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Tricone RC

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Tricone RC

  1. got a totally unexpected phone bill for $1500 which i have no way of dodging. The rate your network tells you you'll be charged for calling a satellite phone is apparently not the rate you actually pay. Even when you're told you'll just pay international rates, it's actually fucking $7/minute. And there's nothing you can do about it. FML


    Planet 1.3x the size of Earth is found orbiting in habitable zone of Proxima Centauri (the closest star to our own)





    this is really nuts


    spotting rocky earth-sized planets is rare, having one be at the temperature for liquid water is huge. the fact that its the at the closest star system is crazy.


    smaller planets are spotted less but thats probably to do with the fact that they are harder to spot, so maybe that explains it being coincidentally close-by. still quite significant in its implications.



    sup overlords



    News of the year IMO. It's the only extrasolar planet that, maybe, perhaps, we might be able to send a probe to.

  3. my cousin made these cool beer openers with a really strong magnet embedded in the back of the wood, i really enjoy using it and displaying my caps :emotawesomepm9:

    On that note, is anyone else here interested in collecting caps? I have a deep photo frame on the wall filled with caps, I almost have enough to fill the second one but I've apparently drunk every drink there is to drink in this area with a vaguely interesting cap. Got lots of doubles for swappin', mostly Ontario/upstate NY but also some Eurobooze, anyone fancy a swap by post?

  4. On weekend went to funeral of a relative's stillborn child. Pretty rough, as you can imagine. But it was also super awkward because only just prior to hearing that awful news, we'd announced to family that we were forming babby, and this was the first time since then that we'd seen any family. So, lots of people uneasily wishing us congrats at possibly the most inappropriate venue imaginable... Never felt more uncomfortable in my life

  5. Watching the Life series narrated by David Attenborough right now. Really good. Very similar to Planet Earth, but goes a bit more in depth.

    Have you seen Life on Earth - the Attenborough one from the 70s? Still his best IMO


    The Beeb has made some incredible doc series over the years, two of my favs are The Planets (late 1990s - solar system, space exploration), and Earth Story (mid 90s, geology/earth history) - both a tad out-of-date now, but both beautifully put together and well worth a lazy Sunday watch






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