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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by tec

  1. "We tried to open a portal to Hell, right here in the staff canteen".


    I had hoped for more surrealism at the conclusion but I still enjoyed it. Lustmord is my favourite dark ambient artist and hearing his sounds over a few minutes of hooded weirdos and shifting galaxies was time well spent. It's worth noting that I am more forgiving of horror films than I am of close friends and relatives.

  2. Free Fire


    A tedious exercise straight out of the late 90s run of Tarantino knock offs. Was bored shitless by this and if there is an allegory here for gun control like all the nerds are saying I didn't see it.

    Uh oh, I was hoping that High-rise would be just a bit of a wobble for Wheatley.


    i think of herbert like asimov, attempting to change his work to fit the fashion of the time as classic sf slowly became obsolete during the sixties. dune has a lot of great ideas in it, really strong imagery and world building, but it's a product of a fifties imagination

     and I couldn't put my finger on why I couldn't get past page 12 



    The main character of s sci-fi epic being called Paul always done it for me. 

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