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Tricone RC

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Tricone RC


    Definitely going to.... I just don't understand how our justice system is so lenient and undervalues life by so much... =(

    he probably took a "plea deal", basically "I'll admit I'm guilty for a reduced sentence" which doesn't make sense to me, how can admitting guilt for something like that get you less of a charge? (happens often though...)


    Holy shit, that's insane


    Are you in Ontario? Recently a many-times-convicted rapist was released on a technicality, despite him being on record saying that he was going to rape more people. This was about 5 minutes walk from my street in Hamilton. Thankfully after about a week he was picked up again after committing some minor offense. But that week, the local community had the biggest collective WTF?! you could imagine.


    Unfortunately I am also related by marriage to another chronic sexual abuser of random women, who thankfully was put away recently. But again, not for nearly long enough - because of a plea deal. We are almost hoping something happens to him in jail to ensure he stays behind bars longer. Having someone like that as a relative does awful things to a family, my missus grew up with this guy and played with him every day as a kid, with genuinely happy memories of him - and now has to deal with the fact that he's a genuine danger to society. Mad shit.


    Perhaps crappy justice is an Ontario thing?

  2. Just back from a week-long booze cruise through New England picking up tonnes of obscure ciders. Crossed back into Quebec at a very quiet border crossing and ended up chatting for ages with the customs guy, who happened to also be a cider fan and actually made us a list of obscure Quebec ciders to get hold of. Will post photos of any particularly nice ones!


    Laptops generally have higher voltage than drives..


    The actual disk may still be salvageable if it really needs it ?


    Yep the drive is very possibly intact, when I get a chance I will get an enclosure for it.




    PS sorry about the car blysk! Never had a car nicked, which is quite lucky considering I normally drive ancient piles of crap from the 1990s which could be broken into and hotwired with a paperclip...

  4. My main backup external hard drive was stolen last month, and hasn't yet been replaced. My secondary backup is a clunky old external hard drive with its own power supply. I have been using this lately to store all my music, plus work crap. Power adapter broke yesterday (wires frayed). I have another adapter from an old laptop that fits. This morning I tried running it using this, drive didn't start up, started smelling that lovely burnt circuitry smell...


    That's probably all my music I just lost (plus hundreds of GB of work back-up files)


    Luckily I have the bulk of it on CD, but still, fuck!

  5. also not 'u-ziq' per se but 'das ist ein groovybeat, ja' is a wicked album

    Listening to this album for the first time in yonks, Mike makes pretty OTT use of this on Hot Fumes, thievin' bastard!


    He's on top form as Slazenger on Makesaracket, I know that album better, full of playful tunes

  6. I'm no expert on monetary economics but I like the idea behind Bitcoin, and having currencies free from Central Bank interference. The idea that central banks can manipulate interest rates, inflation etc has always sat rather uncomfortably with me, the intention is obviously benevolent, but benevolence is subjective and there can always be unintended consequences. Leaving currencies to do as the market dictates just seems more "right" to me, although I'm very willing to listen to other views.


    And regardless of your views there, it surely can't hurt to experiment with alternatives

  7. Never knew about those Clark tracks, beautiful...


    I was familiar with his XLT persona over the last few years but didn't know anything about him IRL, it seems pretty unanimous that he was a great fella. An especial tragedy seeing he has a young family


    While I didn't know him, I certainly knew his 3 albums - cheers Mark for the joy they have brought me over the years. Through those he will live on

  8. I knew a guy at uni who was very friendly and open, but (paradoxically?) totally socially inept. He would start talking about something ludicrously esoteric e.g. different versions of the Indian national anthem, for yonks. You could walk away from him but you could hear him still talking about the same topic to himself after you had left the room, almost as if he didn't realise you had gone


    He went on to become a radio presenter



    I need to walk a block and a half to the vet's to get a box* of canned catfood for my cat, then walk all the way back.

    *it's not actually a box, but I still can't remember the technical name for it: long, rectangular, open topped ankle biting box that serves more as a surface for the cans to stack upon. wtf is that called? I always feel like an ass going in and asking for a box of tins and having them respond with "oh, you mean the ___ of tins?" I think my memory for words is filled to capacity, and it just won't accept this one.

    I have to do this too - both our cats have recurring urinary infections and need special fancy expensive food. Fortunately the vets is a 5min walk away. I also have no idea what the cardboard can tray things are called



    Do you get Urinary SO? That's what my little guy needs, otherwise he gets urinary chrystals. Last night he tore off my U key, so this message has been difficult to type. (That's my FWP for today if anyone was wondering.)


    Don't have any to hand (I'm travelling) but I think that's it. Made by Purina. Both our cats have the same issue. They have never bothered with my computer fortunately, but the shites are fond of chewing our curtains to shreds

  10. I need to walk a block and a half to the vet's to get a box* of canned catfood for my cat, then walk all the way back.

    *it's not actually a box, but I still can't remember the technical name for it: long, rectangular, open topped ankle biting box that serves more as a surface for the cans to stack upon. wtf is that called? I always feel like an ass going in and asking for a box of tins and having them respond with "oh, you mean the ___ of tins?" I think my memory for words is filled to capacity, and it just won't accept this one.

    I have to do this too - both our cats have recurring urinary infections and need special fancy expensive food. Fortunately the vets is a 5min walk away. I also have no idea what the cardboard can tray things are called

  11. space-1999-episodes-cover.jpg

    holy fuck that shit was the bomb, in a hilariously cheesy way. At least ten guys would be sucked to their doom through a broken window into the vacuum of space in each episode, from a moonbase that couldn't have had more than a couple of hundred people.


    Actually watched the two original Thunderbirds movies lately, also Gerry Anderson, forgot how great the music was:



  12. I suck at my job and I didn't realize it until I took on more responsibility than I could handle. I'm finally getting some help now that the project is almost done. I see a light at the end of the tunnel now but I still feel like a piece of shit. Upside is, I learned a lot. Nothing I could put on a resume for when I get fired though.

    Ah but as long as you don't get fired, then you still learnt how to do shit, even if it was the hard way. So you're better prepared for future work-based shitstorms. I tend to get thrown in at the deep end too but fortunately have not messed anything up enough to lose my job over


    In other news, my rose cuttings haven't rooted yet so I might not be able to plant them before cold weather comes, sadface

  13. I have hardly listened to it since it came out, not because I don't enjoy it but more because I find it profoundly depressing.


    I found Mu-Ziq's Duntisbourne Abbots depressing too but that album had much more of a self-pity feel to it, whereas BOC's TH evokes an extreme anxiety and almost desperation for me. I guess it's supposed to be about some kind of societal or ecological catastrophe so perhaps that's what they wanted.

  14. ok, so after a few days of a lot of µ-ziq, I'm digging on tango n vectif, bluff limbo and lunatic harness.

    Bilious Paths is similar to Lunatic Harness, both are spectacular. Some of Royal Astronomy is in the same vein too


    He went through a few phases IMO - his first few albums up to In Pine Effect are clunky crunchy endeavours. The next few up to Bilious are much more jungle-inspired

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