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Posts posted by patternoverlap

  1. Yeah if they had marketed it as a high quality service that actually helped artists that need it, it might have had a chance to get a nice wedge in the market.


    Instead we got very popular artists who clearly don't need any help, standing on a stage, fake signing a contract, and congratulating each other.


    A bit of self-awareness could have gone a long way.

  2. Michael Mann double feature of Thief and Heat


    Both flix were stylish as fuck, but Pacino is awful in Heat, which felt way more dated despite being the more recent film.


    Watched To Live and Die In LA recently. I think Mann functions best in the 80s setting. Movie was a mess but had tons of that Mann swagger and style. William Peterson mugging constantly wearing tight jeans and young Willem Defoe counterfeiting money. His later stuff just doesn't feel the same. Hard to pull off mullets with a straight face in the 00s.









  3. patternoverlap - Have you ever tried conte crayon? Your style suits the medium. For me conte crayon used to be the shit, man- it's hard to believe that someone can love a medium so much... Colored pencil also suits your style- that being, drawing on lightly toned paper, using the blue for underlying stuffs, working out mids in something like burnt umber, then working out darks in 9B, highlights in white.


    I've done stuff like this before. It's fun. Most of the time it's larger stuff so hard to get good pics/scans. I'll try to dig up my pastels/conte crayons and do some smaller ones.

  4. Good description of Florida peace. Having loved here off and on for 25ish years I'd say that's pretty accurate. My wife and I recently vacationed in Sarasota and it's pretty much like that. We stayed on Lido Beach and it was like some kind of vaporwave paradise. Very surreal.

  5. Bloody Birthday (1981) - A fairly straightforward mashup of Village of the Damned and Halloween. Clearly made to cash in on the success of Halloween with lots of setting and plot similarities but with more TnA. Would have benefited from a more minimal soundtrack. The kids were sufficiently creepy sociopaths.

  6. your artwork looks good on my phone always pattern. Stepping up with this one. I'd love to see your paintings or whatever you do that you don't show us, or is this more of an hobby now, sketchenating when you fit it in.

    I'll post some of my more finished stuff at some point.


    Thanks for the kind words guys.

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