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Everything posted by thepervertedarts

  1. Circlont6A, new fave bleep rave, warp bring out the old purple center stickers.
  2. Edit, I'm drunk and everything I say is just drunk bullshit! :)
  3. is she still your friend? lol I havent actually heard from her since...
  4. I wore a AT logo t the other day at work and a work friend of mine asked what it was so i sent her a playlist of my fave Aphex. bit.ly/1rYkJoE
  5. No teaser, 20 years later I hope I don't have to explain taste in music. I was talking about the listening party I'm freaking out as it is, sorry, didn't even think about any listening party, sorry
  6. No teaser, 20 years later I hope I don't have to explain taste in music.
  7. OMG AFX is releasing another album, I can't wait to explain to all my friends how much he's meant to me and my music listening habits. (Me in 1994, 2004 and 2014)
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