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Posts posted by demo

  1. 2 hours ago, NewSchoolScience said:

     I think it's rather peculiar and a bit odd that people have expectations of them.  They don't owe anyone anything.

    Just relax.  If it happens, it happens.  If it doesn't the world isn't going to end.

    BoC themselves set expectations with all their breadcrumb tomfoolery from their social media like liking tweets asking for a new album and posting weird stuff like pioneer plaque and the I feel good video. If they hadn't done all that, then no, they wouldn't owe us anything. But they set expectations. Especially with their "Stay tuned for future updates" post and the babylulu message. Like c'mon, expectations have 100% been set by them, they owe it to us to eventually follow up.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  2. So unfortunately we did not get a Thundercat vs Squarepusher bass off, however I have now seen them both perform 24 hours apart and I would like to declare a winner.

    Squarepusher was every bit chaotic as you'd expect, the energy in the room was unreal. Dude even played a drum solo with his bass guitar. There was acid and lush synths, he played a ton of unreleased material and even played Come On My Selector as the encore.

    Thundercat was every bit as charismatic and you'd expect, there's so much soul watching him absolutely shred the bass, and the melodies he writes are so beautiful and catchy. He managed to play one of my favourite deep cuts Lone Wolf and Cub which made me cry a little.

    So.. with all that said.. both have their own unique set of skills, I think I personally enjoyed the Squarepusher show more as the energy in the room was truly electrifying. But Thundercat can shred like a motherfucker. Also Thundercat doesn't slap bass at all and Squarepusher slaps it like a manic motherfucker, literally.

    I'm gonna be an anti climactic bitch and say  if we saw them bass off it would be a stalemate, as Thundercat would out shred Squarepusher and Squarepusher would out "experiment" Thundercat. So they're both winners in my eyes, and I'm glad I got to see them both!

    • Like 2
  3. Hey y'all, I'm back to announce that I will be seeing BOTH Squarepusher and Thundercat perform at the Sydney Opera House this July. 

    Unfortunately they are playing on separate nights, Square on the 3rd and Thunder on the 4th, so I don't think there will be any chance for me to coax these guys into a room together to see my dream come true.
    Alas, this is the closest I'm ever going to get to see my Squarepusher vs Thundercat bass off.. and for that, I am very grateful.
    I promise to come back to this thread after the events have concluded to decide a winner, Squarepusher will indeed be using his bass guitar as he has been in all his recent shows.

    A winner will be decided.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Taupe Beats said:

    It doesn't matter

    You're right, it doesn't. It's just a suggestion for those who might potentially enjoy using it.

    34 minutes ago, demo said:

    some people have accepted it, others question it, and then there are some people who outright despise the term, all of which are valid reactions to the term "Intelligent Dance Music".

    It might seem like I have come across as someone who cares a little to much about something so small, but I thought I'd get my thoughts out there in detail. At the end of the day, I really don't care what term anyone uses, or if they even use a term at all.

  5. elm.png.e5997e6ade513700d38d390127281fe3.png

    Warp recently repressed the completion Artificial Intelligence Vol. 1, in their marketing they decided not to use the term IDM, but instead, electronic listening music

    Yeah, I know... There have been many attempts to change the term "IDM" to something else, I'm far from the first. People have come up with lots of unique alternatives such as Internal Dance Music and Brain Dance, the latter being one that has been the most successful alternative. The term IDM has always been troublesome with a large amount of people, some people have accepted it, others question it, and then there are some people who outright despise the term, all of which are valid reactions to the term "Intelligent Dance Music".

    Today, Warp themselves have subconsciously suggested a term they once used all those years ago by bringing it up once again, Electronic Listening Music. With the vinyl repress of the compilation that coined the term IDM 30 years ago. That's a long time for this term to have been in circulation, and I have a feeling it will remain there. However, I've made a conscious effort to start using the term ELM instead, and wanted to suggest this term to a few IDM communities.

    I love the term "Electronic Listening Music", since it's electronic music for active listening, it seems to me that one of the only kinds of electronic music a large majority of the world pays attention to is Electronic Dance Music, or EDM. Having another genre called Electronic Listening Music, or ELM, makes a lot of sense. In the mind of someone who hears the term "Electronic Listening Music", they might imagine an album experience like Dark Side of the Moon, but made from Electronic Music, oh hey, would you look at that, on the floor? That one over there on the cover of Artificial Intelligence Vol. 1.

    I imagine people would associate ELM with other types of listening music, not just IDM, but I think that's okay. That's the same issue I see with "Experimental Electronic", another term I've seen a lot of people use. But I think ELM is slightly more subgenre-able than Experimental Electronic. I mean hey, Kraftwerk aren't IDM, but I'd absolutely consider them to be ELM. I think it's fine to have a name like Kraftwerk under the same genre tag as Aphex Twin, in my mind they really work under the same umbrella.

    I'm going to go with ELM from now on, Warp themselves said it about the exact same release they once used to coin the term IDM. The idea of getting the term ELM from the same compilation and label feels oddly fitting. I might be in my own little world here, but I'm going to make a conscious effort to say ELM instead of IDM. The fact that this compilation is what birthed the term IDM makes it the perfect excuse to change it, It's time for a hard reset.

    This is just a suggestion, but I would love to see if anyone out there is willing to get on board. Posted this all over Reddit but thought I should come by and share here.
    This is the mighty WATMM, I can't ignore you guys.

  6. I want their next project to make people mad, I want them to freak people out with their decisions, do something shocking.

    Maybe Sean can finally make his hip hop album, or they do a full Breakcore album.

    Idk, I didn't find SIGN or PLUS shocking enough, the only track that blew me away was r cazt but even as beautiful as that track is, it didn't make me feel like that's the next step for autechre.

    I want them to shock me, do something sonically very different.

  7. 45 minutes ago, Drinks said:

    implies new tracks, right?

    My guess

    Disc 1 - Feed Me Weird Things
    Disc 2 - Previously unreleased material to expand the album
    Disc 3 - Remixes

  8. On 4/3/2021 at 2:31 AM, FJKMTL said:

    So sad he didn't like drums anymore, hope in this new album is more like his Permutation era

    Sent from my I3223 using Tapatalk

    Listen to the single, it's more like ISAM era if anything


    On 4/3/2021 at 2:05 AM, Extralife said:

    September? Way to build five months of hype, Amon.

    He has another album coming out in June under another alias called Stone Giants, interested to see what that's going to be like

    Before anyone says "how many side projects does this guy have?", it's zero.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Draft78 said:

    Demo, if I may say, generally nothing here is directed ad personam or intended to be hostile (i mean, after all it is a forum that deals with a rather neutral thing, like music), more than anything else you will find non-formal communication , and when it is harsh, it is to be understood below in the harmless spectrum of irony, including "he gets worked up about new members". If we lower our defenses and welcome this way, everything is framed in a light way and without reason for resentment. This my own intervention will get me ridiculed, but that's okay  :nelson:

    That... is fair enough.... 

    I wasn't meant to reply to that last comment anyway, I was probs just having a bad morning, pre coffee

    • Like 1
  10. 11 hours ago, Amen Lare said:

    So the stories are true... Well, at least some decent people are around here, not only shitposters.


    That shitposter, hello spiral, he got it a wee bit harsh aesthetically reacting to a picture you have no hand in, good that you, decent demo, saved the day by attacking the whole forum.

    A wee bit harsh yeah, that's why I said "bit harsh",  I cant say my responce was an attack... but thanks for letting me know I saved the day, I guess that's why they call me decent demo.
    For real though I'm not taking it personally, I just like both album covers, if I don't like an album cover I'll probably give a more detailed responce than just "ewww".

    Saying "so the stories are true" wasn't in responce to that anyway, it was in responce to "he gets worked up about new members", I mean, that's the kind of stupid shit I've heard goes down on here.

  11. 2 hours ago, Dragon said:

    he gets worked up about new members...

    Haha, nice.


    I might be fairly new here but I've heard all about WATMM, so I guess the stories are true...


    Good to know there are some decent people here who like to discuss and theorise particular things though rather than just be a shitposter.

    • Like 1
  12. I just wanted to point out how similar the design is to Amon Tobin's Permutations, which was released a year prior to Confield's recording.


    Any chance they might have taken inspiration?

  13. Bit late but these are my personal favourite albums of the year

    1. Figueroa (aka. Amon Tobin) - The World As We Know It
    2. Wagon Christ - Recepticon
    3. Autechre - Onesix
    4. Squarepusher - Be Up a Hello
    5. Autechre - SIGN & PLUS
    6. Daniel Avery - Love + Light
    7. Oneohtrix Point Never - Magic
    8. John Frusciante - Maya

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