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The Green Kingdom

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Posts posted by The Green Kingdom

  1. Hello all, listened to Jim and Julian's appearance on Jonny Trunk's OST show, which is available for download on the Resonance site. Great as you might expect with the two bringing in lots of rare library and soundtrack joints as well as playing new Belbury and Advisory Circle.


    Noticed that there is also a show featuring Jon Brooks which I have yet to listen to. Jim mentioned that the new Advisory album, As the Crow Flies, should be out June 21, but this says July 8. (small image of the artwork as well if it's real- looks official?)

  2. Just pulled the trigger on the Willows vinyl reissue (with free FLAC download) after listening to the samples and I have to say it's probably the best Ghost Box full-length that I've heard.

    But have you heard Other Channels, The Owl's map and Hey Let Loose Your Love? :spiteful:

  3. Kind of how I feel about this album as well (same as the first Nuearz album, although that wasn't nearly as good as 'Trademark') as time's gone on. As much as I love it I can't remember how many times I've done it all in one go. I've also found it sounds a lot less abrasive than it might first seem with repeated listens, there are actually some lovely moments on there, such as 'Remote Control', moments of 'Twitch Of The Nerve' and 'Red Lens Effect'. The one thing I don't like about the album is the intro to 'Gianasi' which I loathe, although even that track soon picks up for me.

    I feel the same way- I finally ordered this today after being on the fence for a while, occasionally listening to a track or two on YouTube. Found myself listening to the samples on Boomkat today over and over and finding it strangely addictive...

  4. Don't forget MM.. Food. LOVE that album.



    Was just going to mention that, great album. Rapp Snitch Knishes with Mr. Fantastik is awesome (he's also on the King Geedorah album). We need more Fantastik!


    Madvilliany is still the best imo.

  5. Stars Of The Lid - Per Aspera Ad Astra (and their following albums)

    Thomas Köner - Nuuk

    Biosphere - Substrata

    Tim Hecker - Haunt Me, Haunt Me Do It Again

    Harold Budd/Brian Eno - Ambient 2

    Good list!


    I like:

    Stars Of The Lid - The Tired Sounds of...

    Biosphere - Substrata

    Harold Budd/Brian Eno - Ambient 2

    Eno - Discreet Music

    Taylor Deupree - Northern

    Shuttle 358 - Understanding Wildlife

    Aphex - SAW 2

    Max Richter - The Blue Notebooks

    Fourcolor - Water Mirror / Air Curtain

    Fennesz - Endless Summer / Venice

    KFW - Playthroughs

    Opitope - Hau

  6. AKR077_AoA_900.jpg


    From Pitchfork:

    Following (very) closely on the heels of last week's surprise All Delighted People EP comes news of a brand new Sufjan Stevens full-length. The Age of Adz will be released by Asthmatic Kitty on October 12. ("Adz" is pronounced "odds," a press release tells us.)


    The Age of Adz:


    01 Futile Devices

    02 Too Much

    03 Age of Adz

    04 I Walked

    05 Now That I'm Older

    06 Get Real Get Right

    07 Bad Communication

    08 Vesuvius

    09 All for Myself

    10 I Want To Be Well

    11 Impossible Soul


    From Asthmatic Kitty:

    We can say it shows an extensive use of electronics (banjos and acoustic guitars give way to drum machines and analog synthesizers), and an obsession with cosmic fantasies (space, heaven, aliens, love), to create an explicit pop-song extravaganza, augmented by heavy orchestration, and maybe even a few danceable moments. Enjoy Your Rabbit meets the BQE. But with songs. Verse, chorus, bridge, backbeat. Gated reverb. Space echo. Get your boogey on.


    The “Adz” of the title loosely refers to the apocalyptic paintings of outsider artist Royal Robertson (1930-1997), whose work is used for the album cover, interior design, and as general inspiration for the tone of the album.



    Seems like some crazy Sufjan prog/idm album, should be awesome!

  7. Not sure when this is coming out, but Teebs is definitely my favorite out of the LA scene (right up there with FlyLo for me). His stuff is so lush, mellow and melodic. Excellent visual artist as well.


    You can check some of his tunes in his recentish XLR8R Podcast.


    The first Morricone-sampling track below is one of my favorites.






    Also, Google his Teebs 09 cdr for some auditory pleasures if you're so inclined...

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