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Posts posted by tailings

  1. 10 minutes ago, cloud capture said:

    pls be folk album with banjo and washboard

    And singing.  Lots and lots of sappy, soul searching lyrics.  Maybe some humming and whistling and even some clapping.


  2. On 7/28/2020 at 4:24 AM, splbt said:

    what did you end up getting? bought and finished disco elysium this month. really immersive and entertaining, despite the choppy gameplay on my 2015 macbook air. am usually disappointed with games that allegedly have a "great story". sometimes i feel like gamers/critics/developers haven't watched a single decent movie. that wasn't the case this time though. great writing indeed. will definitely play through once i've given my poor computer some well deserved rest

    Sorry for the long delay in response, August was a very busy month.

    I ended up doing a complete 360 and went 4x.  Purchased Endless Space 2.  A rather well done version of the genre, it even manages to avoid the tedium of micromanaging every last detail.  The detail is there but turns play quickly and it just doesn't feel tedious, (mostly).  The AI is the weakest element, (not surprisingly); simplistic, repetitive and predictable.


    Now I'm back to playing Minecraft now that 1.16 has been released.

  3. Well, I think the first track is the sexiest thing he's released since Acrid Avid Jam Shred....


    ...nevermind, I got confused for a moment and confused Collapse with Cheetah.  Still, Collapse, fun romp, reminds me of what a collection of RDJ/Druqks extras might sound like.  No complaints there.

  4. Shall I call it natural medicine then?  Neither of us have ever been prescribed sugar water.  But when I was feeling low on energy a couple years ago, my doc ran a blood test, diagnosed low Vitamin D levels and prescribed getting out into the sun more often, along with Vitamin D supplements, rather than just handing me a bottle of happy pills.  Sure, some uppers would have mimicked an 'improvement' and I'm quite certain that would have been the solution prescribed by my previous doctor.


    I won't disagree that there are a LOT of bad homeopathic practitioners out there, most of them not licensed doctors.  And to be fair, the origins of homeopathy are indeed bung.  But the concept that the body can heal itself is sound enough: cut your finger and it will clot and heal.  Again, the trick is to know when the body can heal itself with minimal intervention and when you need to reach for the big guns.

  5. My wife and I solicit a medical practice that balances homeopathic and modern medicine quite well.  They don't push pills as a first course but they also fully acknowledge when a round of antibiotics or a CT scan is the best solution.  There is something to be said for a healthy life leads to a healthy body, but if something is legitimately broken then modern medical science is often the right way to go.  I guess the trick is to know >when< to push the pills away and when to embrace them.  


    As far as vaccines go, I have no problem with them, nor does my doctor.  A healthy individual might reasonably forego not getting the flu shot.  Their immune system might easily combat exposure to the flu, perhaps never showing anything but minor symptoms even if they are infected.  But there's no sane reason to refuse a measles vaccination.  Seriously, do you really want measles?  The vaccination works.

    • Like 2
  6. Never forget, half the world's population, nearly 4 billion people, is stupider than the other half.  It certainly explains a lot of phenomenon, like ICP fandom, and I'm sure it explains how Kim got to be a billionaire.  It can be 'curl up in a ball and cry' terrifying if you think about it for too long.  


    Then again, half the world's population is shorter than the other half but that doesn't really affect much.

  7. 21 minutes ago, Joyrex said:

    Since you are around my age, surely you recall that for a brief period in the early 80's (80-83') there was a period where the design and aesthetics of the 70's was starting to fade, juuuust before MTV, neon, grids, teal, and pink dominated the popular media landscape. THAT is what I think BOC try to evoke with their sounds and visuals, which was more reflective of their early 80's experience than say yours or probably mine.

    I do, for sure.  There was definitely a lot of '70's spillover into the very early '80's, especially '81-'82.  But I also remember some hardline delineations.  Flares/bellbottoms, for example are very '70's.  I had a favorite pair of bellbottoms and I wore them in late '80 at the start of sixth grade.  And I got >>razzed<<  for it.  Those are flares on the cover of MHTRTC, which says seventies to me in big capital letters.  The images on Geogaddi are more abstract and ambiguous, they could even be '60's images, though the colors and compositions read early 1970's to me.  The images on TCH are to me mostly '70's but I do see ambiguous, early '80's in there as well.  I wouldn't put them later than '81-'82 in general.  Polo T's say '80's though they had roots in the late '70's.  Feathered hair says mid '70's, to early '80's BUT no big hair says pre- '83 for sure, (my 1983 high school year book is chock o'block full of big hair).  That Commodore PET is from 1977.  I guess my point is that even if some of this imagery actually dates from the early '80's it all feels like the '70's.  Color palette for M, G and TCH are very much more '70's than '80's.  The only elements that are '80's ish are vague at best, while the most the cues, legit or apparent, seemingly point to the '70's.


    What are you seeing that specifically reads '80's in the aesthetic?  Or is based largely on the sample sources?


    You're right that the teal and pink, so typical of the Vapourware aesthetic, didn't set hold until later in the '80's.  I grew up in S. Florida, so know the Miami retro deco aesthetic well.


    So, fair enough, there is certainly some crossover happening here.



  8. 1 hour ago, Joyrex said:

    As I said, more of their stuff tracks to the 80's than 70's - not all of it, but the majority of it. Take a look at the dates of the source material for stuff from Geogaddi onward, and you'll find a lot of it is very late 70's (1979ish) to early 80's.

    I'll agree that MHTRTC and some of the Old Tunes stuff source material/inspiration is more 70's than 80's, however. Agreed also on TH being a homage to John Carpenter soundtracks of the early 80's.

    And they've used samples from the '90's and the '00's.  It's not really important when the samples source to, I say the 'vibe' they create harks to the '70's(*).  You say '80's.  And I'm dead certain there are lots of young'uns who will swear it sounds like their 1994 memories.  That really is the magic of what BoC have crafted.


    * - I do still think the visuals back me up on this point.  The fashion and haircuts scream '70's.  I'm not seeing any Big Hair in those visuals.  Vapourwave: Now >that's< '80s visuals.

  9. 1 hour ago, Joyrex said:

    You'll find more of BOC's stuff tracks to the early 80's than the late 70's... after all, keep in mind how old Mike and Marcus are (my age range). Now, the material's age might be from the late 70's since stuff was reused quite a bit back in those days, but they would have been transferred to shitty VHS with the tracking needing serious adjustment.

    And RE: Summer - some schools do year-round schooling :wink:

    I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this one.  I am a '70s kid and I'm tellin' 'ya, those are '70's sounds.  Now, I do realize reruns have messed with everyone's minds because everyone remembers watching the Brady Bunch as a kid, etc.  And everyone saw the same Film Board of Canada films, (though I remember them all on actual film, not VHS tape).  But the origin of those sounds and the vibe they evoke are straight up seventies.  I think most of BoC's visuals also corroborate that vibe, particularly everything MHTRTC through TCH.  The vibe is a bit shakier with earlier Boards.  TH is distinctly different with its very late seventies to early eighties John Carpenter vibe to it, in both sound and graphics.  TH is like the alternate universe soundtrack to "Escape From New York"


    That's not to say there aren't anachronistic elements thrown in as well, like the David Koresh image , but the overall vibe is squarely 1970's and my memory agrees.    ?

  10. On 11/15/2019 at 9:54 AM, Joyrex said:

    Orange Romeda is sitting in 4th grade during Science watching a film with the blinds drawn and the summer sun slipping through the cracks between each section in 1984.

    That's the generic, cut and paste description for 92.7% of all BoC songs, though you have the year wrong.  It's obviously 1976, not 1984.  TH is the only album that really harks to the sound of the '80s and even that I would say is more '79-'82ish.


    Now, about that Summer sun slipping through the cracks comment, does anyone attend Summer school for 4th grade?  If you're that slow at that age, don't they just hold you back a grade?

  11. 2 hours ago, MaartenVC said:

    Seems like you're looking for CRPG.
    (role-playing, party-based, turn-based / real-time with pause, tactical, top-down, choices matter, story-rich, tabletop role-playing rules / pen & paper rules, numbers)

    Yep, mostly.  Never much cared for the party building aspect but it seems to go with the genre.


    2 hours ago, MaartenVC said:

    Older: (buy on GOG)

    • Baldur's Gate I & II
    • Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic I & II
    • Planescape Torment
    • Fallout I & II
    • Neverwinter Nights I & II
    • Icewind Dale I & II
    • Arcanum
    • Ultima VII

    I've played most of those.  Fallout 2 is one of my all time favorite games, (Arcanum is up there as well.).  In a perfect world, Van Buren went on to become the real Fallout 3.


    2 hours ago, MaartenVC said:


    • Divinity Original Sin I & II
    • Disco Elysium
    • Pillars of Eternity I & II
    • Shadowrun Dragonfall & Hong Kong
    • Pathfinder Kingmaker
    • Wasteland 2
    • Tyranny

    Culling the list, looks like I have these choices for MAC play.  A few are Catalina incompatible :(.  Not a deal breaker but certainly a nuisance.  Divinity will probably kill my system.  Pillars and Disco are standing out as most intriguing.  Thanks for the lists.

    • Like 1
  12. Anyone have recommendations for a modern day Fallout 2/Arcanum experience?  Isometric graphics, open world gameplay.  Theme could be anything as long as it satisfies that immersive, Fallout 2/Arcanum experience.  Definitely not interested in FPS, totally different vibe.


    EDIT: MAC compatible, please......  I dig out my old windows system periodically to play Fallout 2/Arcanum but I surely ain't gonna do that for a new game.

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