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Posts posted by olo

  1. When I watched the episode, I started commenting on everything at some point even though I was watching it alone, I couldn't silently take the bullshit it was pulling! It's definitely a show to watch with friends and use as a drinking game. Every time something ridiculously stupid happens or you can predict a line of dialogue, have a shot glass full of beer, that'll get you shitfaced in no time.


    The annoying thing about the show is that the very first episode was actually good! Go back and re-watch it, I dare you!

    I know how shows get a higher budget for the pilot, or how the quality gradually gets worse (LOST-syndrome) but TWD is really pushing it! The cinematography is better, the writing is better, the acting is better (black dude with his kid, probably too expensive to keep around), the whole atmosphere is better, the whole way the zombies are presented is a lot more threatening - It probably was done by a whole different team. The first episode tricks you into thinking you're in for something good, and that feeling lasted for two and a half seasons for me! I re-watched s1e1 with my girlfriend because she's madly into the Telltale TWD-Game (which is fantastic by the way) and she was pleasantly surprised by it, but when s1e2 was on for maybe half an hour, she was like "You do realize this turned to bullshit already, right?" and I felt like an idiot for not noticing it the first time round. Real embarrassing! Damn you, TWD!


    What kinda name is Hershel anyway.


    Agreed on the pilot. Was probably the best of the series. They shot their load early I gather. The rest that followed was & is pretty pedestrian.

    Would the show be better if Durabont didn't get the axe? Who knows, probably not.

    I think what it boils down to, zombie orientated media is best done in a movie format really. The drama presented in Walking Dead isn't all that compelling with no care for any of the characters really. That's me though.

  2. it seems mis-placed to actually spend money showing Herschel getting his head half chopped off in a poor CGI composited fashion , but then not actually show the moment of the governor's actual death. Why in the fuck would Michonne let him get off that easy after watching him kill the fucking granpda father figure of the whole community? She should have cut off his feet, his cock, his hands and his ears and thrown him into the wilderness to his own devices


    anybody else lol at the symbolism of how 'savage' the governor was because he chops people's heads off like an arab terrorist.


    Agreed on the Gov's demise. The whole Michonne/Gov climax was a very timid & weak fart compared to an old geezer getting his dome separated from his shoulders.


    The irony of the arab terrorist was not lost on me.

  3. and instead of rick just popping the gov with one bullet and finding his own kids, he just hides there to punch him and then gets his ass kicked.


    The whole Gov confrontation was just cheap. The first confrontation with Woodbury should have been the showdown & end of the Gov. Like the article stated, what was the point to the Gov episode & what followed? It really meant nothing in terms of this final episode.


    People at work today thought it was good & awesome. I was like really? I laughed my way through that cringeworthy. Whatever, I'll still tune in come Feb. I've never viewed the show as some epic masterpiece anyhoo. It's a show with zombies & occasional gore. I'm fine with that. I should stop critiquing it as something more than the sum of it's parts.

  4. the woman who carried her daughter all the way to a place she didn't know existed should have been executed too for being a terrible mother.


    Agreed. That was wack sauce. How she carried that kid over I'm assuming a long distance is beyond me. Hell, and she makes it there in like a half hour?

    I can't carry my kids, who are half the size of that girl, around my own house for more than a few minutes without getting winded. jeez.


    Michonne was shit too. She finally gets a chance to kill the Gov, and all it is is a single thrust to let him bleed out? C'mon.

  5. what happened to the hordes of zombies pushing the fence down? they left just in time for the governer to stand out there and chat?


    everyone has perfect headshot aim except for when you're point blank with machine guns?


    a lot happened in the episode but I felt like it was one of the worst ones yet. parts were laughable.


    totally agree jules. I groaned & laughed throughout the whole episode. Unfortunately when I wasn't supposed to. The episode was awful. Rick & Carl finding the baby carrier was supposed to be this tragic moment, but it was so shit acted I had a good laugh. Worst speeches ever in this episode. I'll keep tuning in anyway, but that shit was bad. I guess the 2nd season will focus on the rat killer & radio thing.


    Maggie was pretty damn hot on Talking Dead fyi.



    I'd forgotten how good that show was. Lot of stuff from the late 90s/early 00s was quite good in retrospect, I'm shocked more of it isn't praised...maybe such gratuitous buzzfeed lists are coming.




    +1 on this. Was a fan of the animated Batmans in the 90s. Avatar & Legend of Korra now with the kids.


    brain checked out. no old character deaths. just newbies. They best start wackin' some old favs soon though. playin it safe right now.




    I mean, come on, at least have the Guv'ner pissing on a log in the woods instead of comically peakabooing behind some scrub oak.



    peakabooing behind some scrub oak. LOL.


    what does this say about Michonne's tracking ability. pretty shit I gather. Or did the Gov just happen to walk up there at the same time the zombies infiltrated the prison. I mean...C'mon man.

  8. comin in drunk. this shit aint locked yet???


    Just been drinkin' some Ommegang Adoration & some crazy shit Lithuanian Lager @ 12%. Before & after maybe. SHit looks like a chick on the label, but if you flip the bottle over it looks like :trollface:


    shit. good. doges.


    Ae still floatin artound? Meant to ask them, some good out of the way places to visit when I visit the UK.


    Ah fuckin Red Wings...goddam overtime...

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