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Posts posted by atypic

  1. Im getting visions of fred tearfully logging out of WATMM for the last time, with his best man right behind him -hand on shoulder- right before walking out into the Chapel for the vows


    I like it!


    Good thing none of the rest of us are married.  We're like monks - unable to marry as it would distract too much from our true calling.


    Drukqs doesn't seem to have a buy album option when you click on it, just individual tracks to purchase....


    Anyone know how to find that? Did it ever exist?

    Interesting, i know it used to have a "buy album" option too, must be a mistake. Something maybe got goofed when the new tracks were uploaded.



    Yeah it did - I used it before

  3. You guys think Richard will release his new music this way from now on? He can just sell directly to the masses without need of any other kind of distribution.


    I don't think this counts as selling directly to the masses.  I mean, it's selling direct, but "the masses" are going to iTunes and Spotify (or their record store).  For real releases, I expect he'll do both.



    I've bought a little amount of music and can comment. Are you definitely signed in ?


    My ability to see comments didn't come immediately after I purchased...maybe the second day.



    Question for the OCD completionists (definitely not me, definitely not !) ... where do these bonus tracks live if you have the Japanese bonus tracks added to the album already


    e.g. in Syro is 'MARCHROMT30a Edit 2b 96' track 13 or is 'End E2' track 13 (as tagged in the ID3) and the Japanese bonus track gets bumped to track 14 ?


    I currently have two track 13s.  But just relying on the EP might be sufficient to nuke it from Syro.








    the new rushup masterings... yuge


    Was just listening to this, agreeing that it sounds different.  Better, I think.  Kinda wish I hadn't replaced my old files with it though so I could do a proper compare...


    Compared the versions of Synthacon 9 and Goodbye Rute in Audacity, couldn't see any difference either, and when properly lined up, playing back one version plus the inverse of the other gives absolute silence...








    < lel > m

    lul [partially expander M]






    Just resurrected my original CD rips from the Recycle Bin to do an a/b.  Track lengths for the new ones were generally 2 seconds shorter.  But tbh I couldn't hear any difference.

  4. I am happy to give RDJ my money. He has given me such joy since Digeridoo came out.


    That's my thinking.  It's not like he's going to blow it on pennywhistles and moonpies.  He's going to buy some new gear and make amazing new stuff.


    so does afx have kids are not, the reall questions that need answering now.


    Yeah he does.


    Also tbh this is the first time I've bought a lot of this stuff, like Tuss and and HAB and Girl/Boy, so I don't feel too bad about it - and ICBYD already has a second album's worth of extras. It's not like he's slapping one or two tracks on a release and billing full price. And for Syro all I bought so far was end E2 because I already have that on vinyl.


    Idk, seems like far less of a cash grab than comparable rereleases.


    Agreed.  Some of these are my first time buying the release as well.



    funny how you can access certain tracks only by searching them


    which ones are those now


    Also saw user name:  Joyrex is a Knob Polisher



    was looking for Ventolin (Asthma Beats Mix). ventolin remixes ep doesn't show up in the catalogue anymore



    Good call - just grabbed that one!  LMK if you see any others!



    merry maidens added to icbyd


    Innnnteresting.  So for those who had already bought ICBYD - can you say how this works?  Was there any automatic notification?  Does it indeed show up as free now to download?



    i bought icbyd at 19 tracks and half an hour later merry maidens got added as a track i could download individually or in the album bundle, no extra cost



    Will required our eagle-eyed community to notify us then, unfortunately.  Automatic notification would have been awesome.


    jesus. the 4 extra tracks on Orphaned DJ Selek kick the shit out of the official release. 

    Exactly my thoughts, those tunes are so great!!! 

    Much better then the slamming thingys... 


    This I like:

    "Anyway there should be a load more HAB's, theres no real logic to how and when tracks will appear. Its just when i come across them basically but yeah got big plans ahead in sorting my archived tapes n stuff."

    This makes you just wanna buy all the albums instead of individual tracks. 

    Really can't make up my mind about it though... It sounds like an investment to just buy/re-buy all the full albums/ep's so that hopefully you will get new tracks for free later on... Like what about Drukqs... If he starts adding tracks on there it's gonna run out of controle. 


    But on the other hand it sounds like a rip off to have to re-buy most of the albums to maybe get new tracks aferwards? 

    Any thoughts on this? How are you guys handling it? 




    If the site is working better (maybe today), I plan on leaning towards re-buying everything as albums to get the extra new tracks later.  But I'll probably skip doing that on the ones that don't currently have new tracks added.




    I don't know what to say. I can't/will afford this.


    a bunch of us should get together and buy one album each and share the lot among ourselves 



    Umm that's a definite no!  Please support your artists - especially your favorite artists.  If you don't want to buy it, the streaming is free.



    The Tuss sounds crystal clear. Have these been remastered or am I delusional?

    Did a quick A/B test on Synthacon 9 and the files sound identical. Slightly different length of silence before and after the track, though.


    Thanks for checking that man!



    merry maidens added to icbyd


    Innnnteresting.  So for those who had already bought ICBYD - can you say how this works?  Was there any automatic notification?  Does it indeed show up as free now to download?




    Oh my god, so much stuff to check out, so little time. Since I have a long drive ahead of me in less than six hours I will just have to settle on "end E2" a couple more times, so goood!


    Also this comment on Syro:


    Got more alternative takes if anyones is interested? ill upload them.


    Fuck yes I'm interested!

    LOL if anyone is interested ? yeah a few of us might be.



    Someone comment yes on this please.


    Also note the alternative Syro art, with a breakdown of his FB followers.



    Last I checked there were at least 4 of us saying we were "mildly interested" in what else he has to offer, self included.




    I guess I can't see the comments until I buy.


    Oh my god, so much stuff to check out, so little time. Since I have a long drive ahead of me in less than six hours I will just have to settle on "end E2" a couple more times, so goood!


    Also this comment on Syro:


    Got more alternative takes if anyones is interested? ill upload them.


    Fuck yes I'm interested!

    LOL if anyone is interested ? yeah a few of us might be.



    Someone comment yes on this please.


    Also note the alternative Syro art, with a breakdown of his FB followers.

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