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Posts posted by Pipenik

  1. at the time, teletext was mental, great UX, very dopamine. now you're used to feeds of more dynamic content. that's at least one reason. but tbh times goes about 400% faster for me than it used to. so there is that too, UX all considered

    Yeah well, I've also derived similar observations from comparing my current perceptive abilities to memories of those from a time when I was already rotting my brains away with mindless full-time internet browsing. It's a little harder to describe but I've stumbled upon some internet videos I remember having watched when I was 13-16 and get these flashbacks of registering certain microexpressions or intonations or mannerisms of the people in them - or just certain sounds, camera movements or cuts, fine details like that. I remember them really sticking out or being apparent in my mind back then. However watching the same videos now, those things are so underwhelmingly fast and subtle that I'd never notice them if I didn't know to expect them. I guess no joke that the teenage brain is really soaking up information like a submerged sponge. On the flipside though, I understand the intended content of the videos better now since my English skills have improved (we're talking interviews and whatnot). It's still depressing as hell to think that instead of gathering valuable real life experiences and lessons like you're supposed to at that age I was hardwiring dank memes to my brain.

  2. could we change the thread title to "notable deaths" or something? the word "celebrity" in there irks my nuts.

    Suggesting the possibility that only certain deaths would rate as notable seems like an obstruction of social justice. WATMM just got its gender selection corrected and now you're here encouraging this backwards shit? Very rude. It should simply be called "deaths" and the thread should consist of a bot crawling online obituaries and listing each new death every 10 minutes.


    Also MF Doom's brother and son both dying as teenagers is just terrible. Scooby-Doo's gf too.

  3. When I was in primary school, oftentimes in the morning or after school I'd turn on the TV, open up teletext and just watch the seconds pass by on the digital clock at the top of the screen for several minutes. I found it oddly soothing or even hypnotizing I guess? Anyway, I would do this so often that I DISTINCTLY remember how long a second felt to me at the time. When I do the same now, a second feels significantly faster. It's so unmistakable that it's almost eerie. My cognitive functions are slowing down man. And if you read what I just wrote about my life, you'd know they never were very acute to begin with.

  4. Coldplay's second album is called A Rush of Blood to the Head and the cover is a severely mutilated head or something. I mean that's actually pretty graphic considering what they're doing these days. The music itself is pretty domesticated for sure but a rush of blood to the head sounds like an onset for a serious medical emergency. Could also be a double entendre for the head of a penis and a raging erection, who knows. Can't imagine them going anywhere near that kind of edge with the almost inhumanly advertisement friendly conduct they're exercising now.

  5. Mr. Robot is streaming for free right now so I'm thinking of checking it out. Anyone here seen it?

    I'm guessing it was pretty good. Definitely worth a watch. I'm probably not the best person to comment on this though since a bunch of people seem to really love it and it didn't really grab me a lot of the time the way I think it was supposed to. Anyway, it was entertaining nevertheless, well put together and apparently quite technically accurate too. Better than most of the shit out there.
  6. THE rules, you say? You think there's some definitive set of rules to dictate correct human behavior? That I could just go out and read? I'm afraid you've been brainwashed, my friend. Sure enough, it's what the government and religious organizations want you to think. The truth is, however, that we are nothing but a cosmic coincidence. Ain't no rules to this shit bro. Humans come up with these arbitrary pacts and pretend that they have intrinsic value. In reality we're just monkeys tossing around feces. Read the rules? Might as well make the rules. Might as well become the rules. This fancy self-driving car we've crammed humanity in and embellished with all kinds of fancy rules is headed for a ditch anyway. Might as well try to jerk the steering wheel. Might as well hack the radio. Might as well break the windshield.

  7. Amidst my newest endeavor to avoid dairy, I discovered that soy milk based cocoa is AMAZING. Better than cow milk based for sure. The fwp included is that I wasn't in the habit of drinking cocoa and now I might have to allocate room for it in my drinking schedule.


    EDIT: Ok it's actually not that good

    EDIT2: Why is the subheader for this thread "positive public blogging"? As opposed to private blogging? I thought blogging was sort of public by definition and when you do it privately it becomes a diary or some shit man.

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