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Posts posted by thawkins

  1. Well, I wanted a small correction box so I could stick it between speakers and the vinyl turntable / aux cable / airplay device in the living room so I would not have to run a laptop or a computer in between and would not have to set up a correction EQ thing on whatever is actually playing the audio, be it a phone or something else.

    So for this scenario, the MiniDSP looks ideal, except I am not sure how easy it is to load a "standard" IR into it - from the description it works with some RoomEQWizard format. This is purely a convenience thing as I think I can use my IK ARC 2 MEMS microphone with RoomEQWizard as well, it's just one more calibration thing to learn.

  2. 2 minutes ago, rhmilo said:

    No, I think it's very important that it has fewer buttons than a laptop and a smaller screen than a phone.


    I've been looking at the Polyend and at this thing with great interest and desire and to talk myself out of spending money on one I've decided that putting a piece of software that was specifically made for a large computer screen, a mouse and a full computer keyboard inside a box with a small screen and a limit number of keys is Stupid (tm).

    I am kind of mixed on this.

    On one hand, these small things for small fingered people have something like a toy feeling to them - after all, Gameboy and Nanoloop are probably sources of inspiration here. Want some more hands on control for some functions? Good luck, start mapping MIDI or OSC or 5v control voltages.

    On the other hand, I spend my day working on a computer, and I guess a lot of people do that nowadays. I feel it kind of messes up the brain's creative abilities if you have mentally associated the computer and the keyboard with work. This sucks and it should not be like this, but for some people the best way to break this mold is to pick up a different device. Even though there is a computer in most digital/analog gear, the different user interface is enough to force your head to work in a different creative mode, and that's were all the "hardware is more intimate" impressions also come from.

  3. Actually those guitar pedals look like something I could use. It's not necessarily something I would instantly put in my monitoring chain, but for broad strokes room correction for a living room listening situation it might be good enough.

    I wish there was a stereo pedal with some ADC/DAC that looks like hi quality. Not sure why I don't think a 50 bucks pedal can't have a high quality signal chain.  

  4. 36 minutes ago, auxien said:

    maybe one day, perhaps...probably not ever on the CBA stuff at least, it goes for stupid prices second hand. i made somewhere between $50-$100 profit on that MOOD when i sold it...and i bought it at MSRP.

    Yeah but how many people buying these things on a whim have any idea of the resale value? Admittedly Reverb and other search engines make it easier not to sell your things too cheap.

  5. So we all know that the newfangled thing is to cheat and not buy real oldschool tube gear or effects VSTs or whatever, but just pass some sine waves through it to capture an impulse response and use that instead.

    From what I understand, the IR is just some audio stems that kind of encode an EQ response so that you can capture the "sound" of some hardware in a way.

    Coincidentally that's pretty much what I need for doing room correction EQ. Usually this means that I should run the correction VST on some laptop or whatever runs the software correction. But if I can just capture the IR, then it should be possible to load it into any piece of junk that can do ADC, DAC with some magic in between.

    So to my question - what's the smallest, cheapest (while not being terrible) way to load an IR onto a piece of hardware, hook it up to the monitoring chain and forget about it until you need to update the IR or bypass it somehow?

    I am sure all the fancy audio interfaces already do this, but I don't really care about all the other fancy stuff this gear does, all I want is to put a signal through the IR-based EQ correction.

    Can the Axoloti Core do something like this? Something more insane like a custom built FPGA board?

  6. 9 hours ago, Stickfigger said:

    Really lusting after a Sherman filterbank but am also tempted by a second hand  analog heat ... I realise they aren't really comparable but cannae justify both at this point 

    Get a Sherman Filterbank,

    Make that Lush filterwank.


    Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm trying to delete it.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 8 hours ago, auxien said:

    re: Microcosm:

    yeah, i bought a Chase Bliss MOOD a year or two ago and had it for like 6 months...might've used it on a few tracks but it quickly made its weaknesses known...basically, you have to really try to control those pedals, or they'll just sound like wild shit 90% of the time....and just sound b a d some decent portion of the time as well. if you want that, then they're great, but like....i can do that with the effects i already have, if i want (routing effects into effects/etc). wild shit that's wild in the ways you want and need for a track is a lot harder...Microcosm looks like it's got some amount of control to it, and some of those newer guitar-type pedals are trying to let the user control things a bit more, but ultimately they're getting too big for their britches most of the time. this one seems to fall into that category, i've watched at least a half dozen videos with it in there so far... they're honestly getting very close to just repackaging 90s/00s guitar multifx pedals, but with a hipster knobby vibe. and imo they're not sounding a hell of a lot better than those old multifx units, it's just messy vomit half the time....especially if you're, yknow, trying to use it in an actual song. if you're just making video content for YT/Twitch/IG, they're fuckin perfect tho.

    i'm not saying the Microcosm is exactly like the MOOD or that any of them are bad.... and i've seen and heard plenty of good from those two pedals and other similar ventures (Red Panda something and the recent Night Sky come to mind), but for the cost and actual usability and overall quality & investment (they're all hella pricey) vs usage? no way, not for me, i'd suggest anyone thinking about grabbing those types of effects to really stop and think about how it's being used and how you'd be using it. 

    On the contrary, I suggest everyone get it ASAP so that these things start to immediately disappoint and collect dust somewhere and I can buy them for really cheaps at a yard sale somewhere.

  8. 9 hours ago, neurone said:

    you will laught at me, but I'm still using abelton V.5 and still does not feel like I need any upgrade since then.

    ...well I only use midi clips to feed a full hardware setup, mixed on analogue mixer, actually. so it does the job, obvioulsy.


    This is cool. I wish I could pull this off too, but for now I use Ableton as my mixer as well, so it's more difficult.

    Your soundcloud is nice btw!

    • Like 1
  9. 11 hours ago, user said:


    ? Thriftshop stands are a blessing. And the evolver is on a laptop stand that’s turned around and then set to basically vertical, use 2 clamps to keep the stand from falling forward. 

    It’s the dark theme with, I think, colour intensity set quite low and brightness somewhere in the middle. 

    Agree with most of your notes on push, the m4l assignment is a bit of a hassle but not too bad with the push.banks or whatever it’s called object. I think note muting and getting into nested devices/tracks has greatly improved on push 2. 

    I have a cat now so setting up precarious stands for expensive gear might in fact be the stupidest idea in the world, clamps or not.

    Thanks for the UI tip, I messed around a bit and got some cool colors, let me see how long until I want to change everything up again.

  10. On 11/14/2017 at 3:22 AM, thawkins said:

    Yeah, that looks pretty intense and complex, but I would certainly like to try it out sometime (or see a video).


    In general algorithmic and generative composition feels kind of off to me, it's like I have some deep revulsion against things generated by a computer. I think it's because I work with computers each day and I feel that they possibly cannot be a source of unique and creative stuff - stories for humans need to be made by humans. But on the other hand, all the music made will still be curated by a human, so the end result will necessarily have to pass that filter. And after all, my last album has one song which heavily features randomly generated notes, making me a total hypocrite here. ?


    I have been thinking about implementing some generative/algorithmic things as well, though I have no idea how to actually implement my idea. Basically I'd like to have a system where I could somehow detect the playing "intensity" of one track and make the others react as well. So for instance if I am messing with the cutoff in one track, I would like the drums to also react to that somehow (either note repeat or some filter fuckery). Like sidechaining sort of.

    Hello past me, look how wrong you were. 


    • Thanks 1
  11. 15 hours ago, user said:

    Of course!


    The small controller to the left of the trackpad is the faderfox. 

    The 5 encoders control volume/pan (keeping the encoder pressed while turning sends a different cc) and sends a/b/c for each track, and the fifth center one does scrubbing and zooming. The buttons associated with the encoders reset track level to -12 or pan to center. The four pots at the top control send track levels and the buttons select the send track. The rest of the buttons do solo/mute/arm/monitor select for whatever track is selected, shift either flips the mute state or kills all solo's. Then there's some more global stuff like show/hide vst plugin window, switching device/note view, selecting devices and turning them off/on, navigating tracks, unfolding tracks, setting markers and navigating through them. There's some redundancy obviously with the push but I find the place they put track navigation for example not so convenient (would swap positions between the octave/page pad and navigation pad if it were up to me).  

    I realize you just asked for a picture but I felt the need to explain a bit.         

    Did you just photoshop all that gear on this picture because it looks like it's suspended mid air? Nice lighting matching skills if you shopped this.


    On a more serious note - what color scheme is this for Live?


    On a really serious note regarding Push usage. I have a Push 1 so this may not apply anymore. In general, I can play a set jamming something from "scratch" without the mouse easily. Following caveats apply:

    • I have a lot of stuff and effects already set up in my template project.
    • Forget muting individual notes in a MIDI clip using the Push. The "user interface" is horrible. Maybe Push 2 fixes this?
    • No transport control - i.e. I start recording and play something and I stop. I don't know how I could jump back to the start of the set or at any point of time inside and overdub or add layers. 
    • Navigating into rack sub racks or plugin pages is a pain, so everything needs to be prepared to have important parameters exposed on the top level of the track's racks.
    • There is no way (without custom mapping alot of things or using a second controller) to do things on two tracks at once. For example it would be cool to fade bass frequencies out on one track and fade them in on another. No way to do this without getting another controller, setting up some EQ plugin on each track and then map it to the controller. This is probably my personal problem and I do need to get a dedicated thing for this.
    • Most M4L devices map very badly to Push. There is some thing called UberMap that helps you with this but it's also a pain to use and requires a lot of time to override the autogenerated mappings. And in some cases, you need to go in the M4L device to mess with what is exposed to Live as a mappable parameter and well honestly at this point I :catrage:

    All the above applies in a live performing/jamming context - I almost never use Push in the mixing phase, partially because I never have enough time for mixing and setting up a reasonably good sounding template project has led me to believe that my stuff sounds good already and no need to tweak it further. :catrecline:

    • Like 1
  12. I pay for my subscription because I find a lot of cool stuff on soundcloud and I get to share my material easily and in high definition and nobody has to make a spotify account to listen to it or get it on youtube which does not allow background listening on a phone (and comes with a google spy apparatus).

    I don't know whats the status with the ads. I guess they removed those for paying users.

    And yeah each time I upload something, I get a few obvious bot likes that I immediately report and they go away. They are so damn obvious that I don't know why they have not set up an image recognition filter that flags those "get more likes" accounts for suspension until a human takes a look.

    The community aspect could be better of course, I never posted anything on soundcloud while groups and stuff existed. All I have is WATMM and some discords.

    • Like 1
  13. 6 hours ago, sheatheman said:

    It’s not THAT buggy. There are some but they have been pretty good about firmware updates. Apparently they are working on the next one that will address most of the bugs. Digitakt was so buggy when I got that I sold it after a few months. So far tracker hasn’t had any deal breakers. I think some of the “bugs” are just people not understanding how trackers work. If you don’t input OFF steps when you are using long melodic sounds, there can be some weirdness happening.

    The best thing about it to me is it’s an 8 voice polyphonic sampler. Just as fast as an op1 but with real sequencing capabilities. I even made a video. 


    Wait what? Melodic sounds? I thought this was a torrent tracker!

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