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Posts posted by thawkins

  1. I think I am not going to get a DJing setup, just looking for a turntable for listening purposes. I recall someone mentioning in this thread that turntables geared towards DJing (like the Technics) might actually not sound as good as something much less iconic and cheaper, so I figure that aiming for something that both sounds good and is sturdy and reliable for DJing is going to set me back much more in terms of $$$ than something that is aimed for listening but not so much for DJing.

    Yeah and now this brings me to a huge GAS related purchase that I have been thinking about for a year already - getting a subwoofer to match my pair of Neumann KH120A.

    Which brings me to thinking about how to set up my room correction plugin EQ in a way that does not require all audio to pass through a DAW in a laptop.

    Which brings me to indecision and depression. ?

    Anyway thanks for the tips.

  2. 10 hours ago, rhmilo said:

    Why do you want a direct drive? I was always taught that direct drive is for DJs as they start and stop quicker while for listening belt drive is better because there9s a belt between the motor and the needle. Is that no longer true?

    I don't care either way actually. I chose this model because it's TEAC (which means Tascam?), it has the phono preamps and even USB out. Also maybe I am being stupid about this but I never believed in turntables that cost 200EUR or less because they seem kind of flimsy?

  3. On 7/14/2020 at 5:22 PM, TubularCorporation said:


    Next up, learn how to remap keys so I can use it with the temporary keypad until I decide on a permanent one.


    EDIT: of course none of these custom installs have a FAT formatted bot partition like a stock install, and I don't have Linux installed on anything and working on the RPi itself is kind of a hassle because of the way everything's set up, so remapping keys means digging out an old laptop and either booting from a Knoppix CD or going all in and doing a full Linux install.  Leaning toward the latter but I have a couple hours to decide before the boot partition is backed up. Seems like n real choice, though, it's always good to have a Linux machine of some kind handy when you need it.

    Why do you need a FAT formatted boot partition? Got to be some easier way to remap the keys, especially if it is just for one application.

    • Like 1
  4. 18 hours ago, kakapo said:

    I feel a bit uncomfortable with all this, if you look at a photo of BCM his speaker placement matches the direction his ears are actually pointing.  Stop bullying him.

    I think Shrek can afford a better studio after all those movie deals though.

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    • Haha 1
  5. 9 hours ago, BCM said:

    much slimmed down my setup (haven't sold anything, just put it away for a bit).

    in this pic are my juno 106, korg dw-8000, behringer model d, tascam 2488, korg sq-1, yamaha rev500, roland srv-3030, t.c. electronic m350, zoom rfx-1100, novation drum station and behringer fca-1616 interface.1a9a834bf2336406b1f01bed0d5fb951.jpg

    What's the rack thing enclosure? Seems really neat and light. My rack stuff is all over the place as monitor stands basically, so occasionally I think about something more professiona.

  6. That lamp would make a kickass thing to tape full of contact mics and do an ambient percussion performance though.

    Weird how a modern living room is essentially an altar for the TV that is absolutely dominated by the huge screen and a couch or something.

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