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Tricone RC

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Tricone RC


    Recently read:

    • Rendezvous With Rama (Clarke) — SF classic. Groovy cover art, too.


    One of my fav classic scifis that


    I'm working through a stack of U K LeGuin, so far read Dispossessed and Left Hand of Darkness. The first is pretty enjoyable save for the ending which is probably the laziest deus-ex-machina I've ever come across. Enjoyed Left Hand too, but didn't think the main theme was all that well-developed. The whole point of the book is famously to compare our society with one that would result if people were androgynous, and that theme is obviously mentioned throughout but nowhere does it really seem to control the plot or even really the underpinnings of the societies it explores (far less than their religions, anyway). Both were good but I was expecting more, I guess

  2. And here's is, as Schlitze would say, a doozie:


    article by Amanda Froelich




        Following are 100 studies proving cannabis to be an all-natural cancer killer: Cannabis kills tumor cells






    They show that cannabinoids and other substances derived from cannabis might perhaps work as part of cancer treatments. That doesn't mean that gettin' blazed will do bugger all. Paclitaxel is used frequently in chemo but this doesn't mean that you should eat yew leaves (note: don't try this)


    Some young fucks are having a party a couple of houses away and they've been playing terrible music for the past 9 hours or so. It's killing me and making me feel old.

    Female vox on first verse with root-position major-chord prog played wi MIDI piano: "We drinkin, wedon giveuh fuk, nuh-nuh-nuh, we be young fo-evuh"




    drums go half-time, dubstep snare & trap hi-hat triplet flourishes, trance synth sidechanged to kik, syllables from preceeding vocal verse are cut up and pitched/modulated around rhythmically creating a staccato melody that mostly jumps 5ths & 8ths.


    female vox n ambient section return "You dun lied, nuh-nuh-nuh, we go-in ouuuuTUHNEYE, we gon LYET-IH-UP"




    Chorus repeats


    *muted cymbal crash* fade to end





    At least, this is what most music played at parties sounds like to me these days.


    lol fucking truth bullets

  4. If you're considering getting a dog, please at least stop and think to see if you'd have the balls to open your front door to someone who's just been charged at and had his leg gashed open by your cute critter completely unprovoked. Don't give a toss if it couldn't hurt a fly, it could have taken the leg off my kid, and I know you're sitting in your front room because I can smell you smoking a joint through the window you utter cunt

  5. RTGs are interesting tech - very simple and inefficient, but I wonder how more efficient they might have become, or more widely applied in civilian roles, if it wasn't for the fact that someone could just pinch one and turn it into a dirty bomb in their shed on their lunch hour with time to spare

  6. guy i went to school with just died from a fentanyl overdose.

    man sorry to hear. that shit is a total plague round this way too. My wife has a handful of relatives who are on-and-off addicts, no matter how many times her family tries to save them and bring them back, and no matter how many near-death experiences they have, sometimes they will just keep slipping back into it. In one case I think we're pretty much waiting for the phone call to find out that they've died


    i would have loved that as a kid. Instead I was only allowed chinese stars


    me too. it's strange how realistic toy guns were in the early to late 60s yet there weren't nearly as many school shootings as there are nowadays despite the fact that it was much easier to acquire a firearm. what do you suppose happened?


    In the 60s you could let off steam by beating up your wife / black people / gay people, or shooting up villagers in Nam. Can't do that kind of thing so much these days (political correctness, I know) so what else can an angry white guy do to chillax?

  8. until very recently I still made and played mixtapes quite regularly on account of driving a 1980s rustbucket. Not sure how much airtime my cassettes will get now the car's gone, but I'll keep using my tape decks for messing with samples when I make my shit hot traxxxx


     I've never actually bought new cassette releases though

  9. Gasset's Revolt of the Masses. Seems to mostly consist of a rant about how the bottom half of the white collar set looks down on poshos and thinks it knows what's best for the proles. Oh and they take stuff for granted too.


    Interesting to think who he would call Mass-Men were he alive today. Mail readers or Guardian readers? Or both?

  10. First three eps of S2 of the Expanse were better than the entire first season combined. Could do with less of the Martian marines though, every scene is exactly the same. NZ chick is pissed off, one dude was born on Earth and the blonde is super racist at him, and the bald captain is stern. Don't need 20 minutes of that thanks.

    Neat, really wanted to enjoy the first series but gave up on it.


    Watching Hyperdrive now, BBC noughties sci-fi comedy, never watched it originally but it turns out it's reasonably funny

  11. FWP related to this: My partner walks at normie speeds so I have to match my pace to his when we walk together. Even so we still manage to walk faster than some people, but only slightly, so it creates these scenes in which we are barely overtaking a walker ahead of us or someone is barely overtaking us and there are moments where it feels like we are walking with this other person. It doesn't seem to bother Frank (my partner) at all but I find it pretty awkward at times.

    lol, I find it quite hard to match pace with my wife, and even when we're having a conversation I sometimes end up a pace or so ahead of her. She calls me Hirohito*



    *apparently because this is something he also did. Disclaimer: I have no detailed knowledge of Japanese imperial walking traditions

  12. I'm quite tall and my natural walking pace is much faster than most peoples', so when walking alone I inevitably catch up with whoever else is walking in the same direction and have to slow down and wait for an opportunity to overtake. Despite how often this happens I still never seem to quite twig how dodgy it might look until I'm a few strides behind them. This has led to a couple of recent instances where I suddenly realise it must look like I'm shadowing some lone teenage girl. No I'm not stalking you, you just walk annoyingly slow you little shit

  13. Watching the new Dirk Gently with Elijah Wood. Afterwards I'll watch the older one with Stephen Mangan because it was funnier



    Finally got around to The Expanse. Really well crafted sci-fi, the ideas shape the plot and allow for the politics and character drama to flow. Shame about some dodgy acting and really bad green screen.


    The TV series really doesn't match up to the books, which were actually quite funny in places. Mostly the stale acting, real shame tho


    Really recommend the books if you haven't read them

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