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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Braintree


    Just bought The Binding of Isaac because of the Steam holiday sale. What a weird game.

    One of my favorites and a real gem. Enjoying it?



    Yeah, I like it so far, but it's really frustrating that I can't save.


    I just bought the xbox port of Comix Zone (originally for Sega Genesis) which now has a save option when it didn't have one originally.

  2. pics of tats please braintree :flower:



    I'm getting a new one soonish, so I'll update when that happens.


    just want to say bravo on the sauce thing braintree, fucking hell man, that must have been so hot... i've got some "PAIN 100%" sauce (not sure why it's not called 100% PAIN...maybe it's Chinese) which I occasionally dish out to unsuspecting friends, and of course have partaken in it myself (now mostly just used in cooking though) and i have to say, it's certainly not a pleasant experience. exhilarating yes, but unpleasant.




    I'll need to order me a couple bottles of that. Looks promising for my B-hole.


    Or what's left of it.

  3. Yeah, that shit was intense. I woke up at like 7am and had to take the spiciest dump of my life.


    Wouldn't be surprised to find the toilet was seared.




    is that Dillinger playing in the background? it's hard to make out


    I believe it's The Hives.


    well.....you two have definitely raised the stakes in here. *ponders clever embarrassing photos*


    Wasn't there a craze for posting your bollocks on top of your monitor a few years back? I didn't dream that did I?



    I remember that. That had to be at least 6 years ago...

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