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Posts posted by olo

  1. Have you ever heard a music which successfully combines the best elements of say The Melvins/Venetian Snares or Queen Adreena/Aphex Twin or The Locust/Autechre - is such a thing possible?


    (Something that is neither rock set to electronic beats nor rock music with electronic instruments but a true melding of the two? Music with electronic stimulation, imagination, diversity and exploration of sound and vocal/analogue instrument gut human emotion/physicality?)


    Didn't Squarepusher attempt this most overtly to varying degrees, minus vocals, with Just a Souvenir?

    Not like the pairings you suggested really. So, might be a moot point.


    Justin Beiber has taken to Graf. Looks like Brazil is a little pissy he's been doing it there.

    No questions really. Just figured it needed to be posted. Pretty dope.




    is this.. what.. i..



    it's real


    During his time in Brazil, the "Bad Day" singer was also caught doing some graffiti art when he spray-painted the former Hotel Nacional in the Joá neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro. A complaint was filed on Wednesday, Nov. 6, and police opened an investigation to determine whether he broke the law.

    Spray-painting on public or private property is categorized as "vandalism" in Brazil and considered a misdemeanor. Bieber's team said the singer was given permission by city hall to do graffiti on a different wall, but they felt the area was too dangerous and therefore opted to tag the hotel, assuming it was an abandoned building. If it turns out that Bieber didn't receive permission, he could be charged with vandalism and be sentenced to pay a fine or spend between three months to a year in jail.

    Hours later, Bieber tagged even more walls and shared the evidence via Instagram. "Who's gon stop me haaannn," he wrote in one photo caption. Calling graffiti art his "escape," the bad boy told his fans, "Every place I have tagged has been approved I do not suggest tagging private property. I still suck but I have fun doing it."



    at least he is self-aware of this.



    What percentage of your time awake per week would you estimate is spent doing some activity (research, daydreaming, experimentation, or active production) related to your music?


    Have you found yourself in situations where you have to reject certain obligations (such as earning money, or going on dates, or spending time with family) because they would get in the way of your projects?


    for me prob about 80-90% most days, day or two off each week, usually one

    depends tho i take weeks off randomly sometimes



    Do you have set times when you both go to the studio? Or is it just like a "Rob: I need u" txt




  4. Yeah, that shit was intense. I woke up at like 7am and had to take the spiciest dump of my life.


    Wouldn't be surprised to find the toilet was seared.



    Toilet seared? What about your asshole man! That shit was probably cadmium red for a week.


    not asking, just stating


    Dave's Insanity Sauce is no joke.




    I immediately screamed NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO at the first pour of sauce, then proceeded to watch the vid peeking through my fingers.


    Good goddam shit mutherfucker. lol


    You are insane sir. That shit is no joke. I have some bottles in my fridge aged for years. I break it out maybe 2x a year in very small doses.



    Side note: I had a mouse nesting in my shed. A little trick is to make a pepper spray with hot sauce. They hate to get it on their fur & move on. I used Insanity sauce diluted with water & sprayed the shed. I used too much & inadvertently made sure I couldn't enter it for a few days.


    I thought he handled it pretty well considering.


    Yes. He is an insanity sauce champ.

  6. I'm starting to think the music has a lot to do with why I found it so unbearable. I mean stupid scifi films usually get a free passk, but this one crashed hard. Sounds like the soundtrack to some propaganda film celebrating the nobility and unbreakable spirit of the US army.


    oh, and nice work Squee! there should be a watmm ambient scenes recut and rescored version of this film.


    Wow. If the original music is supposed to play along with intro sequence Squee posted...wow...epic fail. Agree with Gocab's sentiment.


    Glad I haven't seen this turd yet.


    Also, Nice job Squee.






    do you guys implore a lot/any numerology in your tracks/programming. i.e.: golden ratio or anything like that?


    not nitpicking - but golden ratio isn't really numerology




    true, how about number theories, ratios, etc.


    funny that came out at 11:11 which i love.



    yeah i mean, maths tricks are cool. ratios really seem to come more into play with 2d things tho

    i always notice things like proportions of windows as feeling right or wrong but i haven't done any proper research into it

    if i was a designer i'd probably be all over it


    heh, i am!


    i was just asking because tool has a song where they applied the fibonacci to the timing of the song, syllables of the lyrics flow 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1, etc and it had fascinating results. was curious if you guys ever experimented with stuff like that too. thanks!



    Not only syllables but isn't even the composition in that timing?


    What is more fascinating is that the results are not only interesting but very musical and it's like one of their best tracks.



    Secret Chiefs 3 get into all these crazy mathematical forms from antiquity to express music. I can't even pretend to understand some it. Mystical forms & designs translated to convey sound. Far different musical collective than Tool fo' sho' though.


    I'll assume by not answering, I was on to something.








    Rob & Sean,


    I know nothing of your personal lives, but, like, you guys sitting in your respective homes, answering a bunch of questions from fanboys & girls for most of the day, the past several days.


    Aren't your wives/girlfriends like "awwright, can you like fix the damn running toilet, get the kids to school, go pick up some milk & cream, take out the trash, for christ sake, do something besides tappity, tap, tapping on your laptops!!!"???




    "Oh, you're on watmm dear, let me top off your tea & fluff that pillow...carry on love."?


    Don't get me wrong, you guys are f'ing champs for doing what your doing, but aren't you like bored yet?



    "...carry on love"


    i fluff my own pillows thnx


    Seriously though, in deeper context, you guys have spent several days on watmm. You realise now, watmm has slowly crept into some synapses & implanted itself in you. There is no going back I fear. After this experiment is over, you'll go back to your kickass lives, but days will pass. Maybe weeks or months. But, you'll be compelled to come back, you won't know why, but you will post here again. Slowly but surely swallowed into the bowels of watmm.


    You will post threads about goatse. You will ponder the true meanings of heat or night. Threads about RDJ's next release will consume you. You will one day be like "who the fuck really was CUP?"


    I pray for you.


    on a side note, when you guys blow through Detroit again, you should find a way to do a guerilla set at the old packard plant. The Autechre sounds will draw in bald white dudes, (some German, some Polish), and the scrappers already in the plant will have some working music. Would be damn mental.


    Holla when you guys come through. Again, cheers for helping me waste my days at work in this thread.








    Mr. Rogers arm wave



  9. I'll assume by not answering, I was on to something.








    Rob & Sean,


    I know nothing of your personal lives, but, like, you guys sitting in your respective homes, answering a bunch of questions from fanboys & girls for most of the day, the past several days.


    Aren't your wives/girlfriends like "awwright, can you like fix the damn running toilet, get the kids to school, go pick up some milk & cream, take out the trash, for christ sake, do something besides tappity, tap, tapping on your laptops!!!"???




    "Oh, you're on watmm dear, let me top off your tea & fluff that pillow...carry on love."?


    Don't get me wrong, you guys are f'ing champs for doing what your doing, but aren't you like bored yet?



    "...carry on love"


    i fluff my own pillows thnx


    Seriously though, in deeper context, you guys have spent several days on watmm. You realise now, watmm has slowly crept into some synapses & implanted itself in you. There is no going back I fear. After this experiment is over, you'll go back to your kickass lives, but days will pass. Maybe weeks or months. But, you'll be compelled to come back, you won't know why, but you will post here again. Slowly but surely swallowed into the bowels of watmm.


    You will post threads about goatse. You will ponder the true meanings of heat or night. Threads about RDJ's next release will consume you. You will one day be like "who the fuck really was CUP?"


    I pray for you.


    on a side note, when you guys blow through Detroit again, you should find a way to do a guerilla set at the old packard plant. The Autechre sounds will draw in bald white dudes, (some German, some Polish), and the scrappers already in the plant will have some working music. Would be damn mental.


    Holla when you guys come through. Again, cheers for helping me waste my days at work in this thread.






    Rob & Sean,


    I know nothing of your personal lives, but, like, you guys sitting in your respective homes, answering a bunch of questions from fanboys & girls for most of the day, the past several days.


    Aren't your wives/girlfriends like "awwright, can you like fix the damn running toilet, get the kids to school, go pick up some milk & cream, take out the trash, for christ sake, do something besides tappity, tap, tapping on your laptops!!!"???




    "Oh, you're on watmm dear, let me top off your tea & fluff that pillow...carry on love."?


    Don't get me wrong, you guys are f'ing champs for doing what your doing, but aren't you like bored yet?



    "...carry on love"


    i fluff my own pillows thnx


    Seriously though, in deeper context, you guys have spent several days on watmm. You realise now, watmm has slowly crept into some synapses & implanted itself in you. There is no going back I fear. After this experiment is over, you'll go back to your kickass lives, but days will pass. Maybe weeks or months. But, you'll be compelled to come back, you won't know why, but you will post here again. Slowly but surely swallowed into the bowels of watmm.


    You will post threads about goatse. You will ponder the true meanings of heat or night. Threads about RDJ's next release will consume you. You will one day be like "who the fuck really was CUP?"


    I pray for you.


    on a side note, when you guys blow through Detroit again, you should find a way to do a guerilla set at the old packard plant. The Autechre sounds will draw in bald white dudes, (some German, some Polish), and the scrappers already in the plant will have some working music. Would be damn mental.


    Holla when you guys come through. Again, cheers for helping me waste my days at work in this thread.

  11. Rob & Sean,


    I know nothing of your personal lives, but, like, you guys sitting in your respective homes, answering a bunch of questions from fanboys & girls for most of the day, the past several days.


    Aren't your wives/girlfriends like "awwright, can you like fix the damn running toilet, get the kids to school, go pick up some milk & cream, take out the trash, for christ sake, do something besides tappity, tap, tapping on your laptops!!!"???




    "Oh, you're on watmm dear, let me top off your tea & fluff that pillow...carry on love."?


    Don't get me wrong, you guys are f'ing champs for doing what your doing, but aren't you like bored yet?


    I assume you guys are probably fans of Syd Mead. Do you guys own any of his artwork?


    Are there any past/contemporary visual artists/architects that inspire your creative juices? Besides graf artists that is.

    (ie: Jeremy Geddes, Ray Caesar, Saul Bass, Frank Gehry, Egon Schiele etc.)


    nah, not besides getting kronolog and a few other bits

    i fucking wish tho


    i really like john berkey


    and superstudio



    thats eye_dm

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