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Posts posted by thawkins

  1. 20 hours ago, user said:

    Arp Jam crew represent! Some of my arp jams include A4 arp jam, long arp jam, weird arp jam and A4 arp jam (EDIT). 


    I vote for the disco kraut project to be the first to be revealed!

    What a coincidence that I just messed around with it in the last few days:

    And yeah, arps are great. I can't tag my projects with "arp" anymore though because everything has some arps going on and it is not helping me find the correct stuff anymore. This is a good thing.

    • Like 3
  2. I have been sitting with two tabs open for what seems like weeks - one for ordering a vinyl turntable and another for pulling the trigger on a 400 euro Live 10 Suite upgrade.

    During mornings I feel enthusiastic and tell myself "today I will order something" but by the time evening comes that feeling is gone and I no longer see the point in dropping 400 eurobucks for basically only M4L.

    Besides the situation being what it is I have absolutely 0 confidence in any delivery reaching my apartment properly - the postal service just can not deliver fuck all (or they deliver it to the next building because if you squint the address looks the same). I have been ordering to my office, at least there I have a 50% chance of actually getting it unless the sender fucks up by not mentioning the company name along with my name.

    I would really like to order some vinyls off bandcamp now to support artists but I don't want to lose them in transit. ?

  3. 4 hours ago, chim said:

    Beautiful studio man! Do you ever spin the chair and play whatever you stop on? ?

    Yeah, put on your headphones, spin the chair and watch as the cable gets tangled, pulling your fancy modulars off the shelves into a huge katamari ball of gear and pain.

    Sorry, you have a good idea, I just had this terrible vision...

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  4. I got a huuge dinner table used for 35 euro last year. For an elevated platform for monitors I got a 200x40cm wooden board with two weird drawer boxes beneath. I think total cost is something around 150 euro.

    For typing trays I would just get one of those that you can screw under an existing table. Tables that come with built in trays are expensive, ugly, bad build quality (pick 2).

  5. Thanks for the tips. I have read some of these things before but I have not yet tried very hard.

    I do high pass on most things that are not bass or drums, I think it works well.

    However it is a bit more difficult for my two delays and reverb. I think this is because the effects are all a lot of self-feedback and compression. It is like heavy dub delays and reverbs, so the effects are really obvious but I want it this way. I think I should do more EQ on those parts, which I have not done yet.

    Thanks again for your detailed feedback @Mozex ?

    • Like 1
  6. 58 minutes ago, Mozex said:

    The music sounds good but do you use EQ? Do you try to master it a bit? I am new to that kind of thing but it seems to me my noob ears think that you could do some of that on the tracks?

    I listened to your last post, both tracks, a bit Sat 21 Mar and Sun 15 Mar and it seems they could be a bit clearer? Maybe I am completely wrong in that and this is normal for the genre you are going with.

    My apologies in that case for my stupid, noobly, advice then.

    But for the composition part: It is very good! Nice job!!!

    Thanks Mozex! Even though I think we make different kind of music, you are still correct about me and EQ. I think your sound is very clean and nice by the way.

    Right now I am trying to learn how to listen to these things better and improve my mixing too. 

    I think the reason why the mix does not sound "clean" is that I use a lot of delay/reverb effects for ambience, and unfortunately these end up also creating some noise layers. I am not sure how to fix that and keep using the effects. ?

    Thanks a lot for your comments @Mozex. ? 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Nil said:

    Hélas I tend to agree with you. Like, a lot. Like, 100%. 

    I haven't been out on the streets since saturday. Working from home since 4th of March.

    I hope when we finally run out of food and have to go shopping, then the situation has stabilised somewhat.

    By the way seems we have started this weird 8pm clapping ritual with our neighbors. I guess that's a good way to check up on each other.

    @TubularCorporation you should respond to PMs more, I thought you're dead or something. ?

    • Thanks 1
  8. 19 hours ago, psn said:

    That Polyend Tracker is intriguing. 


    This looks like obscure devices from 80s offices. I like it.

    But why should I get a box that is a tracker? I think the aesthetic demands a beat up old laptop with a clunky MIDI interface and some weird tracker software instead.

    • Like 1
  9. 15 hours ago, chim said:

    Wow your music kicks ass! PD represent ?(used to dabble) 

    Cool harmonies and nice stereo separation. I considered a more in depth analysis but it mostly boils down to taste. A lot of it gives me that indie Little Big Planet kind of vibe which is usually a bit thin and FM-y sounding. It has its places but I tend to like fatter and dirtier patches. You use a lot of shoegazey elements but your patches are relatively dry and up front, you could try to hide some of them behind wet reverbs to create more depth to accompany the width. Most of the composition elements tend to be quite sustained and you could probably do something interesting with more staccato settings. Your drums don't seem to get a lot of space, typical challenge with this type of soundscape. 

    Wow thanks a lot for this post.

    Drums are my weak spot so to speak, but that's kind of intentional too because I try to focus on my keyboard skills and play drums - real actual kit - in real life band projects. I used to play in a shoegaze project up to july last year which influenced me a lot too in terms of sound - in fact one of the send effects I use a lot is modeled after the guitarist's pedal setup. Digital drums are a learning process for me because I definitely don't want to take the easy path and slap a 4/4 kick to everything and turn it into "regular dance music" and on the other hand I am not a big fan of glitch stuff, instead I am trying to find my own way in this world.

    Good point on having sounds dry/up front. I will keep this tip in mind definitely.

    By the way, Little Big Planet - that's a video game and you're referring to the soundtrack, right?



    And since I actually came here to post my this week's experiment... I started reading Push docs and then I wanted to try some stuff out and got badly sidetracked. There's a drum track too but I was not happy with it so I left it out of the "final" version.


  10. I started messing with an old project to clean and shape it up and whoops literally the first 1 bar loop sucked me so in that I ended up spending all the time tinkering with the sounds.

    I regret nothing though.

  11. 32 minutes ago, chim said:

    I'm not against daws but I never want to program another midi note or micromanage audio snippets again. Kills the vibe so hard. 

    I've found that it's fun to jam and record that as it goes, and then cut, fix and arrange things to make a more coherent piece of music. It's two different headspaces but I am trying to make them work well together.

    And I think definitely it will get easier to mess around with arrangements and melodies over time once you get used to it.

    • Like 2
  12. 10 hours ago, modey said:

    I suppose I can say that I've got one now that it's leaked. 

    It's good. Really good. Much deeper than it appears, you just have to do some tricks (much like the other Elektrons). I'll save the details for the video dump tomorrow, but I'm gonna defend this to the death, because the haters are wrong. 

    It's actually the reason why I also bought the Model:Samples. 

    Is this a fleshlight review?

  13. The ARC IK system comes with a MEMS measurement mic and it probably changes a lot of things for the better. Although it requires you to run everything through a VST to fix the sound, and (at least in my case) it shows that I need a lot of low end correction. I have no treatment in the room though, just running this thing on good faith and prayers basically. ?

    I have realised though that a lot of music sounds really good through the monitors, which is nice.

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, xox said:

    Basically, OT’s sequencer is the only thing that i miss in my MDuw and Mnm. But i dont miss it that much bc i also have OT. 
    ...and bc i have OT i dont mind MDUW’s 2.5 mb of ram. 
    Another problem is that md&mnm are discontinued and if any of my silver machines dies, id have to buy a used one, not a new one, and i hate buying stuff used, virgin is what i prefer (!!!)

    It that it?! Lol

    Ah yea that's bad if they are no longer making them. Makes sense though. Weird that MD only has 2.5mb of RAM, I suppose the things are older than I remember.

  15. The BM5a MKII are rear ported, so if you are like me and you do not have huge amounts of space to put between the back wall and the speakers, then you got to go for front ported.

    I was in a similar situation and I actually ended up going for Neumann KH120A with the IK ARC sound correction bundle off Thomann. I am happy. It's not perfect but I feel my mixing has really improved over these couple of months that I have had them.

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