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peace 7

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by peace 7

  1. All right, well- specific memories aside (as memories are "amazingly cinematic and accurate" at best, "totally false" at worst-- that is a horrible gamut), we all do shift in and out of multiple dimensions.  Sometimes minor and pointless to even know about- sometimes it's actually quite significant.  Computer simulation, hologram, consciousness projection-- trying to define your reality with terms is pretty pointless, but what is important is what you do within such context.  It does not matter if you are Super Mario- what matters is since you are in that context, you either save the princess or fall into a pit, etc.  Unless you are trying to pull some hardcore shit like being Super Mario and reprogramming the Nintendo cartridge from the inside, you just gotta do what you gotta do.


    All that being said, I have definitely shifted between quite different dimensions on various occasions.  I actually have an object from another dimension and timeline that I've managed to keep.

    Here is a video I took of it in 2008:



    p.s. If you use blisst.io, you can experience a dimension I've been working on.  I highly recommend it if you have things to sell through your networks~~~

  2. IDM status results from efficiency in knowing how one's toolset relates to the heart, in order to convert most directly to sonics. But as a music exercise, I wonder how tracks would turn out if minimalistic approaches were replaced with a maximal approach... That means having to use EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF GEAR one owns, as a requirement. So like in a DAW, the challenge would be to use every plugin, every instrument. With hardware, everything (all synths, pedals, guitars, mics, etc.). So if you use software and hardware, muthafuckin' errting!!!


    I wonder how working within such "constraints" would affect output. When I was all hardware I actually did use everything I had for some tracks, but some of you guys have like 20 synths.


    It's weird cuz something inside me tells me that the results might actually be quite good.

  3. Fenkz~!  (haha, peepee7...)  Yah- the reason why like 10+ years ago I decided to sign my work as peepee, is because it was some statement against elitism in the fine art world, where everyone was like "Jacobson Stephanovich IV"...  so I was like, fuck it.

  4. and so the meme age of idm begins

    The mid-days of IDM had like 67% memes, parodying pop themes but utilizing dork-cool to its maximum effect to portray a hyper-phuture-world-image created by geeks.

  5. When I lived in Egypt, I smoked hash with a Syrian refugee, and we talked about life.  I said the hash was good, and he looked at me with a smile and said, "It's not the hash- it's who you smoke with."  And we had a beautiful human moment; shortly after a super bright light was in the sky, and we thought we were gonna get abducted by aliens for a sec.  But anyway... what the fuck is anyone doing with all this violence and retarded shit.  World peace, man.....  C'mon.  But considering most people can't not get mad for one year straight, it is kind of hard to expect eternal peace.  BUUUUUT we all gotta do our part.  ...We all gotta do our part.  *Much Love*

  6. I was selling my op1 (with case) on eBay. Winning bid was $820. Then the bidder backs, out saying: "I really can't swing that much money on something that's used."


    Anyone need an op1?


    Weeeeell *cough cough*, if you ever need a straight forward e-commerce solution that can also turn any website into a shop with embedding and has waaay lower rates than eBay, feel free to use https://blisst.io, which is my project and just hit version 1.01.  Upside is if you have your networks setup, you can propagate your link through it, and there is no obnoxious branding or ads.  You can even post your item link on craigslist or the like to nearby cities, so you can sell to people who don't want to drive 3 hours to pickup.  Downside is that it is not a buyer platform yet; just a seller tool.


    But at the same time, if you hold onto your OP-1 for like 15 more years, you can probably sell it for hundreds more.  Then again, demand will probably soon go down after the new surge of OP-1's, so maybe it's best to sell now.  Who knows.....?  What I do know is that it's a beautiful and wonderful piece of hardware, that is partly responsible for the resurgence of lovely new synths in the past several years.  In that sense, it is a very important piece of modern synth history.

  7. Girlfriend's cat.  She's in Italy for the week, so I'll be taking care of this guy for a few more days~

    You can see on my hand, scars from this dude's scratches.  But he's calmed down more, so not as much blood loss...  

    Chilling is the first step to improving the world!  "Chill from within, and the world can have an example to follow...", said prolly nobody, but it's true.



  8. The surcharge for the full version of overbridge is pretty tacky. But I get it, they probably put a lot of resources into it...



    1 person afaik


    If every unit comes with one person inside, that's an amazing deal.  The Ibanez Jem VAI 2K DNA has only Steve Vai's blood in it, and they go for around $10,000~$20,000... DIGITAKT IZ BARGAIN.

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