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Posts posted by patternoverlap

  1. My amateur 2 cents: it seems to also be about exploring the detritus of one's youth/childhood. I can't speak for everyone here but I spent a lot of time in environments where this kind of music and aesthetic were prevalent. I think it's natural to explore that and maybe examine if or what it's effects were on your development and current emotional state. There is the obvious nostalgia for the movies, television, comics, music, etc of the time but this is almost like exploring what was in between all of those obvious markers to see if anything is there (or not).

  2. Birdman - 6/10. The 60% that I liked was really good but the other 40% was pretty cringy indulgent garbage. Norton and Stone had good on-screen chemistry, Keaton was good in the more straight scenes. I thought all the flying and Birdman talking to him stuff was horribly ham-fisted. Very technically well done with the long takes and I really enjoyed the soundtrack and various sound design stuff (how the drums followed him around) despite my preconceptions from reading about it.

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RmnuHTJI9U


    watched this last night. tippi hedren, her daughter melanie griffith, noel marshall (tippi's then husband) and his two sons decided to make a movie with more than 100 wild animals (mostly lions, leopards, jaguars, tigers and panthers) chasing around a house. all the animals were untrained. 70 people were injured. melanie griffith's face was almost ripped off. the cinematographer had his skull lifted by a lion. the assistant director's neck with bitten open. at one point, noel marshall jumps between two fighting lions and gets attacked- then he runs off into a building full of lionesses. that resulted in blood poisoning. later his leg gets bitten. this all happens in the first 15 minutes. it took 4 years to shot and almost bankrupt the family. in the end, tippi and her husband divorced and melanie griffith became a wreck.


    this isn't so much a film as it is an endurance test.


    Jesus H. Christ wat :wtf:

  4. The Knick is Cinemax/HBO.


    Several of Showtime's series seem like they have a sizable budget though (Homeland, Shameless, The Tudors, The Borgias, House of LIes, Penny Dreadful).

  5. Yeah sounds like underfunding to me.


    The president of Showtime David Nevins has emailed statements to the effect that he is trying to do what is needed to make it happen with Lynch and everyone on board.


    Dear Facebook Friends, Showtime did not pull the plug on Twin Peaks. After 1 year and 4 months of negotiations, I left because not enough money was offered to do the script the way I felt it needed to be done. This weekend I started to call actors to let them know I would not be directing. Twin Peaks may still be very much alive at Showtime. I love the world of Twin Peaks and wish things could have worked out differently.


    From a DL FB post


    Just found this on a Google image search lol




    (top left)

    I thought this was Spotify... So they basically stole the design as well?


    Edit:Holy lol, Tidal at the top, Spotify at the bottom.




    Surely there will be some lawsuits over this.

  8. Beautiful drawing patternoverlap, I love that attention to pencil strokes.


    Here's another new one. It's probably also the first serious painting that actually involves me, all previous attempts were just silly. It's titled "What do my gestures want?".



    Really nice. Love the tension of how close the gestures get to your face.


    Thanks for the kind words and for sharing yo r creations as well! :beer:

  9. without any doubt this !


    fucking masterpiece ! i remember buying a triple copy of this back in time, one is definitely used already


    i admit i haven't heard all his catalog, one day i might do it and be blown away


    Seconded. Dude has some unreal jungle and DnB tunes. I hope he returns to that someday.

  10. Land of the Minotaur - Got this in some "Drive-In Classics" type DVD collection. You'd think a movie with Peter Cushing and Donald Pleasance with a score by Brian Eno would be amazing but it was very poorly directed. Score was great though.

  11. Inherent Vice - 9/10. Enjoyed this thoroughly. Lots of subtlety to the performances as well as lots of overt laughs at various scenes and situations. I felt it did a nice job of undulating between the surface level interactions and dipping it's feet in the larger and more in-depth issues and sort of paranoid mindset one can have delving into these things. A very labyrinthine plot that doesn't spoon feed you too much. Cheeky (literally in some instances) but also heartfelt and cerebral. Anderson seemed to get good performances out of nearly everyone (the exception being Owen Wilson who kinda lapsed into a Wes Andersonesque character in places imo).


    The one thing I keep pondering:



    I know that Johanna Newsom's character wasn't really there, more served as a personification of his intuition, but was his girlfriend really there? I know she's mentioned by nearly everyone in the movie, but you never really see her interact with anyone other than Doc, and only in his house/neighborhood. Just spit-balling. Need to watch it again.


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