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Posts posted by watmmisdead

  1. 15 hours ago, brian trageskin said:

    the figures in the video are completely bogus, vastly inflated. there are far fewer deaths in reality. and the supposed correlation between the increasing number of deaths and vaccination is completely bogus too. 

    here's the 1st graph: 


    compare this with the real figures:



    notice the difference? 

    now 2nd graph: 




    same shit. 

    i'm not gonna waste any more time on this, you get the idea. and btw it's johns hopkins, not john hopkins lol.

    im not sure where you disagree tbh.

    I mean, its quite clear, since the vaccination program, not one location have seen a drastic reduction in death. Why dont you adress this issue? 

  2. I wont continue the discusion here. I hope I havent offended anyone. I realize that the sheep video was not of good taste even if the video still showed the changing narrative towards the efficacy of vaccine to protect against transmission rendering this whole mandate vaccine insane. Actually, I'm ok with the vaccine, just not with the mandates and I have the right to my opinion and others to theirs. 

    see you guys over at the music forums 

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  3. 6 hours ago, ignatius said:

    yes vaccines work. they are very effective. w/o them so many more people would be dead. there are still break through infections of vaccinated people sometimes but but those cases are almost 100% mild. when the delta variant hit nearly every single hospitalized person due to covid was unvaccinated. 

    NO VACCINE OF ANY KIND for any prevention is 100% effective.. so.. measles and rubella or whatever.. there's still some chance that a vaccinated person can get infected. this is why it's so important that everyone gets vaccinated.. that's how herd immunity is achieved. 

    is this something they don't cover in paramedic training? probably not.. i'm guessing dealing w/injuries and heart attacks etc is more the focus right? how to help someone survive on the way to the hospital yeah? 

    to fill this gap in your training here's a youtube video. 

    also, calling bullshit on "my paramedic friends are responding more to vaccine injury than covid infections" - that's just bullshit watercooler talk. the dozens of people i know who've gotten vaccinated had no problems beyond sore arm and flu like symptoms. many had absolutely no side effects. so obviously my watercooler anecdotal evidence cancels out yours ?


    no point in even answering to this

    I see Ive hit very sensible chords. good luck everyone.



    • Facepalm 4
  4. 5 hours ago, chenGOD said:

    Yes i stand corrected, the requirements have gone up to 3 years for paramedics.

    Do you think you could pass the nurse licensing exam administered by the Quebec Order of Nurses (of course Quebec has to have their own standards body lol)?

    For the rest of Canada becoming an RN is a 4 year program at university. No one cares except that you're holding out as an authority because of your training. Despite said training, you can't seem to comprehend that the "information" you're providing is misleading.

    im holding out as authority? how? what made you think this? in no way I see myself as a authority. 

    Ive given a lot of information. all the information i have given is false? 

    As im trained as paramedic, why would I know the training of a nurse?

  5. 1 hour ago, chenGOD said:

    Most paramedic programs are 1 or 2 years (depending on province, in Ontario they are 2 years, in Quebec they are between 1 and 3).  In order to become a registered nurse, the program is 4 years. A practical nurse on the other hand is indeed a 2 year program, but the responsibilities and differences between the two is quite large, as well as the salaries.

    This isn't calling you stupid by the way, just clarifying a few things.

    there's no paramedic program in quebec that takes a year,.paramedic school is 3 years. nursing is the same. You can go the university and become a super nurse, and you can go to university and become a super paramedic. Then nurses can go do a master. probably less then 5% of nurse have a master.

    In college, nurses might take a couple more biology class. but to claim that they know oh so much more then paramedic would be generally false.

    but really, who cares? 


    54 minutes ago, thefxbip said:

    Lost me forever at Ivermectin.


    not sure why. have you looked at Ivermectin data.



  6. 3 hours ago, Satans Little Helper said:

    That's not an assumption. That's a conclusion based on what he's said. Like 1 + 1 = 2. There have been plenty of healthcare systems in trouble (not enough capacity to be able to treat planned care because beds are filled with covid patients), but our mister here has talked to a colleague and therefore concludes that's all there is to it. O, and something about Gibraltar. Portugal has a high % as well. They seem to be doing better than the rest of Europe nowadays. 

    ...And so this useless nonsense about anecdotal arguments goes on and on.

    A paramedic should know better, imo.

    I dont assume I have all the asnwers, im merely adding to the discussions. whats the most vaccinated state in america? Vermont. where in america is there the most covid  cases? you guessed it, Vermont.

    whats the most vaccinated country in the world? Israel. Whats their data right now? I think they have over double the death rate as last year. oh, and they have been giving boosters for months now and already starting the 4th shot over there

    • Burger 2
  7. On 11/30/2021 at 3:19 PM, Nebraska said:




    1 hour ago, auxien said:

    i've known a couple of people who were paramedics or became paramedics. they were not the brightest people i knew by any stretch of the imagination. caring/helpful maybe, but not bright: the training ain't long, it ain't terribly thorough, and they don't pay well and don't turn many away. being a paramedic is surely a necessary job and all power to anyone doing it, for sure. but they ain't even CLOSE to like a second year nursing student, much less a nursing grad or doctor or medical scientist or anything serious.

    (at least in America)

    not here in canada, paramedic school is just as hard as being a nurse. in no way im saying im a expert or anything. 

    but thanks for calling me stupid. I guess thats what people who cannot argue or have the ability to even debate do: insult. You guessed it, being smart is having the most degrees. your on the right track

    • Burger 1
  8. 46 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

    OK, I'll bite. I wasn't afraid because there wasn't a risk of the healthcare system collapsing.

    For a paramedic, you make me wonder why you're pushing articles like earlier and now this flawed argument where you're implying the death rate is the singular most important stat to assess the risk of covid. How about the rate it spreads? Or the health risk for people not dying of covid? People can still can get f-ed without dying. 

    But no, we're back at making influenza comparisons again. Great.

    because between collegues, we talk to each other. We havent seen a covid patient in months... In the peak of the pandemie, I was still on the job and the covid units here were mostly empty and cinfirmed covid patients were still relatively rare (we still had to wear the damn suit half the time cause any sings of respiratory problem we had to imply that patient was covid infected so P100, visors, ect). Its also been well established that people who dies of covid have a average of 2.5 co-morbidities, something like 50% are vit d deficient, 80% of the covid cases that ends up in the ICU are overweight to begin with... I dont know if you understand where all this is going


    Since the vaccination, death rates have increased. if you think vaccinate the whole planet every 6 months is feasible to contain the virus...


    44 minutes ago, thefxbip said:

    Alright then covid is less dangerous than the flu.

    Vaccines are dangerous and we should not vaccinate anyone.

    We shouldnt do anything about it.

    Is that what you are truly going for? Sounds like denial to me. Denying something doesnt magically makes it disappear. We stop vaccines, we stop caring about this motherfucker it WILL still fuck people up.

    If nothing had been done about this a lot more people would have died and suffered.

    Is that the extent of the actions you argue for in the middle of a pandemic? I mean lol wth. May as well say you dont believe covid exist mate cause its not very much different.

    What i dont understand behind all this talk is what the hell should we do then?? just let it infect everyone and act like nothing is happening? what the hell do you propose? doesnt make sense to me.

    no, I do think we have to do something. The vaccine do seem to not really work as advertized. I know pharmaceutical are now looking into medications that help treat covid. There's also the situation with the nobel prize Ivermectin that show a lot of promising result in reducing mortality. Its a crazy situation, but its quite clear that the measures are failing, big time.


    gibraltar are 100% vaccinated, death rates are at its highest? and chirstmas is cancelled for Gibraltar. again, 100% of the population is vaccinated


    EDIT: ive just asked a collegue, he told me he did two covid patients during the peak of the third wave here 3 months ago and since then, did not have a single covid patient. IVe asked him how are the covid units he told me I dunno I havent been there since.

    • Facepalm 3
  9. 4 minutes ago, thefxbip said:

    Mate your last article had 0 data how am i gonna trust you?


    you shouldnt trust yourself after sharing that shit

    if i had shared such a baseless article i would question my position more than you do

    dont worry for me, I question a lot my positions.

    im sorry your unable to find data in my post. let me send it back to you https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

    My collegues tell me they transport more vaccine injuries or just as much then covid patients. thats all the data I need

    • Facepalm 1
  10. 14 minutes ago, thefxbip said:

    lol yeah thats what i thought as well

    for one week when the pandemic started


    then i got real and i saw India, Brazil, USA being fucked over by the motherfucker

    Hospitals almost breaking up here.

    I mean i wont change your mind at this point. Top doctors have been speaking for two years and you still wont listen i wont change your mind.

    whatever floats your boat

    I wonder what it takes for people to see reality. Usually ending up in the hospital themselves in seems...



    iirc, the data is still clear today, the influenza death rate for under 70 years old is much higher then it is for covid (that is pre-covid since the flu is basically gone in 2019-2020). Its for people over 70 years old, that covid is slightly more fatal. its established data. The fact remains that at your age, you have 0.005% (not sure of the exact numbers as of today) of dying. Influenza is much more deadly for people your age.

    so my question, is pre-covid, were you so afraid of influenza? if not, why? 

  11. 1 hour ago, brian trageskin said:


    how can you explain all those VAERS? https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

    This document compiles adverse events reported to Pfizer through February 28, 2021. Out of the 42,086 adverse events reported, there were 1,223 deaths. That is 2.9% which is about 1 in 35.


    • Facepalm 1
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  12. 33 minutes ago, thefxbip said:

    The video doesnt help legitimate the article. (and seems to have been pointed as inaccurate)

    +covid has been proven to be more dangerous in term of inflammation (of the whole body basically, brain, heart etc)

    Even if the vaccine is not 100% safe proof the virus is always more dangerous basically.

    I understand people having fear but the fear is so focused on the vaccine they wont see the virus IS.MORE.DANGEROUS.AT.EVERY.LEVEL.

    Everyone is scared.

    There is just one of these two fears that makes more sense to me. Im more afraid of the virus. The fear of getting covid and transmitting far overcomes the fear of the vaccine.

    You just have to look at numbers of deaths by vaccine vs number of deaths because of the virus. Same for side effects. The numbers dont lie at this point.

    You didnt have hundred of thousands of people dying from the vaccine in USA. You did have them dying from the virus.

    Do you have 700k, 800k deaths from  the vaccine? there is a few very unlucky dying from the vaccine but not 800k.

    It's something that many seems to fail to grasp. Covid can fuck you up a lot more than the vaccine secondary effects. More chances, and worse outcomes. + transmission. What can i say. The gamble is just way worse with catching the virus than having a vaccine.

    Thats the information i got a hold of anyway. Im no doc.

    that's your opinion/fears. data clearly shows covid is less dangerous then influenza for people under 70 years old. were you terrified of the flu before?


    • Facepalm 3
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  13. 22 hours ago, thefxbip said:

    ah come on now

    this is alex jones level 

    you meant the video or the scientific entry in the medical litterature?


    Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning

    "These changes resulted in an increase of the PULS score from 11% 5 yr ACS risk to 25% 5 yr ACS risk. At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vac.We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination."


    do you understand what it means? It means that its proven that MRNA vaccine increase the risk of (Endothelial inflammatory markers= blood cloth= embolism, strokes, heart attack. sounds familiar?). Im curious why you let that article slide? 



  14. 1 hour ago, zkom said:

    If the vaccine reduces the risk of dying or getting a serious illness by a factor of 10-30 then why the fuck wouldn't you take it?

    https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712 (Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning)




    • Haha 1
    • Facepalm 2
  15. On 11/9/2021 at 1:51 PM, luke viia said:

    I love that my bosses don't give a shit when I sass customers who won't wear masks correctly. It's become good fun to speak to grown ass adults like they're children. "Oh! It looks like you haven't quite figured out how masks go on - let me show you." Or "Now ma'am, the mask stays on whether or not I'm watching you. It's important to behave when we're in public." I got a real mean dowager stare for that one. 

    im a Paramedic

    when we have a covid confirmed patient case, we enter the room with a P100 mask, a full body suit that even covers our boots, double gloves, visors, ect. It takes 5 minute just getting ready... the chirurgical mask offer very little protection. 

    what masks offer is a false sense of security... just like the vaccines. Israel is now at the 4th shot, how's it going over there? Gibraltar?


    • Like 1
  16. big fan of ross from friends here

    wasnt too impressed with his 2020 and even 2019 stuff, but love everything prior. was a bit worried about this album since I love family portrait so much but everything after that was hit and miss

    holy shit, this is massive




    just finished the album. some big tunes, but overall this a solid 8/10 but something is missing. He seem all over the place. Lots of talent and great ideas.

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