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Posts posted by Dpek

  1. 21 hours ago, J3FF3R00 said:

    Got to see The Irishman yesterday. 
    If you are a big Scorsese fan, you should see it, for sure. Without going into too much detail, I’ll just say it’s long and slow. 
    I can’t help but blame it on the fact that everyone is really old now. Still, I enjoyed it. I just wouldn’t put it near the top of my Scorsese list. Also, Harvey Keitel is criminally underused... along with every female actor in the movie. 

    What about the visual effects of making them younger? Is it distracting? I've watched the trailer and while it looked 95% fine, those other 5% looked artificial as hell.

  2. Well, I've got a bad case of tinnitus on a Swans concert, maybe something like this? Kind of regret it too, even though it also brought good things (I wrote and published a novel as an escape from the ringing, had some TV/radio appearances about tinnitus, and it also isn't so bad after 3 years). But I know it was one of the most depressing episodes of my life when I got it.

  3. The City & The City is dry as hell, but I love the concept of it.

    Not really a spoiler, but still:


    I would prefer it if it didn't tip its toe in the paranormal, even though it never truly dived. This way "Breach" wouldn't have conflicting roles and powers throughout the novel.


  4. Watched "Parasite", this year's Palme D'or. It is a very well made film, with a clear message and many brilliant moments, but on the other hand, it felt contrieved to me. The story went where it needed to go, everybody perfectly acted out what they needed to do, but I didn't feel honesty in this film. There were also some questionable music choices. No dissing, but it did nothing for me.

    • Burger 1
  5. Yes, there were some good bits with Chappelle. But is it me, or does he pull off a "dick joke" every time his rant could reach a meaningful conclusion?  I know it's a stand-up and it's not meant to be taken serious, but then at least give me some truly good jokes. It seemed to me like he forced quite a few laughs with his own laughing and pacing of delivery - a lot of style, but not so much of substance.

  6. Nice works everyone, Lewps, yours are crazy! This is all paint, or also digital?

    I've been working on a board game of my own these past few months. I want to send it to a few publishers and try my luck, so I made some art for it. As far as I understand, publishers tend to change the art, so this is placeholder, but I still wanted to make a nice package.


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  7. Bohemian Rhapsody

    Well, it was made well I guess. I enjoyed watching it. But quite forgetable. It also drives me mad how in all musical biopics managers and industry people always smile and respect egomaniacal demands and visions of young musicians like it proves them genius. I work in the music industry and in reality all these bigger-than-thou musicians would be put down quite quickly. Like in the scene where they (still nobodies) meet a big manager and he offers them his support. "What can you give us?" they say. "Maybe I can get you a tour in China," he says or something like that. "We want more," says Mercury. The managers smirks like holy-fuck-you-just-said-what-I-wanted-to-hear. NOPE. In reality he would get up and walk the fuck off, because these kind of statements indicate a lot of problems down the road.

    The Death Of Stalin

    Wow, I didn't know Armando Iannucci directed this beforehand, but I guessed it while watching it. Nobody does satire better than him. Hilarious and important. No wonder it's banned in Russia.


    Alright, just chiming in to say I purchased Mage Knight and have played 2 solo games 2 days in row. Holy cow. What a game. I don't think I had a better experience playing a board game yet, even though I played it solo and checked the rules about 50 times through it. I know I made at least 2 mistakes. Every little part of the game has an exception rule to the whole system and at first it's just frustrating. Still, I took my time and I think I got it all. The puzzle aspect of what you can do with your hand is sooooo soooooooo satisfying and the growth of your character is also soooooo good. I went to a dungeon late in the game just so I could kick some dungeon ass because these monsters were so hard for me in the early game. I trained at a monestary to get some special actions and then I burned the monastery the next turn. I tried to conquer a big city and of course got the shit beaten out of me. Then the game ended and I didn't succeed to finish my goal. But I can't wait to have a large table and 4 hours to spare on disposale again.



    Just watched a few YT videos on this, looks pretty deep.  I like complex games - but I know that with my 2 sons in the house there is no way I could leave this set up on the kitchen table and it would still be there when I got home from work.


    Its hard enough keeping vinyl out of harms way-  I built a special side board in our lounge to keep my decks and records out of reach until they are old enough to understand / respect them :D



    The game really is full of enjoyment so I still recommend it. Maybe build another side board in your lounge for this purpose? I personally wound't divide my play time into parts so you can always put everything in the box after playing it through.

  9. Alright, just chiming in to say I purchased Mage Knight and have played 2 solo games 2 days in row. Holy cow. What a game. I don't think I had a better experience playing a board game yet, even though I played it solo and checked the rules about 50 times through it. I know I made at least 2 mistakes. Every little part of the game has an exception rule to the whole system and at first it's just frustrating. Still, I took my time and I think I got it all. The puzzle aspect of what you can do with your hand is sooooo soooooooo satisfying and the growth of your character is also soooooo good. I went to a dungeon late in the game just so I could kick some dungeon ass because these monsters were so hard for me in the early game. I trained at a monestary to get some special actions and then I burned the monastery the next turn. I tried to conquer a big city and of course got the shit beaten out of me. Then the game ended and I didn't succeed to finish my goal. But I can't wait to have a large table and 4 hours to spare on disposale again.



  10. Woah, you really went into specifics :) Will check the Google Docs later for sure.


    Btw, how is Dominion? Do you have to give it a lot of time or is it possible to play it once a month or so and still milk the experience to its fullest?


    And another question - has anyone tried do design their own board game? I have to admit it is a bit of a buzz for me thinking about different mechanics and how would they work together.

  11. Whoops, Ovitus, didn't know another thread existed! Maybe a mod can merge them into one?

    Paranerd, which Eric Lang games did you playtest? Rising Sun?
    I want to try Carcassone and Pandemic, especially Pandemic Legacy ... When the time, people and paycheck come :)
  12. I know I searched for a few titles on the forum in the past and came up with nothing, so here is (probably?) the first thread on WATMM devoted to board games in general. After all, having all the rules and mechanics in your head and manipulating physical pieces according to the said rules is pretty IDM right?


    A lot of people think about Monopoly and then maaaybe Settlers Of Catan when board games are mentioned but the truth is the board game community evolved so much in the past 15 years it's ridiculous. It has become a very strong niche with a lot of devotees; single-person developers gaining as much as 3,5 million dollars on Kickstarter campaigns; play-cafes are opening up in more or less every capital nowadays. The result are also more complex games, longer games, more expensive games, more expansions, etc. It truly became a very big and convulted world of board game enthusiasts. Some are attracted to miniatures and beautiful components, others to the intricate gameplay.


    Board game are nowadays usually sorted as euro or ameritrash. Ameritrash games try to invoke the theme as authentic as possible - they are usually centered on conflict and have quite a lot of luck involved. Euro games are more abstract and have indirect conflicts, no player elimination and a low level of luck.


    I'm still quite new to the whole board-game shenanigans, but for me they represent a fine balance between an innovative mechanic, limited physical space, components, entertainment and socialising. The limitations are really interesting to me - you can pack 1000000 codelines into a video game, but when designing a board game you have to make everything as elegant as possible, so it can fit into a box and into a head.



    Sooo, does anyone play anything? Any recommendations?

    I'll start of with a few titles:



    So, this is known as the gateway drug for most of players. As such it usually isn't played anymore when you turn to more complex games but it has its merit. For starters, it was the first game I played that I admired its balance. You build villages, towns and roads to harvest different resources through the game and be the first one to gain 10 victory points. There are numerous ways to get victory points and you have to constantly shift your strategy based on what resources are harvested and what your opponents are doing. If you are new to this, I strongly recommend a game or two of this.



    The first meatier game I purchased and played with my friends. Blood rage is dudes-on-a-map game, which means conducting battles on a board in the style of Risk. But it is so much more. Its theme are Vikings and portions of the map are getting destroyed by Ragnarok as the game progresses. You can be aggressive, protective, you can even gain victory points by losing battles with the power of Loki. The tension is crazy and it gets even wilder as new battle cards come into play. I had to stand up and walk around the room a few times after losing a battle. Crazy fun.



    This is known as the most euro game of all euro games. It is Settlers Of Catan on stereoids. You control a race with a distinct power and terrain-type and you can only build on your terrain-type, so you have to terraform the board to your liking. Others are also manipulating the board and there are cults and different advantages in different rounds and bonuses and... But still this is a game that is played with perfect knowledge. From the start of the initial setup you know what will be important when and how, no luck involved. The only variable is what others are doing. It is truly engaging and hard and for a while it was the best rated board game on https://boardgamegeek.com



    I haven't played this yet, but it is currently the best rated game on BGG. The box it comes in weighs 20 pounds and you get choose-your-own-adventure style of an evolving RPG campaign, divided in 100+ scenarios, each requiring a few hours of gameplay. It contains multiple characters, enemies, secret envelopes, modification cards, etc... What you do will influence everything that follows. Gloomhaven is a legacy game. Legacy games are the new craze. They include game-changing mechanics, which expect you to tear up cards, add permanent stickers to the board, etc., all of which ultimately make the game more intimate and involved. Since Gloomhaven is so big and almost impossible to ever finish, this mechanic really adds to the experience.

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