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Posts posted by ceiling

  1. Anyone who's up for a trip, watch Angst (1983) 


    One of the Craziest horror films I've ever seen. 


    Amazing cinematography, so many original ideas in this film.


    Remember reading somewhere that it was a big inspiration for Gaspar Noe. Even if you're not into Gaspar, I recommend you still watch it. 


    Really great eerie music too

  2. I think this is one of the better theories. 




    Skip to around the 2:08 mark for the main point.


    And read the bio underneath the youtube video for a better explenation!


    A lot of people in the comments and another forum i posted in, seem to be missing the point. They keep going on about how the producer etc. said that syncing the episodes is pointless. 


    I couldn't agree more!


    However i think the main point of this video (although it is synced) is to show that some of the episodes are linked together, but may not be chronological.


    That match up between Laura (carrie page) screaming and then basically being drawn back into the black lodge just makes so much sense. 




    Read the bio though, the guy who made the video explains it so much better than me. 




    (living 20 minutes from that spot, I can't emphasize enough how huge these stairs are)


    I feel uncomfortable with Jaws doing that set. They were Ali Boulala's, he spiritually claimed them. It had an almost mythical status and should have been left as such, especially considering Ali's current condition. Feels like a disservice. Especially when jaws fucking grabs the board! Ali attempted the set with no grab! 


    And that over the top reaction in front of Ali, meh I hate jaws. 



    Not invested enough either personally to take a side but that's an interesting take. Reminds me of the drama over the 900 as a trick, Tas Pappas was quite resentful Tony Hawk landed it and was so heavily credited for doing so.


    After writing that comment i ended up watching an interview with both of them, seems like Ali is fine with it. 


    I'm not that invested either, stopped skating a long time ago and haven't kept up with it at all. 


    But seeing that clip just kind of made me feel meh. 


    Ali video feels raw and jaws one just feels really commercial for some reason. I think it's just his personality. 


    Now, sadly its burned into my retina. Never to be removed. What was once special, has now been soiled.


    It's like watching the hollywood version of ghost in the shell or something. 




    (living 20 minutes from that spot, I can't emphasize enough how huge these stairs are)



    I feel uncomfortable with Jaws doing that set. They were Ali Boulala's, he spiritually claimed them. It had an almost mythical status and should have been left as such, especially considering Ali's current condition. Feels like a disservice. Especially when jaws fucking grabs the board! Ali attempted the set with no grab! 


    And that over the top reaction in front of Ali, meh I hate jaws. 

  5. The 1997 TV version of Berserk


    In my opinion one of the greatest animes ever


    Up there with Neon Genesis


    Amazing music score by Susumu Hirasawa


    Avoid the newer adaptations of Berserk, some great moments but ultimately a really poor program

  6. All of Bobby's facial expressions were gold too


    I always thought he was a little hammy in S1-S2 (tho wasn't everyone) but he's killed it in S3 so far. I would watch his procedural spinoff

    Yeah bobbys definitely been killing it this season, his acting has improved tenfold. 

  7. Yeah i saw that that yesterday when i was looking up why he'd been replaced by a tree. Pity, but he was only an arm.


    Edit: He was 'armless

    The tree was cool though. Very creepy

  8. I really wish I could hear the unmastered tracks off syro. I feel like the mastering on this is a bit heavy from the dynamics side of things. They did a great job making it all gel together but I feel like everything feels a bit squashed and stuffed up and some of the parts could breath a bit more. (compare to say, rushup edge).


    EDIT: transients are too squashed. Attack and release time on the mastering compressors were too fast. Maybe richard wanted it that way, but I still want to hear original mixdowns.



    some thoughts from the first screening

    He's definitely seen it but he's getting the events of the scene all muddled up lol. If you don't mind spoilers or shitty phone footage, you can actually find the footage from this scene online, It's on reddit/r/lv426.


    Earlier in this thread I was slating the CGI in the trailers but from watching the leaked footage, I can say for sure that the CGI is on point : ) : ) : )

  10. the fucking music.

    Yeah the music for the trailers sucks but the OST does not, go check it out on youtube. Wasn't that keen on Jed Kurzel but It sounds like he's done an amazing job for Alien Covenant. 


    Also watched the 10min leaked clip and the music sounds pretty fucking cool! really weird and eerie, mild aphex vibes. 


    MCR quarter is one of my favourite ae tracks. suuuuuch a banger

    That must be the most fucking smashingest snare of all time.


    I would love to hear a studio version of MCR Quarter 


    Oh man before this trailer I was getting kinda psyched, but really not feeling this anymore. The CGI look like absolute horse shit. Feels like Avatar but with Aliens : / 


    I'd put aside my feelings towards Prometheus and given Ridley Scott the benefit of the doubt but now I dunno 

    I... just can't understand how people can say "the CGI looks terrible" - please, PLEASE - give me an example of what you think 'good' CGI looks like. I would love to have my mind blown.



    I thought Prometheus was on point with the graphics, looked amazing.


    And for Covenant Some of It does look good, mainly the practical effects like the facehuggers and neomorphs. The giant xenomorph at the very end looks really bad In my opinion, but like tec said sometimes the CGI In trailers Is greatly improved upon by the time the films properly released. We shall see I suppose. 


    People are always gonna be critical though, especially when It's an Alien film. The franchise means a lot to some people and for Ridley Scott to come back and completely tear up the rule book in terms of the Alien Mythology, It's a bitter pill to swallow. Big fans, me included are hoping he makes up for this with some great cinematography, interesting script and top notch CGI, but right now, It's not doing It for me. 

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