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Posts posted by WeAreOceans

  1. Yeah I'm much more into it. However



    Not sure it's a good sign the two big twists so far were called pretty early by fans. It also still suffers from character apathy, I'm  finding it hard to really care about them. Now that we've found out Lorca was Evil Lorca all along it just feels like another one not to care about. The show badly needs more character development which is tough when it's high calibre action all the time, as opposed to older Trek where you'd have entire episodes spent on one or two characters dealing with a more mundane issue.


  2. Smart plan, I should probably do the same if I dust DS3 off


    So I dusted it off, got to the archives and realised



    You need to kill the three previous Lords for the archive key to spawn



    Thankfully by the time I got there I had another 10 levels or so which made the Aldrich fight a little easier

  3. Been playing Dark Souls 3 again lately, making my first attempt at a sorcerer run in a souls game... It's been a tougher start but my stats are starting to come around now. Pretty fun way to play, different tactics than the more melee builds, having to time spells, keep distance, manage mana etc.


    I usually find magic builds OP in Souls PvE but for some reason my magic character is still stuck at Aldritch, combination of high magic resistance and difficult to dodge attacks makes it real hard for me. And all the phantoms I summon are useless.

  4. I suck at XCOM as well so there's probably a theme here. Biggest issue with DD is that you have to buy provisions beforehand - food, torches and shovels (both not technically necessary but will make your life a lot easier), plus usual healing/status items.


    But if your party dies, not only do you lose them, their gear, you also lose all the gold you invested in provisions. And if you overpay and return with extra stuff you're only given a portion of what you've spent. It's really demotivating. There's a separate currency you can use to invest in the town for new and upgraded buildings which help out but early dungeons trickle small amounts of it out.


    I don't know, I wanted to love it, really great dark and Lovecraftian themes, but it just wasn't for me.

  5. Anyone played Darkest Dungeon? I'm thinking of picking it up on Switch when it comes out.


    I find it really frustrating. You'll watch your beloved high level party die because of a few bad dice rolls. It never feels like you're really in control. It's sort of the point, I really love the macabre atmosphere, but I got to the point where I just didn't feel like playing anymore because I never felt like I was making meaningful progress. Perhaps I'm just terrible at turn based combat, but it feels like a very difficult and very punishing game.


    maybe next you could watch skins, plotwise the most nonsensical depiction of bristolian 6th form college life you could ever hope to see. its kind of like nothing but crescendos, storylines build to breaking point, and then as it moves to the next central character, anything that happened to the character from the last episode is completely forgotten about, deaths, OD's, cheating, you name it. brilliant stuff. 


    it was actually scripted by the 16 year old actors as well



    skins is either a brilliant piece of subtle parody of your average British teenager who watches it and thinks "wow this is so much like my life!!!!", or (as is probably more likely) just fantasy porn for middle class turds


    I always liked Stewart Lee's take on it



    Someone on reddit mentioned:


    * The Bush administration moved it in 2008, not Obama

    * It wasn't sold, it was leased

    * It was moved because it was too small and the location had security concerns

    * Figures for the cost are estimated around $750m-$1b


    He legit just lives in his own dream world


    Just aghast at who still supports him - even if you are a closed border immigration, laissez fair economics, socially conservative Republican voter, wouldn't you want someone competent and coherent running the show?

  8. The World Ends With You is great, and made great use of the DS' dual screens. I gotta say the Switch is looking more appealing, just needs some more original releases to tip me over.



    Guess those garbage chalice dungeons really were the end of Bloodborne for me. Tried to get started on another playthrough but I just can't. sad. all right game though, in spite of those.

    Back to Battlefield 1.


    Yeah fuck the Chalice Dungeons. When I heard about before the game was out I was like "holy shit roguelike Souls". They just end up really tedious. Easily the worst part of getting platinum was slogging through. Defiled is even worse where you have 50% hp, so you end up fighting bosses that one-shot you. :catcry:

  9. Seems the Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter has woken up after four years of silence



    I also learned today the game world is going to have a technology called Braindance where you can experience emotion and physical sensation through someone else (like Neuromancer's Simstim tech). I guess someone at CDPR is an old school Rephlex fan.

  10. Mirror Universe is always mega edgy, part of the campy fun. Turned proud and scrappy Kira into a moustache twiddling nymphomaniac villain, for instance. I quite liked the new episode, though I hope they don't dwell in the mirror universe too long.



    And yeah I was thinking the same for the emperor. If they do something stupid like Saru I'll drink a whole bottle of vodka on stream.



    Also I am exceptionally attracted to Evil Tilly.

  11. Good Time - Forgot I saw this over the Xmas period. Really liked it, equal parts exciting, funny and heart wrenching. Cinematography and use of colour was really beautiful - the birds eye view scenes were also great, although the close-up shots got a bit too claustrophobic at times. OPN soundtrack was pretty good too.

  12. It was, I dunno, fine. The first half drags which makes the second half a little exhausting to get through. I really just wanted that final drill gun assault to be over ASAP. As others have said, loads of weird and jarring lines and events. I was so hoping for something interesting to happen with Rey and Kylo, even flipping sides would have been fun. But yeah we're back to big ol evil empire and underdog rebels, I dunno why I expected anything else, not sure I care about this ends.


    Except as a couple of other people have mentioned, you kinda feel like you have to to keep up with other entertainment or content creators you like. Even if I didn't we're gonna be seeing endless Star Wars movies for years and years to come. Disney is going to milk this bloated cow for every last drop and pay for every trailer and tacky sponsorship they can. I never really cared for Star Wars that much in the first place I just thought TFA was alright. Baby boomers have hijacked pop culture and it's not going away until their big pensions run out. Aaaaaaaaaa.

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