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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by DavieAddison


    Now give us cryptic hints on what the new version sounds like

    Like I said... I haven't heard CAT087, nor what tracks are on it (from the demo).



    I was talking about the recently reworked version Richard gave you on the down low

  2. Yeah, I really expected a David Lynch directed series about the aftermath of a father raping and murdering his daughter and niece to be "comfy." He really let us down with this one.



    Coming to the store soon I'd bet

    I think it's a bit more special than simply a digital release...

    how many years do you intend to do this?



    Can we all agree to lynch Joyrex if all his teasing ends up leaving us with collective blue balls?


    What if it really is a cultural issue as to why there are no rips? Respect and hierarchy is "Big in Japan". No rip = collective bow to RDJ.

    Or, it's just shite?





    I heard it was quite good


    clissold 101[dat28 otari] 48k fits absolutely perfectly on Surfing On Sine Waves, fantastic tune. It was always my favourite from the SoundCloud dump, but now with a much better (and more PC) title.


    I'm guessing it was made when Rich lived in Stoke Newington, inspiration for the title taken from Clissold Park in Stokey maybe? Similar to Clissold Bathroom from EKT.

    chink meant dent anyway



    Nah man, Richard is super racist. He was originally going to call the GAK release GOOK until Warp talked him out of it.

  6. still cant see shit from my corneal abrasion, but Enough to google if my favorite dude Harry Dean Stanton made into the series. Really happy. I like marathoning shows anyway.


    You're in for a treat. If there's one show to binge it's this one. It was filmed like an 18-hour movie.



    Smh @ people who fault weed for their own, unrelated laziness


    But cannabis does alter dopamine levels which directly correlates to a decrease in motivation. So do a lot of other things, but it would be stupid to deny that it doesn't have any effect on motivation in frequent users.


    Duh, but there are still many smokers that have no issue with motivation (i think they're called industrious stoners? Functional stoners?). If a person is so effected by cannabis, then that would be their own case. It goes without saying that different people have different reactions with different substances. It's still my personal conviction that the issue lies within the individual, regardless of drug use. They'll be lazy independent of how much or little they smoke. Weed certainly doesnt help such a disposition, but it certainly aint the root of the problem



    Obviously people can be functional users, but that doesn't change the fact that cannabis artificially alters dopamine levels which affects how much dopamine your body naturally produces over time.

  8. Smh @ people who fault weed for their own, unrelated laziness


    But cannabis does alter dopamine levels which directly correlates to a decrease in motivation. So do a lot of other things, but it would be stupid to deny that it doesn't have any effect on motivation in frequent users.

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