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Real Human Bean

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Posts posted by Real Human Bean

  1. We should be going digital only to reduce consumer fetishism and the unhealthy obsession with things.  My CD collection just sits on my shelf doing nothing since I've ripped all of them.  Why do I own these CDs?  For some abstract desire to have a collection of things representing my interests?  Unless you actively use them, this is the only explanation.  And CDs and even vinyls are disgusting and unhealthy for the environment.  We should boycott all physical releases.  If the dominant culture moved to digital only it would also lessen the divide between signed and unsigned artists who can afford large printings of physical releases and make the quality of the music itself come to the forefront, bandcamp and soundcloud has helped with this but it can go further still /rant


    What if a solar flare wipes out all your digital storage mediums? You'll still be able to listen to these tracks by running your freaky long finger nail through the sensual grooves.

    It's nice to have a carving of human expression that can be played back mechanically.


    Wait so the reason pthex isn't on vinyl is to reduce materialistic consumer fetishism?

    Don't wanna lower the quality of the pressing by adding more length and having to narrow the grooves.

  2. Now I wonder if I ever even liked it, especially because there is such an obvious throughline from pcmusic to nitecore to bronyism back to Sophie.

    Social media really has introduced and sequentially poisoned so many things I’ve loved.

    It's music you muppet. Listen to it with your body.

  3. he's being naïve a pseud there. the reason he ended up quoting celine dion in that track is because of his limited melodic language

    ​Yeah man that's horse shit. He's a good talker but some dude quoting a super simple diatonic line from a soundtrack does not the end of chromaticism make.

  4. The lyrics on 'Oil of...' are quite interesting, they deal with body augmentation, technology, existence/consciousness not tied to a human body, dysmorphia, social media, authenticity, identity, metamorphosis/transformation etc. etc.

    I love Platform but comparing HH to Sophie is an odd move as they're coming from different angles.
    HH came from a choral/churchy background then into academia and uses accessible 'pop' to bring her message and heady ideas to more people whereas Sophie comes from a 80s pop/dance/wedding dj background, listened to a bunch of IDM and experimental stuff growing up and was influenced to incorporate cutting-edge production into the most visceral, accessible bangers possible.

    2 of my favourite albums of the past 5 years but apples and oranges m8.

  5. I find it a bit fucked up that his show is advertised as a 'concertscape'. The Barbican show had dancers for 1 track (which you couldn't see from the balcony for most of the song) and a prop hanging either side of the stage. Doesn't justify the 'scape' imo.

    His interviews are always interesting though, will check ^^^


    I hope she figures out the mastering situation cuz the album sounds like trebly dogshit


    The high freqs on this album are ear piercing. Maybe some people are disagreeing in this thread because their ears can't catch frequencies that high anymore. Just for safety, please don't play this album around your dogs and other pets


    Heightened sensitivity is a precursor to hearing loss so maybe you're the one that needs to see an audiologist. 



  7. I'm proud to be on a forum with you, Your Holiness

    "If one assumes a humble attitude, one’s own good qualities will increase. Whereas if one is proud, one will become jealous of others, one will look down on others, and due to that there will be unhappiness in society."

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