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Posts posted by whosebrian

  1. I've always loved Louis-Ferdinand Céline's writing. I've read and reread Journey to the End of the Night and Death on the Installment Plan knowing that the author was a convicted Nazi collaborator and antisemite.



    Céline's vocal support for the Axis powers during the Second World War and his authorship of antisemitic pamphlets has complicated his legacy as cultural icon.




    aleksi just put a new thing "sunshine 2" on bandcamp. can a colundi 17 owner confirm if this is from that release or is something separate.

    Totally separate/totally awesome


    Plus they sent me two of my dL codes this morning, so I’m guessing digital release is around the corner.



    Which two? Colundi 17.5 Bluray is all I've got


    I was sent a code for this in addition to the bluray.


    [bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=733346619 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5]


    Trump is holding a rally in a Washington Twp.. It's a rather affluent area near  where I live in the good old burbs of Detroit. I'm curious as to the turnout for this event. I would contend he still has broad support in Macomb County to this day. If the turnout is strong, I will be in fear for 2020. (minus all his legal troubles/hookers pissing on one another mind you)


    So this banner made it to the above mentioned orangeman rally. I'm shook. Support is still strong in Michigan. 2020 scares me bigly.




    6-3, 239 pound WWE Champion Trump blows a hole in the deficit with a tank.

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