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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Brisbot

  1. What is needed from Ai is a much quicker way to get your ideas down, and to realize them FULLY. Would love to be able to give it a short one shot, then with a prompt as it to generate tons of variations. I mean I already kinda do that when you throw FX on existing sounds, record it, resample it, etc. I guess it would just be quicker. If I have a specific idea in mind then any tool can only bring that idea about quicker.

    We also need private Ai, in that we are guaranteed what we might enter into the Ai to alter isn't then available to everyone else. So we end up with our own Ai generated audio libraries that WE own. Say we put a ton of samples we made in some DAW, into the Ai and ask it to mix and match and generate similar samples. We need a guarantee that none of it is available for re-use by others. Where as soon as your synchronize your audio, it's available for everyone else to use. The end product might since it can be copied, but all the materials That went into it's creation, all the iterations, generated samples, prompts, etc  etc etc, remain ours privately to use and re-use later as we see fit.

    Currently however it craps out watered down replicas of probably stolen copyrighted material and free audio materials. For any ai generating software, there should be a master list of all materials that go into it, and if a person chooses so they can have their music taken out of the training materials ( which is a euphemism tech bros use for stolen audio materials). Tho it shouldn't be there in the first place. 

    Ai can be a great tool IF the artists are protected. It needs to work for us, not replace us. But when you live in a corporate hellscape where money is the bottom line, I have little hope for any of it. Ai is currently on track to dilute humanities potential when it could instead bolster it. It's just that people have to give a shit for the second one to come true.

  2. 48 minutes ago, ignatius said:

    it's interesting.. but, thinking about being in my 20s and discovering things like noam chomsky and good investigative journalism and all the stories about 800,000 people arrested every year for simple weed possession etc.. and then being like 40 and thinking "JFC we're still doing all this shit".. and then finally seeing weed become legal in many states in the USA and thinking we're finally getting there and federally we'll have a law to make it legal in the whole country.. then reading stories about states doing dumb shit and pushing things in the other direction... ugh.. 

    or seeing the obvious necessity of good public transportation and well funded schools or seeing some backwards fucked up shit somewhere and seeing how much it harms people daily and is corrosive to the good ol USA and wondering when the fuck are people gonna get it together and make pragmatic solutions to problems that make society so much better.. instead of punishing people by privatizing more and more things... ugh.. and i think.. i hope we're all on the same page about all the things a reasonable non-fear based non-wacko religion based culture/society would do and i hope it's better sooner rather than later.. but then we see people rolling coal with huge flags on their stupid truck because small pp and it just screams of an ingrained dogmatic stubborn stupidity in so many hearts and minds in this country that i don't know wtf it's going to be like for future generations.. .

    that's a jumbled up mess but i hope the vibe of it came across. i thought, by now, as a country/culture, we'd have a figured out a lot more already and gotten our shit together.

    it's strange that fear of fascism is a very real mainstream thing here.. and that people/the media try to normalize/both sides actual fucking nazis

    Yes it seems that despite 'progress' and 'time', people are people no matter how advanced technology gets. I often have to remind myself how subjective reality is to many people. The mind constructs reality thru the senses, values and beliefs and seems in many people will show them the reality they want to see and not the real one. To conservatives, all the weird BS they believe in is VERY REAL. In the least they FEEL it's real, and mistake that for the real thing. It's as real and obvious  as climate change is to us. Mentally we are having very different experiences day to day than these people.

    We wonder why they can't see the writing on the wall. Perhaps they are incapable of seeing it? If you are brought up to conform to 'conservative standards' I wonder how much their minds will 'twist' their thoughts to always land on  upholding their right-wing beliefs, ignoring evidence to the contrary. I swear my conservative family only pick up on 'signs' they want to pick up on. It's 120 degrees outside? Summer is always hot! There was a summer 100 years ago that was almost as hot as this one in some other country! Fox news said it, which is the only halfway decent news channel. Unless Trump says otherwise of course.

    When they look at Trump on TV, they see a Giga-Chad, and we see a large orange cheeto. To them he is a man's man sent from heaven and chosen by God to liberate humanity from the woke liberals who want to turn you, your children, and the frogs gay. To us, he is very clearly a slime ball narcissist who knows he controls a cult, and if he hadn't grown up with a silver spoon in his mouth, and was more intelligent, would probably be a full-on dictator like Hitler. We're lucky he is as dumb as he is.

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  3. 3 hours ago, ignatius said:

    did you all hear that the climate change lobby and green energy people are the new THEY?

    they're out to get your tax money and control the world with the end goal of making the air breathable and the water drinkable! 

    how long have they been in control?????? [looks around at... everything]

    those people should be the example for "Useful Idiots" in the dictionary.

    I feel like in the history books, this period of time will be known for issues such as Climate Change that could have been mitigated, but weren't due to dumb people who were puppeteered by  greedy people for their own gains. I really do hope future generations somehow gain the mental tools needed to see through things like Climate change denial. I think it starts and ends in the classroom. People need more skill in understanding abstract concepts, and in understanding good evidence verses bad evidence ( anecdotal evidence, basic fallacies, etc )

    Looking at statistics now though, the change isn't as drastic as it needs to be: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/05/26/key-findings-how-americans-attitudes-about-climate-change-differ-by-generation-party-and-other-factors/

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  4. A thought would be to fund the creation of a web browser or plugin that would purposely be anti-algorithmic. Any site you go to that psychologically manipulates you into continuing scrolling, I'd find a way to counteract this as much as possible AND to have the option of seeing what the website is doing currently that is trying to make you addicted to it. The world REALLY needs the ability to go online without being subconsciously 'tricked' into continuing to browse. Would help make better the mental health of the younger generations, and everyone's time.

    I just really foresee it this problem getting BAD in the future when larger and larger portions of society grew up with the constant dopamine and overstimulation of current social media like TikTok. It's kinda like global warming where the effect will be delayed/ignored till it's already a massive problem, and by then it's too late for many.

    Future generations will look back on this and think just how backward and manipulative it all is. How it's ruining the minds of so many, so obviously, and people just didn't care. I mean it GIVES you symptoms of ADHD and higher neuroticism without it being genetic. Things become boring because their brains need more stimulation, and you can only get that stimulation with a small device. AND they don't really enjoy anyway, it but it doesn't matter as their brains were hacked by age 4 and they can get physical withdrawal without their phone. It's basically drug addiction.

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  5. On 8/21/2023 at 9:24 AM, Summon Dot E X E said:

    Whole grains vs refined sugars

    Yeh. I do wonder if I get something more from listening to 'deeper' music over top 40 stuff. If it feeds my soul or something you can't get from 'normal' music. It's about more than just enjoying it. At least it can be for people.

    • Like 1
  6. On 8/16/2023 at 8:23 PM, Summon Dot E X E said:

    Also, it's interesting how people hear music differently. I know very few people IRL that like experimental electronic music -- most just hear what they call "noise"... is it possible their brains actually cannot do the work to hear or appreciate the patterns? Others simply cannot listen to instrumental music of any kind. They need a narrative, or some kind of social cue that they are allowed to appreciate this music ("do enough other people like it?"). Actually, complicated art music (I'll call it that) is definitely the outlier given music's social origins.

    I've been thinking about this lately. When it comes to our fav artists we really hang onto every moment of the track and perceive patterns we really enjoy, but most people aren't like that and can get musical euphoria from much more basic music with a 'good beat' or 'catchy hook'.

    I ALSO realized recently that those kinds of people get the same level of musical pleasure from a top 40 song as we do from our fav electronic music. I saw someone who really likes Justin Beiber's music say listening to it gives them the experience of bliss and floating on a cloud. It's like, they get a shortcut to musical nirvana and we have to listen to a specific sound at a specific time to have a 10% chance of feeling music nirvana for 10 seconds... at least I do.

    So from a purely 'pleasurable' perspective the experience of the music is likely similar in intensity. If not less for people like me who likes very particular sounds/compositions.

    Our brains which are physical things, are simply wired differently.

    • Like 1
  7. He's on a quest to get a more lo-fi sound than Analord atm. If someone said it was a track made in the 50s/60s the only thing proving it isn't would be the composition being advanced for that time. Could just be the recordings tho.


    • Like 2
  8. I like it, though as an entire package it strikes me as odd. Feels like it would go on an Analord compilation type thing. 'Analord 2 - Disc 01'

    Interesting how it's the most maximalist Aphex cover art but the most minimalist music released since Analord.

    Reminds me at times of EOD in terms of sound choice and melody. Also reminds me at times of the music off Goldeneye 64 and  Perfect Dark on Nintendo 64.

    Rfcpt8 should have been on there. Even if it came from a different setup. Maybe even afxfme. I do find it interesting how the EP sounds very EOD, and Rfcpt8/afxfme sounds like Richard. 

    zin2 test5 is disappointing because it feels like it could be twice as long very easily while being further developed. The softly driving rhythm/melody is cool. I kinda wanna remix it and do just that.

    I dig tracks from 2019 live sets, and the fact that none of them were on here tells me there is more to come. He could easily make 3 or 4 EPs of this length and quality strictly off of what he played in 2019, and it's 4 years on from that. So like I said, the EP strikes me as odd if it really will be the only thing we get for another few years. 

    I AM still happy to get anything.


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  9. kinda like this, but with more detail:

    https://www.notetracks.com/?campaignid=18938359877&adgroupid=146489739569&keyword=comment on music&device=c&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn_OlBhDhARIsAG2y6zMaBSTF5BYCzTo799TjdJlSlJYu8N64lm77ExsnAtv37_vYqrg1cNcaAqzVEALw_wcB


    I'd also like a way to tag anywhere on any audio (.wav, .mp3, etc) , then i can jump to it if I query the tag in the future. Would be useful for, say I have an hour long Sound Design Session, and if I find something I like at the 30 minute mark I can simply tag it, comment on it, etc. Would also like a built in 'rating' system where I can simply draw how good certain sounds are and where in the audio as a simple line. 

    I am not expecting there to be a program exactly like what I am asking as some of it is very specific. Just seems like there should be one.

    -BTW, I am not looking for a way to upload it online for others. It's strictly just a way I can describe/tag any audio clip, locally on my computer.

    - Would be nice if the audio was playable from the software, AND its waveform is viewable to better make the detailed notes.

    - And another thought I would like would be to be able to 'rate' any part of the track, say with a simple line denoting a '1 out of 10' system.  So I can from a glance know which sections I like the most, which sections need the most work, etc. Also can make distinctions between a section that is an 8/10, and some adjacent section that is a 7/10. To better see my thoughts on the audio with detailed notation.

  10. It seems when I think of the future of Ai, exciting and then very pessimistic thoughts come to mind. It feels just so up in the air to an absurd degree. It feels like it could swing entirely one way or the other.

    I am generally pessimistic about this. Will it just become a tool among many creating a collaboration between human and Ai where both are required,  like the techbros developing it suggest, or will it upend human creativity as a whole, to where the only reason not to use Ai in a professional capacity, is just because you enjoy the process of making the music? OR is it more complicated than such black or white thinking?

    There is another Ai thread about more general Ai stuff, but I am curious specifically of what people think Ai will change creativity.

  11. I dunno. I have the ability to concentrate on one thing for like... all day if it interests me enough. I don't know anyone else like that. Can't tell you how many times people were surprised I've been working on something for many hours and am not bored. Hyperfixation.

    • Like 1
  12. On 6/28/2023 at 6:59 PM, jules said:

    Just Eyes and Mouth was the only one left off of the first album though. And Bending Hectic was played quite a bit during their last tour. I think they’re just super fertile at this point and moving very quickly compared to how they generally work. The new stuff is very jammy and I am assuming there will be a few longer running tracks like this one. Skinner suits them so well. And the way Thom and Jonny trade instruments during their set is a testament to how much they are pushing this work. It’s extremely enjoyable to watch unfold.

    I should say they have released songs as singles in the past and included it on the album half a year later, a few times in the 90s. Bending Hectic seems like a no brainer for the album. Then again so did Staircase which was better than King of Limbs for the most part.


    5 hours ago, egggohan said:

    I'm really enjoying the lead-off track. To me it gives Collapse + SAW II + Cheetah flavors arranged in a new configuration.

    I think by the time we got Collapse, I have heard enough "post-comeback" RDJ to settle down my sense that we were going to get a brand new genre of electronic music from this guy once again. So once I was able to lay that expectation down, now I can just appreciate how incredibly elaborate, sophisticated, delicate, meticulous, and rich the stuff that he does decide to offer us nowadays is without wanting more. There are so many reasons to be obsessed with the work of Aphex Twin, chief among them the way that nobody can emulate his sound because it's so singular. That aspect can and will continue to persist. Anybody who tries to make anything that sounds like him just comes off as derivative and doesn't really yield any artistic fruit that is worth appreciating, in my honest opinion. When you take influence from Aphex, it should be from his spirit and not his aesthetics, because if you go for the latter you just sound like a biter.

    But another reason why he was so important to me is because of the several great leaps forward he took in realizing totally new forms of music in the 90s and 00s. He's not going to make the same cultural impact now that he did when Didgeridoo, or SAW 85-92, or Hangable Auto Bulb, or SAW II, or ICBYD, or Melodies from Mars, or Come to Daddy or Drukqs had. He is still marching to the beat of his own drum, but the name of the game seems to be more combining his own flavors into new combinations now than it is trying not to repeat himself. And a world where three, four, five records worth of an incredible sound that is unmistakably the work of one person's mind that cannot be emulated exists instead of just one or two is a world I'm stoked to be in. He claimed the crown he always deserved when he came back in 2014 and if the king has something to say I'm gonna listen.

    I like to think that the 90s stuff wasn't him deliberately trying to make unique music. He was just making what was in him, and it was rarely aimed at needing to create a new genre or whatever. So now decades later when he is still just making the music he wants to make, which has much the same DNA as his 90s stuff, like he's always done, people can get the wrong impression that he is deliberately trying to make music no one has heard before. And that misconception can underwhelm people when they ASSUME he is concerned with making new genres, and not just making what comes naturally to him.

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  14. 18 hours ago, jules said:

    They did say this is a one off single - this won’t be on the next album

    That's really strange. Seems like a no brainer to go on LP2 which Thom has already said they are working on. It's like releasing Paranoid Android as a single, then not including it on Ok Computer. Does not compute. Of all their new tracks only debuted live, it's probably second best behind Just Eyes and Mouth

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