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Everything posted by nappanapples

  1. nappanapples

    elseq 1-5

    I got that sense too especially from the sound of eastre. its the same 3 droning chords for the entire song, but with an engrossing AE take on the style that earth has executed so well. ive loved playing eastre loud as fuck in the same way id listen to earth. Also it just sounds the "earthiest", while the rest of the album has mostly evoked for me scenes of space
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FhOtRH6GZ8 Jute Gyte. It's one guy who composes electronic music and micro-tonal black metal on his own, and he releases it all for free on bandcamp. https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/. Though their sound has some similarity, it doesn't make sense to say he sounds like AE just like it doesn't make sense to say AE sounds like anybody else. They've both affected me in similar ways, though. Both were off-putting at first, but I could hear something unique and special in their music that made me keep listening. It wasn't until I re-listened to Jute Gyte's latest electronic release "Dialectics" earlier today that I became convinced that his music is just as complex - everything is put in its perfect place. The music doesn't cater to the listener's expectations or associations but stands on its own. Just like many AE songs/albums, elements like song length, pace and progression, jarring sounds, weird harmonies, seemingly random rhythms, etc. didn't settle quite right with me at first, but suddenly made sense all at once at a later listen. I haven't enjoyed listening to an album so much since those times when AE albums finally "clicked" for the first time, and I'm excited to go through all his previous albums and see if I have a similar experience. I was impressed so much that I finally decided to create an account here after months of reading through posts just to tell you wonderful people about Jute Gyte!
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