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Posts posted by bitchroast

  1. if they insist on making star wars movies. (and it seems that they are insisting on making star wars movies..), taking a bit of time between films seems at least like the right way to do it.. 

    all the new star wars films have felt a bit rushed and sloppy scripts imo...

    • Thanks 1
  2. nope. i wrote the text out on iphone safari watmm, but there was some text at the end of the text box i couldn't delete (the little text flashing icon just refused to go infront of the text) . so my solution was to copy my reply, refresh the page, then paste the reply back into the reply box. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Joyrex said:

    The thinking at the time was instead of just more of the same from Mario 1, give the hardcore players a challenge. I think the decision not to bring it out in the US was a wise one (and if they hadn't we wouldn't have gotten my favourite Mario game, Super Mario 2 USA aka the reskinned Doki Doki Panic)

    ya. i still rate japanese mario 2 pretty highly.. it’s like an official rom hack/ kaizo mario for SMB1. ... it may be hard but it’s not ghosts and goblins hard. 

    SMB1 controls are wonky and take getting used to, but once you do get used to them it’s pretty hard to fault them. every time i play SMB1 after a while it’s always “is this emulator busted??? why does everything feel so fucked up???”. but then you get used to it and they’re good again.

    i also think.. the World 9 in SMB2 (j) is based on the -minus world glitch from SMB1. which is kind of interesting. it’s like a weird tacked on official part of the game in SMB2.

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