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Everything posted by olo

  1. You wouldn't believe what the love for the troll & chief is in my parts. Truly living in a "Simpsons" alternate reality. It's only been like 6 days & shit is reaching epic levels of face palm. I can only imagine after a month...a year...4 years...
  2. "The Office" intro parody https://www.facebook.com/brandonsmith519/videos/10154301473997336/
  3. Spicer has a major issue with dippin dots. It consumes him.
  4. Now you're just Forcing the issue origin story please.
  5. Hey Rich! Could you drop some joints on us today to honor the inauguration of our troll in chief? Need something to take my mind off reality... America needs you Aphex Twin.
  6. He would be stuck in front of his golden mirror for hours watching his combover transform and grow upon itself. All the while mumbling " yuge...yuge...yuge..."
  7. I'm well familar with the Devos family & Betsy, being from Michigan myself. Out of all the trump cabinet picks, she is potentially the most dangerous. When I heard she was picked weeks ago my initial reaction was "Oh, fuck." She's been trying to fuck with Public education for years here. Basically de-fund public education & put that money to charter schools. Where hey! there's no oversight, we can pay teachers pennies on the dollar! and much, much more...Hey, Did you know she has zero...zero educational experience whatsoever. Makes perfect sense in this new land we call Idiocracy. more thorough look below. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2016/12/08/a-sobering-look-at-what-betsy-devos-did-to-education-in-michigan-and-what-she-might-do-as-secretary-of-education/?utm_term=.bd4602e47f14 And this chestnut: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/betsy-devos-schools-might-need-guns-due-potential-grizzlies-n708261
  8. Watched the 2nd episode last night. It's a slog, but I'm compelled to watch next week. I have to admit I like the cheesy string swell theme that pops up during the show. And how did F/X get the rights to say "Fuck" a bunch of times without the FCC coming down on them? The show gets better as it goes along. Nick Offerman is the shit.
  9. La La Land - Not my thing, but competently done I guess. 4 Ryan Gosling puppy dog eyes/ 10
  10. Damn. That trailer is epic. I may have to get the Switch just to play this.
  11. February Sadly, I think it's going to start later than that. The show has premiered in Feb. in the past, but AMC is being very coy about it this year. They're saying a Spring premier.
  12. Pretty much with you. The show has production & seems to be competent... but it still feels flat. However, had just enough of "where is this going" to interest me for another tune in. Also been watching X-File episodes syndicated over here in the states. Been thoroughly enjoying. Warm feels and fuzzy memories abound. Just saw the episode "War of the Coprophages", one I don't remember from my youth, but twas amazing. A Darin Morgan episode.
  13. The level of trolling is reaching last season of South Park heights.
  14. Oh Florida... Fort Lauderdale airport shooting: Five people shot dead by Florida gunman http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-38535699
  15. Always Sunny In Philidelphia - Season Premier last night Possibly my favorite episode of the show ever. Amazing lols.
  16. 1.0 out of 5 starsOne Star By Yogi Pierogi on December 8, 2016 Size: 6 B(M) USColor: Brown Leather/stretch These boots were made for walking your a** right back to the 19th century 5.0 out of 5 starsThese boots are awesome! My wife loves them These boots are awesome! My wife loves them. Got them for her for Christmas. We love showing them off to all the butt hurt democrats who can't afford them on their welfare checks
  17. Political ideology is like an NES game: if you go far enough left you come out on the far-right lol
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