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  1. I have every general Ae release on CD, with the exception of Anvil Vapor, (I have Tri Repetae++, though I do also have Garbage). I have one of the three AE/H3O collabs. I have no Ae on vinyl, (I quit buying vinyl around 1990; been listening to Ae since 1994).
  2. I just popped the cd tray on my copy of Geogaddi and there's a post it note, (cut into the shape of a hexagon), that says "Milk, Oranges, Waffles, 12/12/12+12" So, new album Dec, 12, 2024. You heard it here first.
  3. But before that monumental album I have forecast above (to be released 2037), I predict the next BOC album will be a Best Of titled _Hexagon Sons_ . For all those new fans who might not have yet heard Everything You Do is a Balloon.
  4. 4 hour jazz/funk jam a la Spiro Gyra "You fans deserve something to really chew on" noodles In the follow documentary, Marcus will throw his brother under the bus "Mike wrote this".
  5. OK, I just listened to TH start to finish without interruption; first time I've done so in a long time,(no distraction, album not just background music). It IS a good album. Very good, even. 8/10. Cold Earth and Nothing Is Real can stack up with anything they've done. But I still feel the prior three are better albums overall. I was reminded on this listen of the same impression I had on my very first listen in 2013; I wish they had pushed the John Carpenter vibe a little more. It's most present in the opening and closing tracks; I just wish there was more of that vibe. So, TCH>MHTRTC>G>>TH
  6. I didn't intend to say the tracks of TH have no flow. But compared to the three prior albums, TH doesn't flow as well.
  7. For me it still remains: TCH>MHTRTC>G>>>>>TH From day one, I really appreciated the new ground and fresh vibe of Tomorrows Harvest; that John Carpenter soundtrack feel of many of the tracks was not like any of the prior three albums but still evoked that sense of alternate memory that BOC are so good at. And yet, TH sounds no where near as cohesive as their earlier work. It's as if they had combined 10 years of ideas into a box, shook it, then pulled out a random sample. No idea if we'll ever get the answer, but TH sounds like a compilation of tracks written over time rather than a body of work capturing a moment. It simply does not flow, does not mesh as their other albums do.
  8. Yes. Pitchfork are a bunch of prats who are resentful they never quite 'got' IDM, (regardless of whether anyone likes the term), yet they feel compelled to tell us every now and again what their learned minds think of the genre. >ignore<
  9. Once upon a time as I asked around for bands that sound like Panasonic. Someone recommended Bigod 20. I subsequently quit asking for sounds like suggestions. When you find something really good like AE, you're not going to find a 'sound-a-like' that measures up, even if remotely in the same ballpark. Real talent will sound like its own unique self.
  10. Dammit. You got me curious, so I took a look at twoism; first time I've visited that site in years. Now I feel like the short bus kid who ate his crayons and has a tummy ache but doesn't understand why. Here's my theory...........
  11. Pan Sonic _Kesto_, disc 1. All the energy of Punk, all the heaviness of Metal; not a guitar in sight. A little less deep end...., Trans Am _Futureworld_
  12. 37 pages and the answer remains.......... Nope, not today. Gotta love that BOC speculative optimism. Religions were born from less.
  13. The world is a better place because that video exists.
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