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Everything posted by chaosmachine

  1. I'm not sure what's scarier, this robot, or the fact that google now owns the company that made it.
  2. yes, that's actually a highway that goes through a building.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EViG0Q4lTe most idm 2013 right here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpujlg-XhEs
  4. WATMM, I present to you... The Prime Minister of Canada.
  5. A friend of mine runs a board game cafe with 700+ board games. I've probably played about 50 of them by now. Here's a few I liked: 7 wonders (a cross between Civilization and drafting magic cards) Lords of Waterdeep (neat mechanics, only played once, want to try it again) Resistance (great game for about 7 people, you're either trying to sabotage the other players, or figure out who the saboteurs are.) Ticket to Ride (easy to learn but has some medium-level strategy aspects) Galaxy Trucker (so much fun, you literally build a space ship out of a pile of spare parts) Dixit (nice creative game for people who don't like traditional board games) Cyclades (played twice, sort of like risk but more fun) Samurai (great game if you like the tactical elements of old-school board games like chess) They're all pretty different, oddly enough.
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