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Posts posted by DavieAddison

  1. still cant see shit from my corneal abrasion, but Enough to google if my favorite dude Harry Dean Stanton made into the series. Really happy. I like marathoning shows anyway.


    You're in for a treat. If there's one show to binge it's this one. It was filmed like an 18-hour movie.



    Smh @ people who fault weed for their own, unrelated laziness


    But cannabis does alter dopamine levels which directly correlates to a decrease in motivation. So do a lot of other things, but it would be stupid to deny that it doesn't have any effect on motivation in frequent users.


    Duh, but there are still many smokers that have no issue with motivation (i think they're called industrious stoners? Functional stoners?). If a person is so effected by cannabis, then that would be their own case. It goes without saying that different people have different reactions with different substances. It's still my personal conviction that the issue lies within the individual, regardless of drug use. They'll be lazy independent of how much or little they smoke. Weed certainly doesnt help such a disposition, but it certainly aint the root of the problem



    Obviously people can be functional users, but that doesn't change the fact that cannabis artificially alters dopamine levels which affects how much dopamine your body naturally produces over time.

  3. Smh @ people who fault weed for their own, unrelated laziness


    But cannabis does alter dopamine levels which directly correlates to a decrease in motivation. So do a lot of other things, but it would be stupid to deny that it doesn't have any effect on motivation in frequent users.

  4. I thought Bobby was pretty good in the original series too. His character was a bit cringy in general but I think he nailed the role


    Yeah, he was great. He helped contribute to the soap opera parody and surreal reality of the original series. Plus the scene with Major Briggs describing his vision to Bobby was one of the best scenes of the entire series.

  5. All of Bobby's facial expressions were gold too


    I always thought he was a little hammy in S1-S2 (tho wasn't everyone) but he's killed it in S3 so far. I would watch his procedural spinoff


    Not as good as this kid's expression



  6. I yelled like a little girl when I saw the scratch intro from the Windowlicker video was included, only to find out its basically cut right out of the music video with the voice-overs dicked around with in between the track. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I've always desperately wanted the solely instrumental version of the scratch intro. Wonder if it was an artistic choice to publish it this way, or rich maybe just lost the original recording and tried to find a compromise...?

    He said on SoundCloud that Chris Cunningham has the master and that Chris doesn't talk to him anymore


    Richard is a little bit BOB because Booper but his willy in his mummy.

    I'll be really disappointed if that turns out to be true.


    It's too obvious.


    People forget that Audrey was crazy enough all by herself, not to mention it runs in the family. I hope it turns out Richard is the spawn of Audrey and John Justice Wheeler



    He's lashing out because he knows he'll inevitably go bald

  8. Thanks for sharing the clarification Davie.


    Loving the new Tuss tracks! Not had chance to digest much else yet


    And also in a quandary about best buying strategy.. Bought field day and Rushup Edge but not sure how to go about the rest to get maximum benefit!  


    It's cheaper to buy ICBYD than it is to buy the 7 bonus tracks individually. Plus I'm hoping he adds more to that album because that's probably my favorite era.

  9. This is what Bleep support said when I asked why I couldn't download End e2 even though I bought Syro through Bleep


    "Whilst you can use your Bleep log-in to access the Aphex Twin store as we are helping him run it, this is Aphex Twin’s store.  These products are different and could change in future with tracks being added and removed. Those who have purchased the full release on the Aphex Twin store will have access to download these tracks for free. Please be aware most new tracks will also be available to purchase individually.  Whilst we provide customer support for the new store, all decisions with regards to what content is available on the store and when are made by Aphex Twin himself."


    edit: just got through all of 28 organ. wow. that was incredible. such a journey the track takes you on.. it was just getting crazy at the end too, i feel like it could be its own 30 min opus lol


    he cut a minute tho





    He got rid of the crazy voice modulation  :sad:

    ICBYD won't download for me, but everything else worked fine. That was fun. Hope it continues some.

    I had the same problem. It's a pain in the ass but if you add all the tracks to a zip file individually it will download

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