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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by brap23

  1. Can't believe that my foil 12", ordered morning went up on Aphex site, STILL hasn't arrived, but every store I went to today had copies of the foil release and my son, who ordered the cassette last week, is happily sending me pictures of the cassette that arrived yesterday. WTF.


    Started Fargo Season 3. Enjoying it but it's got an odd vibe to it - even though it's 2010 some of the characters feel plucked from the 70s. I'm a sucker for the franchise though, same dark humor-tinged villains versus aloof/ goofy but morally sound citizens.


    Wasn't a fan of this season for the 1st half compared to the other 2. But man, it rallies fucking bigtime. Meta as all hell. The bus crash/forest chase episode. epic.



    Exactly this. Loved the first two seasons so much, but season three wasn't really doing anything for me at all to the point that I almost stopped watching.


    Then the second half happened.


    did anywhere ever surface with cheaper shipping?





    Thank you so much for posting this. This is one of my most listened to albums of 2018 and what really steered me hardcore back onto electronic music last year. Been looking for a place to pick up the CD cheaper than on Bandcamp. Was about to break down and buy off Bandcamp, but decided to check here first. Vinyl through Juno worked out cheaper than CD through Bandcamp. Can't wait to spin this one!




    Anyone know if Firescope vinyl comes with digital code?

    Excellent, thanks for the info!

    Hang on, there’s no download code in the package if that’s what you mean? Only comes with digital if bought from Bandcamp



    That actually is what I meant. I didn't order through Bandcamp, was hoping there was a code for Bandcamp digital packaged, as I see this a lot with jazz.

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