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  1. the cd + blu-ray edition is pretty cool in terms of what it includes: Includes the album and instrumentals on two CDs Blu-ray with Hi-Res stereo and Dolby Atmos mixes
  2. a lot of stuff like that has been answered in this (on-going) thread: https://tulpaforum.com/threads/members-q-a-with-the-one-and-only-sabrina-sutherland.491/
  3. First date on an Autechre gig? Damn son, A+
  4. I’d feel stressed as a musician knowing people subscribed to my music. Would feel obligated to release something just to not feel like an ass.
  5. OB6 is my fav synth. It can do anything
  6. now here's a review
  7. I prefer the XY mix
  8. it's perfect music for work, imo. listen to it a lot while programming etc. microtonal beats to relax/study to, basically
  9. they're downloadable on that soundcloud
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