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Posts posted by bitchroast

  1. i sometimes use my Tascam 414 to bounce tracks to just for some extra flavour. sometimes it comes out shit but sometimes it comes out REALLY nice. i have not used the analog heat but i imagine it'd be a more reliable means of getting nice warm analog saturation in a more reliable predictable fashion. plus the options for envelope following and modulation will go a long way. it's probably fantastic imo. 

    please buy one and report back ?

  2. is it though. PC will have background processes at play right ? 

    not sure what my point is here.. my PC compared to PS4 very easily outperforms in terms of graphics + framerates. but the background processes and interruptions is still something i think about. the plug and play nature of PS4 is indisputable. 

  3. there's a sports stadium in city that in September 2018 was rebranded as Marvel Stadium. the stadium is visible on my walk to work.. and any given day there'll always be people stopping in the middle of the foot path to take selfies and family photos with Marvel Stadium in the background. an entertainment complex with >>Zero<< cultural significance in australia. i find it truly upsetting !!!

  4. yeah i half really love sekiro.. the art design and world and overall feel of the movement and combat is so good. but it’s also really long (if you suck at it) and kinda dry. the lack of online really sucks some of the fun and goofiness out of the souls games. still worth checking imo .. but i never finished it

  5. 8 minutes ago, dr lopez said:

    yeah it's obvious but still it can be shown in a short scene. doesn't need to be fancy or anything. that's how film making works. dellow felegates okeyday?

    tone in my post probably came out wrong. i'm agreeing it's a bad film that makes no god damn sense. 

    jar jar even looks stoned. 

  6. 19 minutes ago, dr lopez said:

    what sidious actually wants

    what palpatine wants (seriously there is never a scene where he privately lusts after power)

    stuff like this is assuming the viewer has seen the Original Trilogy.

    The viewer knows Palpatine becomes Emperor Palpatine and has power over the universe. Therefore, palpatine's motivations in the prequels are *obviously* for more power.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Joyrex said:

    I'll give it a go:

    Sheev Palpatine (yes, he actually has a name) manipulated the Trade Federation to create a blockade around his homeworld of Naboo to spark a conflict that would elevate him to senator.

    first sentence and i already feel you're cheating. i'm referring to the movie, The Phantom Menace. where did you source this info from ?

    his home world planet ????

  8. 41 minutes ago, dr lopez said:

    watched phantom menace on the plane yesterday. love it. extremely racist, even in the first 10 minutes. in the first act, the wise, measured white guy (qui-gon) publically insults a clumsy, skittish jive-talkin jamaican (jar jar), nervous and ill-prepared asians (nute gunray) and then a fat, bald, sleazy business man obsessed with money who has a huge nose (((watto)))

    shit is wild. times really have changed.

    it's wild to think there was a 3 year gap between Episode 1 and 2. Episode 1 being pre-2001 9/11.. Episode 2 opening with a terrorist attack bombing attempt on the queen. 

    i *still* don't understand the plot of the phantom menace or the prequels.. like, who are the nute gunray aliens and what is their motivation. why did they work with the sith and what did they benefit from that? what was the trade federation "trade"? all the politics in episode 1 honestly still goes WAY over my head ... which the rest of the prequels kind of rely on when Palpatine's rise to power is a big plot point of the 3 films ... ???? i just honestly don't understand any of what's going on when it's not lightsabers and qui gon jinn talking about jedis and gambling. 

  9. 16 hours ago, Joyrex said:

    Not a fan I take it?

    is anyone a fan of the new movies? take the originals out of the equation.. and looking at Force Awakens - The Last Jedi - Rogue One - Solo. they've been entertaining .. but also entirely forgettable right ? 

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