, it's just meh for me. Nothing has grabbed me like season 1 or 2. 


    Where the hell do you get that "open & close" box?

  5. Good episode. Only problem I had was none of Gus's employees made an attempt to contact the authorities during or after Hector's visit? Your boss tells you to leave where he'll be left alone with several obviously "shady" characters & you don't think to call the cops? Little lax there Vince...

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