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Posts posted by olo

  1. Just cained Hannibal in a few seatings. Totally amazing. Same as everyone I was about to chuck it out early on in SE01.


    By late SE02 I had entered a morbid mentality and was staying up all night with hannibal on and starting to think like the characters. It was horrific.


    Much good.


    I would have stopped after season 1, but... seeing there's jackshit on Friday nights, I tuned back in for season 2. If this season didn't start out with Hannibal & Jack's throw down, I may not have. Brilliant on Singer's part. He knew ratings were in the dumpster (kinda still are, think they're improving) & started off this season as strong as possible. The show, minus a few flaws, has been tits. Big tits.


    Loved the opening sequence where the faces merge & Will's has got this weird droop in his face like a stroke victim. The little touches are appreciated.



    In other news, Fargo was back on track last night. Some quality scenes last night. Some suspensions of disbelief. Shit's getting real.

  2. Terrible spoiler on the fucking ending of Hannibal there Zero, really really terrible. There are probably people out there that haven't watched the full season yet. What a show it turned our to be this season though, so good. Best television I've seen since... eh... Riget.


    It's not that bad of a spoiler there Gocab.

    1 for sure is dead, but the fates of the rest are kinda up in the air imo. But this show plays by its own rules & wouldn't be surprised that they clean house.



    The conversation about forgiveness Will & Hannibal have plays out sooo good at the end of the episode. The writing on this show is lovely...so many things from past episodes you didn't think much of, mean so much more in the end.


    Fargo tonight.

  3. Well played Hannibal. Well Played.


    Could be the beers talking (I doubt that however), but that was the best hour of TV I've seen in a long time. How people ain't watching this show is beyond me. Perfect finale with no filler.That being said, I don't think season three will be as good. Everything has changed in dynamic.


    This show.

  4. I thought that last episode of Fargo was ballin outta control. I 'bought' the fish thing because weirder shit happens every day in this world, and I can buy that because it was such a suprising twist that I'm sure will thematically tie in. [edit] Also the whole "can't quite tell if God's got some hand in this or it's all just humans fucking around and random happenstance that they attribute to God" reminds me A LOT of 'A Serious Man', which is my favorite Coens film, so I'm on board.


    The only thing I had to suspend my disbelief was how Lester managed to do all that & get back to the hospital before they found out he swapped with Mr. Kreech (great name). But heck, it's so entertaining that I'll buy it, just because I really like watching him & Billy Bob do their shenanigans.


    How fucking awesome was the shootout in the blizzard?



    and I was seriously saying "No....." to the screen as Gus approached Molly in the snow, something I hardly ever do because I'm never QUITE that invested in characters.



    This show's got its hooks in me, I'm thinking about what's gonna happen next way more than I am with GoT which was my previous serialized televised obsession.


    I unfortunately didn't buy much of anything in this past episode. even for the hyper reality the show is set in.


    The cops just storming in to the house was complete garbage. Those standoffs happen all the time in Detroit & it's a very long affair. At least try & make contact first, find out if there are any hostages, etc. That was too Hollywood.


    Lester would have never been in a room with another person if he was being guarded & suspected of murder. Sneaking out & back in to the hospital was waaaay too convenient.


    The whole fish thing just doesn't fly with me. Those acts do occur in nature, but those lakes would be damn near frozen. And it better not have been malvo who did it. Complete impossibility to pull that shit off.


    The blizzard shootout was a cool thought & can't say I've seen that idea executed before, but all the white halos around the people gave it that chessy cgi vibe. Just use a bunch of fans & fake snow. which they probably did I guess, but the computer touches distracted me.


    All being said. This show is still tits though, as long as it doesn't get this convenient to complete plot points to move the story forward. Curious to see what the deaf hitmans character will do now. unless he was shot by Molly.

  5. I'm down with the astral arts. If astrology never existed, I wouldn't be able to go up to a random chick I'm groovin' on & say "Whaddup foxy mama, what's your sign..."

  6. Fargo - Buridan's Ass (last nights episode)


    A real downer of an episode that will hopefully not be indicative of the remaining episodes. Although a lot of shizz goes down, basically every major plot point is contrived, convenient & requires a huge leap of faith on the viewer's part. Didn't buy much of what happened in the episode, even for the surreal, hyper-reality the show is grounded in. Hopefully this was a pothole on an otherwise smooth road.





    Hannibal is blood-soaked crack cocaine and the prettiest show ever to air on network television.


    latest episode was intense! face eating scene wtf!!!


    and how the hell does Gillian Anderson keeping getting hotter?!


    season 2 has been just fucking incredible. the cinematography, the writing are lush

    michael pitt is fucking brilliant as mason verger



    agreed. this show. this...Verger stabbing hannibals chair. that was an lol & well played.


    Will getting hannibal outta the straight jacket. I don't by 1 knife slash going through so clean. whatevs. The defacing & feeding it to the dogs, not sure how they got that scene on network tv. Guess the lack of lighting and whatnot. Glad they did though.



    I quite like Ginger Snaps as Margot Verger

    The casting on this show is perfect



    2nded. even with the gruesome body scarring, extremely hitable.

  8. I guess I'm one of those people who just couldn't get past the 'weirdness' of them making a Fargo show. I made it through the first episode but I had zero desire to keep watching. Parts of it seem to work, but Billy Bob is part of the reason it's a non starter. After i saw him do this





    Kinda how I was/am about Tom Cruise. I won't watch the BB clip as to not ruin watching the show at this point.


    If you can get past Billy Bob, the show has improved greatly from the first episode, which I think I kinda felt the same as you. The show is it's own animal, has depth & is shot loverly. I enjoyed the tie-ins to the original movie presented in the latter episodes.



    Hannibal is blood-soaked crack cocaine and the prettiest show ever to air on network television.


    latest episode was intense! face eating scene wtf!!!


    and how the hell does Gillian Anderson keeping getting hotter?!


    season 2 has been just fucking incredible. the cinematography, the writing are lush

    michael pitt is fucking brilliant as mason verger



    agreed. this show. this...Verger stabbing hannibals chair. that was an lol & well played.


    Will getting hannibal outta the straight jacket. I don't by 1 knife slash going through so clean. whatevs. The defacing & feeding it to the dogs, not sure how they got that scene on network tv. Guess the lack of lighting and whatnot. Glad they did though.

  10. Why dont U.S. lawmakers just ban guns for the citizenry. Sickening


    Too much money from said companies go to said lawmakers. Pretty funny is Georgia has passed an open carry pretty much any & everywhere now. Still didn't stop a guy from shooting up a fed/ex office recently there. Guess the workers didn't get the memo to start packing. Anyway, back to throwing axes & knifes into trees.







  11. I'm sold on Fargo. some quality writing & direction last night. I'll see how episode 4 goes, but if it's strong, this show probably deserves it's own thread.


    For Jimmy McMessageboard: Your wife should not view last night's episode. Billy Bob slits a dogs throat to get his counter black mail up & running. Nicely shot though.

  12. I started watching Hannibal but my wife made me switch it off after the main guy lived with all those dogs because she thought they were all going to die. Does anyone kill a dog in this show? She can handle the human mutilation but don't hurt a wee pup


    FYI latest episode featured a dog injury at the behalf of Hannibal & one of his former patients. Still alive as far as I know. Some other folks didn't fare to well though.

  13. seems weird converting a 90 film that had some of the most perfect pacing ive ever seen into a full season.


    It's the same atmosphere & similar character archetypes with a different story set in 2006. They open the show saying it's based on a true story, just character names have been changed not to offend the living? But to your point, kinda odd to dust it off for network tv. I rather enjoyed Billy Bob's scenes. Martin Freeman is pretty much William H. macy's character though. It still has potential imo.

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