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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Consul


    When is this available? When are we going to know it's out there in someone's hands?


    according to this post on his site.






    Thanks for that!


    People who act and talk like shit to me. And also people who talk shit about me when I'm in the same room. This problem alone just drives my anger issues wild, so wild that I start to stutter when I try to talk back and fail miserably. Also people who underestimate.


    That sounds terrible! 


    Yeah it does, I had so many outbursts in high school, it's insane. Those are the reasons I lower the count of my friends. Too many cooks spoil the broth, you know.

  3. Also, re: the Rome tunes.

    That's Tom, and there's a whole LP of those he did long ago.

    I really am going to check into whether there's a chance at them being released. I'd imagine there's some reason they're not out already but I'll at least give it a go.


    Do you know if this one is also in that LP you're talking about?


  4. Also, re: the Rome tunes.

    That's Tom, and there's a whole LP of those he did long ago.

    I really am going to check into whether there's a chance at them being released. I'd imagine there's some reason they're not out already but I'll at least give it a go.


    Is it possible if you posted the reason why they're not out already (if you get to learn it ofc)? I'm quite curious because I can't think of any.




    There's no set schedule for releases; record pressing queues are quite backed up. Plus still sorting out some contenders for release. There's all sorts of Aphex stuff new/old... there were quite a few of the ravey soundcloud ones I'd really like to have on vinyl. Doesn't even necessarily have to be only one release by any of these guys either. Everyone has so many good tunes.



    Make Rich or Tom (I'm still not sure who did the track) release the Rome track somehow please I beg.

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