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Posts posted by pizza



    How to get popular in 2018:


    1) be a kid

    2) be sort of funny / weird / modest / overly sincere / etc.

    3) do some random shit on camera, preferably with super low-quality

    4) get reposted by a big dude because post-irony

    5) profit


    e.g. mortal kombat kid, dinosaur kid, camping kid, that music reviewing kid with his dad, etc. I wish I was 10 sometimes, but with the same brains as now



    you must be a blast at parties


    that interview made me angry irl


    Ironically Joy and Whoopi are really fair and sympathetic - it made it very awkward but it was damn sincere on their part. Norm seems pretty goddamn apologetic, remorseful, and above all else lost. 


    Norm was so lost in that interview because he has no idea what to do. No one does really. Take Fallon for instance - he cancelled Norm because his some of his longtime writers were upset at Norm...and yet these are likely the same writers who stood by Fallon having Trump on for a softball interview in 2016.


    It's the arbitrary and haphazard application of standards that makes me frustrated, angry, saddened. I don't have a dog in the fight, the whole SJW vs anti-PC crowd as a tribal divide is in itself bullshit, and the appealing aspect of Norm was he was this goofy outlier to that whole divide. He had a niche crowd and was far detached from any power or influence wielded by far louder people on social media. This is why I don't go on twitter anymore. This is why I treat insta and FB as non-sociopolitical photo galleries and hobby forums. Otherwise you open yourself up to be publicly shamed.



    i was talking about the other interview someone mentioned

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