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Everything posted by olo

  1. according to Todd's facebook, this won't be out until spring. imminent, but ya'll got time.
  2. This just confounds me...I saw something on the news with several syrian families, all voted for Trump. These families were hoping to bring family over to live in the states but due to the new immigration crackdown were denied. The families interviewed couldn't comprehend why Trump was doing this. Trump is doing exactly what he said he was going to do. There are other examples of similar stories. What did you think was going to happen? He's checking off everything on his to do list. Sorry, but you get what you pay for folks. if this story is true than those people are pretty damn stupid jfc. and yeah same goes for anyone that voted for trump that is somehow surprised by any of this. go and die please. sadly here. And I mean no ill will, but man, what did you expect... http://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/families-relatives-in-limbo-after-pres-trump-s-travel-ban-866192451637
  3. This just confounds me...I saw something on the news with several syrian families, all voted for Trump. These families were hoping to bring family over to live in the states but due to the new immigration crackdown were denied. The families interviewed couldn't comprehend why Trump was doing this. Trump is doing exactly what he said he was going to do. There are other examples of similar stories. What did you think was going to happen? He's checking off everything on his to do list. Sorry, but you get what you pay for folks.
  4. Yea, if this person nails things that are going to happen but not common knowledge, I'll put way more stock in it. Although, if real, how they haven't nailed this staffer by now is pretty highlarious...or another diabolical troll job by #POTUS. and fuck Davos btw. The one person I hoped that wouldn't be confirmed. alas.
  5. that was actually something he promised to do before he became president. oh btw: check out this gossip: https://bgr.com/2017/01/30/donald-trump-vs-white-house-rogues/ Christ, those rogue tweets, fucked up if even 1/4 true I like the photoshop one. Going back to the touched up hand posts... They're hilariously terrifying, but not sure if I can buy these are legitimate accounts of #POTUS.
  6. Republicans shot Garland down player. Took him out back and put two in him.
  7. Reality TV! But real reality that will have an impact on abortion rights, gay marriage, and millions of other causes, can't wait to see who's gonna fuck up our world/get kicked in the balls by RBG. well he stated this a few days ago...pins & needles
  8. Trump's pick for the supreme court will be announced tonight @ 8pm EST. This is gonna be goooooood...
  9. lel Donald Trump watches ‘Finding Dory’ during protests over his immigration ban http://www.nme.com/news/film/donald-trump-watches-find-dory-protests-immigration-ban-1963396
  10. lol? Trump signs executive order requiring that for every one new regulation, two must be revoked http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/trump-signs-executive-order-requiring-that-for-every-one-new-regulation-two-must-be-revoked-234365
  11. etc. Had my first family function post Trump this past Saturday. Picard facepalm inducing. An uncle, whom I know is conservative, but a decent guy, had a trump image on his smartwatch. He proceeded to tell me how he never realized how dangerous & scary the Far left was. I was like "What are you talking about?". He proceeded to talk about the anarchist protestors smashing windows and shit in Washington. Sorry man, those twats have been around for awhile & are generally pretty harmless. He just looked at me. It was my sister's function, so I didn't push the issue to cause a scene. Some of my family go from 1 to 100 after you question one thing about their idealogy. Dialogue is useless.
  12. "OH FUCKKK...what do i do...what do i do...magic wand? hand tool! sweet, hand tool...yea...oh shit...it just moves shit around....filter,filter,filter...warp filter...YES!!! whew. time for a cigarette.
  13. Naw, he's definitely too lazy to 'shop himself, but if he gave directive to, refer to my previous post. I work 3D/photoshop all day. I would never think of bothering to 'shop his hand unless someone expressed that to me. Why? because if's fucking ridiculous. Unless that's what the guy did just to get a rise out of himself. As a joke to himself. "Oh...gotta get those hands for mein fuhr...warp filter perfect" I think I just spun myself in a circle, I could buy that. I use to shop Phil Collins in renderings all the time for personal satisfaction.
  14. He is a very smart person & has a good brain. also
  15. I was betting he'd fill the cabinet with iffy but workable technocrats and double down on a lot of his campaign promises. I was so wrong. Hell I think I would of preferred Ted Cruz over him and I never, never thought I'd say that. Whoa, whoa, whoa boy.... but you may be right... The perfect lifeform really.
  16. Same here. I feel sorry for my wife. I am concerned for my Hispanic co-workers. I fear for my family members in the military. The thing is, the lack of real consequence for us is exactly why Trump recruited so many as supporters. They voted with cynicism and "fuck it" attitudes just as if not more than voters with more sinister motives. They have far less to lose with the false hope they'll somehow benefit. +1. I talk about this with other like minded co-workers. Young & Old. I chalk it up to a lot of religious zealots funding "their candidate" for their anti whatever bullshit, simmering racism, fear of terrorism & greed. Might have to quote Kevin Spacey "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist". I ponder that quite a bit nowadays. I have close relatives who voted for Trump. It's baffling and frustrating. They are good, nice people. They are fairly intelligent. They don't espouse any of his nastiness, disdain, and hatred toward anyone in real life or even in most things they do as citizens. But their political alignments and decisions have real consequences and we're seeing that play out. How did this happen? Echo chamber news and social media, detachment from empathy toward anyone outside of close kin and friends, desire for simple and black and white answers over nuanced complicated ones. They channel all of their concerns, disappointments, etc. into one perspective with common themes: blaming government, particularly federal. Blaming the media, mainstream especially. Switching from concerns of terrorism and insecurity from global to a local/national level. And they literally keep voting in the same people screwing them over (the GOP) because they've convinced themselves Democrats are worse. Naw, I hear you Josh. I was just making a generalization of how I see this country at the moment. I was not shocked spray tan- in - chief got elected. I saw all the signs in the ground zero of Macomb County, MI. (One of the 3 counties that put him over). I heard the same thing at family functions. But, I cannot say many are intelligent people. Many huff pubs off Michael Savage, Nugent or Rush Limbaugh's dick. Amongst other racially distasteful views...Racism is alive & well trust me. My Wife works with many conservative folk. She hears it all. It's the "not looking at the big picture" that concerns me. She hears "I'm Pro-Life, I'm voting for Trump". "Muslicans bad, voting trump". "Gay marriage, no way, voting trump". "Hillary sent emails, voting Trump". "Ther'ye gonna take my guns, voting Trump". It's these microcosms that are forming their macrocosms. It just doesn't compute to me. Take in all the data, then inform your opinion. But yea...you summed it up more succinctly.
  17. +1. I talk about this with other like minded co-workers. Young & Old. I chalk it up to a lot of religious zealots funding "their candidate" for their anti whatever bullshit, simmering racism, fear of terrorism & greed. Might have to quote Kevin Spacey "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist". I ponder that quite a bit nowadays.
  18. lol. And we're only a week in. Doomsday clock adjustment: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/01/26/511592700/the-doomsday-clock-is-now-30-seconds-closer-to-midnight
  19. thats creepy.. do you think he and his ppl really read all the trending stuff that mentions him? seems like it would be a massive waste of manpower lol then again.....
  20. If this thread gains real steam, I'm sure it will make it to Trump's radar. The Trump hate will no doubt infuriate are narcissist in chief. He can't not want to be adored and praised. In doing so, he's gonna troll us hard. Very hard. We'll be lumped in with CNN, constant watmm hate tweets, Federal investigations, golden showers, etc. But, any publicity will be good publicity for watmm amirite?
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