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Posts posted by olo

  1. MD2rXsB.jpg


    two tornados, full of sharks, are headed straight to new york city from different directions and predicted to merge at 42nd street (of course) causing a shark storm of biblical proportions. ian ziering, vivica fox and tara reid get chainsaws and bombs to kill the sharks. sugar ray, some other kid (who is supposed to be his son), a random dame and miley cyrus' dad and a shit ton of random semi-famous people watch in awe.


    this just became syfy's "most watched" original movie


    I find it interesting that the sharks on the cover look more realistic than the CG sharks in the actual movie. Trying to figure that one out.



    Meh, not sure I like Fargo.



    The guy killing his own wife suddenly, and then keeps on bashing and bashing her body is so typical for tv series nowadays. I guess they do it so the viewer gets shocked and they keep watching it for this cheap shocking stuff (that doesn't even fit the characters displayed). "Oh plot twist!" fuck off pls / rant


    The Man Who wasn't There had good plot twists, unlike the first episode of Fargo tv series



    I was unsure about the show after the uneven pilot/ character paralleling the characters from the movie etc.. Didn't think it would be any good. I was wrong.


    Sam Raimi & Bruce Campbell are working on adapting the Evil Dead into a TV show FYI. Campbell to reprise role. We'll see.


    Yeah gotta say you're right, it gets better later on



    the show gets stronger as it goes on. The last few episodes are beasts. There was one episode featuring the police handling a hostage situation, ep 4 or 5, that I didnt much care for, a lot of contrivances, (I know it's hyper reality,I get it). But all in all, I loved the ride. Can't wait for Season 2.

  3. Meh, not sure I like Fargo.



    The guy killing his own wife suddenly, and then keeps on bashing and bashing her body is so typical for tv series nowadays. I guess they do it so the viewer gets shocked and they keep watching it for this cheap shocking stuff (that doesn't even fit the characters displayed). "Oh plot twist!" fuck off pls / rant


    The Man Who wasn't There had good plot twists, unlike the first episode of Fargo tv series



    I was unsure about the show after the uneven pilot/ character paralleling the characters from the movie etc.. Didn't think it would be any good. I was wrong.


    Sam Raimi & Bruce Campbell are working on adapting the Evil Dead into a TV show FYI. Campbell to reprise role. We'll see.


    Anyone have a recommendation for a good Mystery Science Theater episode?


    The Final Sacrifice

    Space Mutiny


    I also heartily recommend Rifftrax Planet Of Dinosaurs



    Is the final sacrifice the canadien movie with dagbauer, or whoever the fuck that canuck was? that one was hilarious.

  5. HIrwBnW.jpg


    wow. this was terrible. couldn't even really get into it because of how annoying EVERYONE is. it's like a tv show version of gravity with bits of moon for the flashback sequences mixed in with ai and terra nova (for the technology and unbelievable characters). oh and the mystery, isn't even interesting.


    Oh yea. That was bad. 0 Halle Berry boobs/2


    F/Xs The Strain was pretty shit too.



    malvo was the best on-screen wolf since packer in cosmopolis.


    just realized that thrones, fargo, and louie all ended their runs 3 days in a row. guess i won't be watching TV for a year...


    Ol' Billy Bob was the shit.


    The Strain starts in a few weeks. Might be passable summer entertainment at least. Other than that, yea, you're right. All the best shows seem to start in late winter/spring. Except The Walking Dead...ahem...



    As for The Walking Dead, I feel like I give that show a legitimate chance for a few episodes every season before declaring it one of the worst written/acted things I've ever seen. I'll do it again this year!



    Pretty much my sentiments.

  7. malvo was the best on-screen wolf since packer in cosmopolis.


    just realized that thrones, fargo, and louie all ended their runs 3 days in a row. guess i won't be watching TV for a year...


    Ol' Billy Bob was the shit.


    The Strain starts in a few weeks. Might be passable summer entertainment at least. Other than that, yea, you're right. All the best shows seem to start in late winter/spring. Except The Walking Dead...ahem...


    oh yeah, contrived, but also totally pure luck that Bilbo laid that bear trap resulting in BillyBob going back to the hut in a state of unrest and then shooting himself full of tranquillisers, but in lovely Gus's not just useless mind he was protecting his wife + baby cos he knew if he alerted Police to the lair then Molly would be much less likely to stay safe and sound, as Malvo is watching out for her, and not Gus, who he has forgotten completely about.




    I found it quite odd that Malvo wouldn't have just waited out lester & killed him instead of retreating. Whatevs. Wounded animals tend to do that though, so it followed the metaphor they carried throughout the episode.



    It had been set up for useless Gus to save the day [and the unborn child too] since he pussied out that first time meeting Malvo




    yea. I understood the arc, but it felt contrived with the whole "our girl cant go to another funeral", then oh, im gonna just wait in malvos lair & hope I come out on top. i liked the whole scene where they met though. the wolf tied it all together... metaphorically poetic.


  10. Fargo Season/series? finale (Although I could see a new season built around Lou's backstory which they referred to several times, especially the final 2 episodes)


    It ended well. Was hoping for a little more in some regards. (Revisiting Lester's brother for one. No such luck.) There were some great, great scenes, surrounded by a lot of lesser ones I thought. Some contrivances that made sense in the end. Personally, I was hoping Molly would have been a little more involved with the outcomes of Lorne & Lester. The finale went down a different path. All-in-all I hope this series comes back with Noah Hawley writing. My Tuesday nights are gonna be empty without this show.


    Spoilered standout scenes:




    Molly's final words to Lester. Gave him a metaphor about how she was using him as bait to draw out Malvo. He didn't understand it & she just says "Goodbye, Mr. Nygaart". Loved the coldness in which she spoke it.


    The wolf appearing to both Gus & Malvo. The wolf standing in as the law of nature, or an allusion to the devil. probably more so as a law of nature & power. Empowering Gus & pulling the torch out of Malvo's hands. Billy Bob acted his end tight. How he played it beyond pissed & smug that he was finally "got" at the same time was +10.


    Molly listening to Malvo's tape of Lester



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